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Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1982
Journal of the Geological Society (1982) 139 (3): 249–254.
...A. G. Plint Abstract Sedimentary evidence in the Eocene (Cuisian-Lutetian) of the Hampshire Basin indicates important intra-Eocene movement on the Isle of Wight and Purbeck Monoclines, and on the Ridgeway Fault. Evidence for syn-depositional movement includes Jurassic and Cretaceous chert and flint...
Series: AAPG Studies in Geology
Published: 01 January 1978
DOI: 10.1306/St6398C17
EISBN: 9781629812007
...- Paleocene (63 to 65 m.y.), Paleocene-Eocene (53 to 55 m.y.), Cuisian-Lutetian (47 to 49 m.y.), Lutetian-Bartonian (42 to 44 m.y.), Eocene-OIigocene (34 to 36 m.y.), Oligocene-Miocene (22 to 24 m.y.) is presented. The middle-late Eocene boundary may be placed either between the Lutetian and the Bartonian (42...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1968
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1968) S7-X (2): 186–195.
...Michele Massieux Abstract Cuisian-Lutetian (Eocene) rather than pre-Cuisian (Paleocene), France GeoRef, Copyright 2013, American Geosciences Institute. 1968 Aude France Cenozoic Corbieres Cuisian-Lutetian Eocene Europe France Ilerdian north Paleogene stratigraphy Tertiary...
Figure 1. Provence section. A: Simplified scheme of sampled section spannin...
Published: 01 March 2000
.—Maastrichtian, D.—Danian, CUIS.-LUT.—Cuisian-Lutetian). Numbers refer to index taxa present in section (triangle pointing upward—first appearance, triangle pointing downward—last appearance; 1—dinosaur eggs, 2— Physa montensis , 3— Physa prisca , 4— Physa columnaris , 5— Limnea aquensis ) and to Palette mammal
Data matrix of taxa (columns) and areas (rows) of larger miliolids from Pal...
Published: 01 July 2009
l’Eocène moyen et l’Eocène moyen à l’Eocène supérieur. A pp . 1a. The Paleocene to the early Eocene (Thanetian to Ilerdian; SBZ 3 –SBZ 9) A pp . 1a. Paléocène à l’Eocène inférieur (Thanétien – Ilerdian; SBZ 3 – SBZ 9) A pp . 1b. The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian; SBZ 10
Data matrix of taxa (columns) and areas (rows) of larger miliolids from Pal...
Published: 01 July 2009
l’Eocène moyen et l’Eocène moyen à l’Eocène supérieur. A pp . 1a. The Paleocene to the early Eocene (Thanetian to Ilerdian; SBZ 3 –SBZ 9) A pp . 1a. Paléocène à l’Eocène inférieur (Thanétien – Ilerdian; SBZ 3 – SBZ 9) A pp . 1b. The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian; SBZ 10
Data matrix of taxa (columns) and areas (rows) of larger miliolids from Pal...
Published: 01 July 2009
l’Eocène moyen et l’Eocène moyen à l’Eocène supérieur. A pp . 1a. The Paleocene to the early Eocene (Thanetian to Ilerdian; SBZ 3 –SBZ 9) A pp . 1a. Paléocène à l’Eocène inférieur (Thanétien – Ilerdian; SBZ 3 – SBZ 9) A pp . 1b. The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian; SBZ 10
List of geographic areas and the larger miliolids species used in paleobiog...
Published: 01 July 2009
inférieur (Thanétien - Ilerdian). T able Ib. – The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian, SBZ 10 – SBZ 16) T able Ib. – Eocène inférieur à Eocène moyen (Cuisien – Lutétien) T able Ic. – The middle to the late Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian, SBZ 17 – SBZ 20) T able Ic. – Eocène
List of geographic areas and the larger miliolids species used in paleobiog...
Published: 01 July 2009
inférieur (Thanétien - Ilerdian). T able Ib. – The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian, SBZ 10 – SBZ 16) T able Ib. – Eocène inférieur à Eocène moyen (Cuisien – Lutétien) T able Ic. – The middle to the late Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian, SBZ 17 – SBZ 20) T able Ic. – Eocène
List of geographic areas and the larger miliolids species used in paleobiog...
Published: 01 July 2009
inférieur (Thanétien - Ilerdian). T able Ib. – The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian, SBZ 10 – SBZ 16) T able Ib. – Eocène inférieur à Eocène moyen (Cuisien – Lutétien) T able Ic. – The middle to the late Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian, SBZ 17 – SBZ 20) T able Ic. – Eocène
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1975
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1975) S7-XVII (2): 201–205.
...Katica Drobne GeoRef, Copyright 2004, American Geological Institute. 1975 age Alveolina Alveolinellidae biostratigraphy Cenozoic Cuisian Eocene Europe Foraminifera Ilerdian Invertebrata lower Eocene Lutetian microfossils Miliolacea Miliolina northwest Paleocene Paleogene...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1975
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1975) S7-XVII (1): 88–97.
...M. Feist-Castel GeoRef, Copyright 2013, American Geosciences Institute. 1975 Aix-en-Provence France algae biostratigraphy Bouches-du-Rhone France Cenozoic Charophyta Chlorophyta Cuisian Dughiella bacillaris Eocene Europe France Invertebrata lower Eocene Lutetian Microchara...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2009
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2009) 180 (4): 317–331.
... l’Eocène moyen et l’Eocène moyen à l’Eocène supérieur. A pp . 1a. The Paleocene to the early Eocene (Thanetian to Ilerdian; SBZ 3 –SBZ 9) A pp . 1a. Paléocène à l’Eocène inférieur (Thanétien – Ilerdian; SBZ 3 – SBZ 9) A pp . 1b. The early to the middle Eocene (CuisianLutetian; SBZ 10...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1961
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1961) S7-III (6): 580–587.
... with siliceous limestone of the Sahara hamada type. The surface of the siliceous limestone is covered by attapulgite indicating a final regressive episode following progressive drying of the climate as revealed by increase in the amount of attapulgite upward in the Cuisian. The Lutetian (middle Eocene...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1962
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1962) S7-IV (1): 55–63.
...A. Blondeau; Claude Cavelier Abstract Stratigraphic, paleontologic and sedimentologic study of an escarpment on the right bank of the Oise river at Saint-Leu-d'Esserent, France, permits the division of the lower Lutetian beds into three zones corresponding to R. Abrard's zones I, II, and III. Zone...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1987
Journal of the Geological Society (1987) 144 (6): 907–914.
...-Graus and Ainsa basins during the Lower Cuisian (a), Upper Cuisian (b) and Lutetian (c) showing major thrust and normal fault zones. Emplacement of the Cotiella thrust sheet was post-Lutetian. of strata on to palaeo-highs along the Montsech front in late Illerdian times (Mutti et al. 1975). In Cuisian...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1965
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1965) S7-VII (2): 200–221.
... the basal lagoonal Sparnacian and the Cuisian at the top. The upper section of the Lutetian includes the Biarritzian. The Ledian (upper Eocene) and probably the Wemmelian in Belgium, and the upper Bracklesham beds in Hampshire (England) should be correlated with the upper Lutetian. The Bartonian substage...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1953
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1953) S6-III (4-6): 503–508.
... by the Lutetian, and the absence of large Rotaliidae and Miliolidae common in the Lutetian of the Paris basin suggest that this zone is Cuisian in age. GeoRef, Copyright 2004, American Geological Institute. Reference includes data from Bibliography and Index of Geology Exclusive of North America, Geological...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1947
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1947) S5-XVII (7-9): 437–443.
...L. Feugueur Abstract Sections exposed in several sand pits of the Gisors region, Eure, France, show that Cuisian (Eocene) glauconitic sands are overlain by a bank of increasingly calcareous material, which was considerably eroded prior to transgression of the Lutetian sea, during the period...
Eocene fossils and their casts made from nature, reproduced on ceramic ware...
Published: 01 May 2011
of the latest 16 th – beginning of the 17 th century” by Perrin, 1998 . Sèvres museum (MNC 3145). a: Clavilithes subscalaris , Cuisian; b: Crassatella ponderosa ; c: Venericor planicosta of Cuisian or Lutetian age; e: Torquesia hybrida ; k: Batillaria subacuta; Volutocorbis elevata of Cuisian age. d