Curvitriordo stecki

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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2010
Journal of Paleontology (2010) 84 (5): 783–794.
... and Shideler, Carneyella pilea (Hall), and Curvitriordo stecki n. sp. Specimens of S. vorticellatus and C. pilea add little to the known morphologies of these species. However, prior to this study C. ulrichi was known from the unique holotype, and Curvitriordo stecki n. sp. adds greatly to out understanding...
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Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 August 2011
PALAIOS (2011) 26 (8): 470–483.
.... This paleoecologic study examines a carbonate hardground surface encrusted with four species of isorophid edrioasteroids: Curvitriordo stecki , Carneyella ulrichi , Carneyella pilea , and Streptaster vorticellatus . Analysis of edrioasteroid diameters, a proxy for age, shows a bimodal distribution for Curvitriordo...
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Figure 6.  Photographs of  <span class="search-highlight">Curvitriordo</span> <span class="search-highlight">stecki</span>  n. sp. All specimens whiten...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 6. Photographs of Curvitriordo stecki n. sp. All specimens whitened, ×2.5 unless otherwise noted. 1 , extremely large and somewhat disrupted paratype CMCIP 53371-MV107-1 (Note the trace fossil passing through the oral surface); 2 , paratype CMCIP 53371-MV149-14; 3 , paratype CMCIP
FIGURE 9. Orientation of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. Prefer...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 9. Orientation of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. Preferential orientation would be expected in order to prevent fouling of the mouth and ambulacra, but all show no preferred orientation. A) All edrioasteroids. B) Carneyella ulrichi . C) Curvitriordo stecki .
FIGURE 8. Histograms showing the frequency distribution of edrioasteroids o...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 8. Histograms showing the frequency distribution of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. A) Carneyella ulrichi , a left-skewed population. B) Curvitriordo stecki, bimodal distribution. C) Streptaster vorticellatus , lack of juvenile individuals. D) Carneyella pilea showing two
FIGURE 2. Map showing location of the four edrioasteroid species on the har...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 2. Map showing location of the four edrioasteroid species on the hardground surface. Specimen density for the observed portion of the hardground is as follows: A) Carneyella ulrichi , 12.1 specimens/m 2 ; B) Carneyella pilea , 0.2 specimens/m 2 ; C) Curvitriordo stecki , 11.7 specimens/m
FIGURE 5. Ambulacra width suggests size of food particles consumed; organis...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 5. Ambulacra width suggests size of food particles consumed; organisms (left), ambulacra (right). A) Streptaster vorticellatus with wide ambulacral cover plates. B) Carneyella ulrichi and C) Carneyella pilea with large ambulacral cover plates. D) Curvitriordo stecki with small
FIGURE 10. Ripley's K analysis, L(d)-d, of edrioasteroids on the Maysville ...
Published: 01 August 2011
FIGURE 10. Ripley's K analysis, L(d)-d, of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. All are above the 95% confidence level of complete spatial randomness (CSR), indicating clustering (but see C). A) All edrioasteroids. B) Curvitriordo stecki . C) Carneyella ulrichi is above the 95% confidence
Figure 2.  Histograms showing the size frequency distribution of edrioaster...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 2. Histograms showing the size frequency distribution of edrioasteroids on the Maysville hardground. 1 , Curvitriordo stecki n. sp. showing a bimodal distribution (Note the absence of specimens with diameters between 21 and 25 mm); 2 , Carneyella ulrichi Bassler and Shideler showing
Figure 1.  Map showing the distribution of edrioasteroids on the surface of...
Published: 01 September 2010
specimens/m 2 ; Streptaster vorticellatus , 0.9 specimens/m 2 ; Curvitriordo stecki 11.7, specimens/m 2 ; total density 25.0 specimens/m 2 . Inset shows map of the locality where the edrioasteroid specimens were collected.
FIGURE 7. Edrioasteroids showing various taphonomic grades from the Maysvil...
Published: 01 August 2011
 =  Curvitriordo stecki; B, F  =  Carneyella ulrichi.
Figure 7.  Camera lucida drawing of the proximal cover plates and oral area...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 7. Camera lucida drawing of the proximal cover plates and oral area of Curvitriordo stecki n. sp. holotype CMCIP 53371-MV125-4. 1 , cover plates of the proximal E ambulacrum, ×25 (Note that the cover plates are arranged into primary, secondary and tertiary series. Incompleteness
Journal Article
Journal: PALAIOS
Published: 01 April 2014
PALAIOS (2014) 29 (4): 154–169.
... edrioasteroids per m 2 . There, Curvitriordo stecki (closely related to I. cincinnatiensis ) and Carneyella ulrichi (a close relative of C. pilea ) dominated, comprising 47% and 48.6% percent of edrioasteroids, respectively; whereas S. vorticellatus and C. pilea make up 3.5% and 0.9% percent...
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