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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 09 October 2023
PALAIOS (2023) 38 (9): 371–393.
...E.B. OLIVERO; M.I. LÓPEZ CABRERA Abstract Miocene thin-bedded turbidites from Tierra del Fuego record scarce graphoglyptids and two unusual ichnoguilds composed of diminutive elite trace fossils. The first, a monoichnospecific Cylindrichnus ichnoguild, consists of crowded, post-depositional burrows...
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Dense concentrations of burrows of the monospecific  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  ichnogu...
Published: 09 October 2023
Fig. 13. Dense concentrations of burrows of the monospecific Cylindrichnus ichnoguild in tbt3 turbidites. A ) Internal levee, locality 87–180, note the broad bow-shape and burrows basal repetition. B ) external levee at Cape Santa Inés, upper bedding plane view. C – F ) Internal levee
Location of  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  burrows in relationship to Bouma divisions.  A ...
Published: 09 October 2023
Fig. 14. Location of Cylindrichnus burrows in relationship to Bouma divisions. A , B ) general view of two thin-bedded turbidites, internal levee, locality 865. White squares in A and B indicate the position of the corresponding enlargements. Note crowded burrows in the lower part
Trace fossils of the Red Crag Formation. ( a )  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  isp .  Bucka...
Published: 14 August 2019
Fig. 3. Trace fossils of the Red Crag Formation. ( a ) Cylindrichnus isp . Buckanay Farm. Visible ruler is 20 cm. ( b ) Diopatrichnus isp. Capel Green. Scale bar is 10 cm. ( c ) Macaronichnus segregatis Buckanay Farm. Visible ruler is 20 cm. ( d ) Detail of M. segregatis . Boyton Marshes
a .  Zoophycos  isp.,  b .  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span> concentricus ,  c .  Chondrites t...
Published: 01 February 2018
Plate III, a . Zoophycos isp., b . Cylindrichnus concentricus , c . Chondrites targionii , d . Trypinites weisei , e . Gyrochorte comosa , f . Skolithos linearis , g . Ophiomorpha rudis
A.  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  (white arrows) and  Planolites  (blue arrows) from 12-28...
Published: 01 June 2016
Figure 5 A. Cylindrichnus (white arrows) and Planolites (blue arrows) from 12-28-097-10W4M. B. Rosselia (white arrow) from 09-30-097-10W4M. C. Gyrolithes (white arrow) from 12-28-097-10W4M. D. Robust Gyrolithes assemblage from 13-35-097-11W4M. Note how most the burrows are inclined
(A) Lower bedding plane with  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  (Cy) and  Curvolithus  (Cu). (...
Published: 01 June 2015
Figure 6. (A) Lower bedding plane with Cylindrichnus (Cy) and Curvolithus (Cu). (B) Upper bedding plane densely bioturbated by Curvolithus .
(A) Upper bedding plane with  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  (Cy) and  Helminthoidichnites ...
Published: 01 June 2015
Figure 7. (A) Upper bedding plane with Cylindrichnus (Cy) and Helminthoidichnites (He). (B) Helminthoidichnites with dark fill (upper bedding-plane view).
Figure 6. (A)  Asterosoma  (black arrows)— <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span>  suite (white arro...
Published: 01 November 2007
Figure 6. (A) Asterosoma (black arrows)— Cylindrichnus suite (white arrows). Lined square indicates the location of (B). Knife is shown for scale. Madre de Dios/Ipururo Formation. (B) A close-up view of previous ichnofabric. (C) Laminites -bearing IHS. Bioturbation descends from the fine
FIGURE 3 —Portions of two loose burrow segments in  <span class="search-highlight">Cylindrichnus</span> -mode (pr...
Published: 01 December 2002
FIGURE 3 —Portions of two loose burrow segments in Cylindrichnus -mode (preserved as concretions) and probably from the base of the bow with essentially vertical infill and muddy core (slightly weathered out). Scale bar is 1 cm long. Aptian, Lower Greensand, Baulking Quarry (National Grid
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 2016
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2016) 64 (2): 233–250.
... described in this paper include: 1) thalweg-associated cross-stratified sand; 2) bar-related Inclined Heterolithic Stratification; and 3) bar-top / tidal-flat deposits. Thalweg-associated cross-stratified sands contain mud-lined Skolithos and Cylindrichnus , with rare Planolites , Palaeophycus...
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Series: SEPM Short Course Notes
Published: 01 January 2007
DOI: 10.2110/pec.07.52.0273
EISBN: 9781565761407
...), Cylindrichnus (Cy), Thalassinoides (Th) and fugichnia (fu), with very rare Phycosiphon (Ph). Well 02-03-55-16W5; Cyn-Pem Field. F) Heterolithic interval with thick, amalgamated oscillation rippled sandstones with Skolithos (Sk), and fugichnia (fu). Some load structures (ls) are present. Unit displays...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 June 2015
Geosphere (2015) 11 (3): 744–776.
...Figure 6. (A) Lower bedding plane with Cylindrichnus (Cy) and Curvolithus (Cu). (B) Upper bedding plane densely bioturbated by Curvolithus . ...
FIGURES | View All (28)
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2004
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2004) 52 (1): 77–104.
...-stratified, and moderately bioturbated with Diplocraterion , Skolithos , Palaeophycus , Conichnus and Ophiomorpha . Interbedded sandstones and mudstones contain Teichichnus , Planolites , Terebellina , Arenicolites , Bergaueria , Rosselia , Asterosoma , Cylindrichnus , Thalassinoides , and fugichnia...
FIGURES | View All (19)
FIGURE 4 —Diagram illustrating modes of bow-form burrow infill in a success...
Published: 01 December 2002
the level of the constricted apertural neck. Of other trace fossils, only Scolicia is shown. (A) Steady aggradation leads to a succession of cross-cutting and nested bows with Cylindrichnus -mode infills. At the top, a shallow-tier burrow (e.g., Scolicia [ Bichordites ]) is shown, but any formed
Patterns of association revealed by link weight. (A) Ichnoassociation C 3 ,...
Published: 01 June 2015
Figure 26. Patterns of association revealed by link weight. (A) Ichnoassociation C 3 , filtered by average link weight. Note the strong association relationships involving Cylindrichnus - Helminthoidichnites and Curvolithus - Zoophycos - Helminthoidichnites . Cy— Cylindrichnus , Cu
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1996
Journal of the Geological Society (1996) 153 (2): 255–263.
...R. GOLDRING Abstract Concentrically laminated burrows are common at outcrop and in core in Mesozoic and younger shallow marine siliciclastic sedimentary rocks. They are generally referred to Cylindrichnus concentricus Howard. an imperfectly understood ichnotaxon here considered to be a nomen dubium...
Facies characteristics of IHS and flat-lying bioturbated heterolithic facie...
Published: 01 June 2016
Figure 2 Facies characteristics of IHS and flat-lying bioturbated heterolithic facies. A) Sandy IHS in cross-stratified sand, showing transition from BI 0 to BI 4. Bioturbation consists of a monospecific association of mud-lined Cylindrichnus ( Cy ). McMurray type section. B) Sandy IHS showing
A)  Thoroughly Burrowed Silty/Sandy Mudstone (Facies 1). Suite includes  Sk...
Published: 01 June 2012
Figure 4 A) Thoroughly Burrowed Silty/Sandy Mudstone (Facies 1). Suite includes Skolithos (Sk), Planolites (P), Palaeophycus (Pa), Cylindrichnus (Cy), Teichichnus (T), Chondrites (Ch), Asterosoma (As), Phycosiphon (Ph), Helminthopsis (H), and fugichnia (fu). Well 13-01-052
Examples of bioturbated McMurray IHS from various core. A) Cored succession...
Published: 01 June 2016
Cylindrichnus (Cy) and Planolites (Pl) with rare Thalassinoides (Th). The upper part contains Cylindrichnus (Cy), Planolites (Pl) and Arenicolites (Ar). B) Mud-dominated IHS with mud-lined Gyrolithes (Gy). 03-30-95-07W4M. C) Thickly-lined Cylindrichnus (Cy) in sand lithesome of sand-mud IHS. 03