Darlington Limestone

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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1144/SP376.2
EISBN: 9781862396449
... of the Darlington Limestone; and siltstone and conglomerate of the Upper Erratic Zone. Interstratification of the coarse-clastic strata, siltstones and limestones within these units were previously attributed to glacial/non-glacial cycles. However, the interfingering of beds within each of these units...
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A)  Outcrop at the Fossil Cliffs on Maria Island showing Bundella siltstone...
Published: 01 July 2007
Figure 8 A) Outcrop at the Fossil Cliffs on Maria Island showing Bundella siltstone (1, 2, 3) and Darlington Limestone (4, 5). Layer 1 is rich in large dropstone boulders crushing underlying layers and bryozoans. Interbedded fossiliferous siltstone and argillaceous limestone (2) are cut
Temporal distribution of carbonate-dominated stratigraphic units in the Per...
Published: 01 September 2012
FIGURE 7— Temporal distribution of carbonate-dominated stratigraphic units in the Permian of eastern Australia (modified from James et al., 2009 ). With the exception of the Darlington Limestone and part of the Curra/Gigoomgam Limestones, carbonate-rich units are restricted to the Artinskian
A)  Geographic distribution of Sakmarian Bundella Formation facies (modifie...
Published: 01 July 2007
and Darlington Limestone during the Sakmarian (this study).
Figure 3. Field photographs of selected non-bryozoan biota in the Tasmania ...
Published: 01 November 2010
Figure 3. Field photographs of selected non-bryozoan biota in the Tasmania Basin. A) Clast-supported Eurydesma coquina, Bundella Formation (Darlington Limestone), Maria Island. Hammer  =  33 cm long. B) Well-preserved productid brachiopods, Malbina Formation (Malbina E), Hobart. Note
Figure 4. Field photographs of bryozoan morphologies in the Tasmania Basin....
Published: 01 November 2010
, Maria Island. E) Plan view of intact, sediment-encrusting trepostome mold in Deep Bay Formation, Cygnet. Note the central area (c) and successive growth rings (arrows). Scale in centimeters. F) Thin hard-substrate-encrusting form on Eurydesma shell, Bundella Formation (Darlington Limestone) Maria
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2007
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2007) 77 (7): 587–606.
...Figure 8 A) Outcrop at the Fossil Cliffs on Maria Island showing Bundella siltstone (1, 2, 3) and Darlington Limestone (4, 5). Layer 1 is rich in large dropstone boulders crushing underlying layers and bryozoans. Interbedded fossiliferous siltstone and argillaceous limestone (2) are cut...
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Most significant previous localities, ages, and formations of Permian crino...
Published: 09 May 2018
Artinskian–Tatarian Wandagee Formation; Cundlego Formation; Quinnanie Shale:Billidee Formation Sieverts-Doreck, 1942 Tasmania, Australia Sakmarian–Artinskian Darlington Limestone Webster and Sevastopulo, 2007 ; Webster et al., 2009b Northeastern Oman Sakmarian Al Jil Formation; Saiwan
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2009
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2009) 42 (1): 31–38.
... the foundered marl of the Roxby Formation and the directly underlying Seaham Formation limestone would provide a good reflecting interface for seismic imaging. Table 1 Geological succession to the south of Darlington Stratigraphic unit General description Thickness Quaternary deposits...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1945
Geological Magazine (1945) 82 (6): 245–250.
...A. Fowler Abstract The Permian Magnesian limestone of England forms a comparatively narrow outcrop for 150 miles from South Shields to Nottingham. The Magnesian limestone boundary was assumed to be of normal unfaulted character, but a new major fault of considerable extent, the Darlington fault...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2010
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2010) 43 (2): 221–232.
... are the only example of sudden collapse sinkholes in the vicinity of Darlington ( Cooper 1995 ; Thompson et al . 1996 ). The southern pond is artesian, thought to be fed from the Seaham Formation limestone aquifer ( Lamont-Black et al . 2005 ), and an eyewitness account survives of the formation of one...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 November 2008
PALAIOS (2008) 23 (11): 738–750.
... on community change during early–middle Permian postglacial climate warming. Sakmarian assemblages from the Bundella Formation (including the Darlington Limestone Member) are numerically dominated by the spiriferide brachiopod Trigonotreta stokesi , species of the bivalve Eurydesma...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 November 2010
PALAIOS (2010) 25 (11): 692–702.
...Figure 3. Field photographs of selected non-bryozoan biota in the Tasmania Basin. A) Clast-supported Eurydesma coquina, Bundella Formation (Darlington Limestone), Maria Island. Hammer  =  33 cm long. B) Well-preserved productid brachiopods, Malbina Formation (Malbina E), Hobart. Note...
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Journal Article
Published: 08 April 2019
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2019) 52 (4): 519–528.
... limestone fractures, under changing confining pressure ranging between 1.0 and 14 MPa. Based on the experimental observations, three types of relationship between pressure gradient and flow rate can be determined (linear, nonlinear induced by inertial effect and nonlinear induced by fracture dilation...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1946
AAPG Bulletin (1946) 30 (9): 1585–1587.
...-pitted. The upper few inches of limestone or dolomite of the Quimbys Mill shows involutions containing Spechts Ferry sediments; where the Spechts Ferry is absent (for it thins toward the east, pinching out in the vicinity of Darlington, Wisconsin, T. 2 N., R. 3. E.), the involutions contain basal...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 May 2019
Economic Geology (2019) 114 (3): 427–440.
... carbonate rocks, surrounding a core of shocked and partially melted Proterozoic rocks, called the Lawn Hill impact structure ( Shoemaker and Shoemaker, 1996 ; Salisbury et al., 2008 ; Darlington et al., 2016 ; Fig. 1 ). The deposit shows significant reorganization and truncation across major faults...
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Journal Article
Published: 19 March 2018
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2018) 51 (2): 193–201.
... strength values of a Miocene limestone from the Central–Southern Apennines, Italy, calculated with four different standard procedures and evaluating the effects of loading rate, environmental conditions, specimen size and shape on the measured values. An additional finding of this study is a specific...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2008
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2008) 41 (3): 339–356.
.... The British Geological Survey (BGS) is creating a National Karst Database (NKD) that records such features across the country. The database currently covers much of the region underlain by Carboniferous Limestone, the Chalk, and particularly the Permo-Triassic gypsum and halite where rapid, active dissolution...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1998
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (1998) 31 (4): 315–324.
.... Caneva, G., Nugari, M. P. & Salvadori, O. 1991 . Biology in the Conservation of Works of Art. ICCROM: Rome. Danin, A. & Caneva, G. 1990 . Deterioration of limestone walls in Jerusalem and marble monuments in Rome caused by Cyanophyta...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2023
Earth Sciences History (2023) 42 (2): 255–290.
... for Magnesian Limestone. The absence of zig-zag lines between Darlington and Stockton, indicates that Smith’s detailed fieldwork was confined to the Tees estuary, and the short section of coast as far as Hartlepool. The zig-zag pattern indicates that the area was surveyed sufficiently well to have fixed...
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