Coosawhatchie Formation

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Order Carcharhiniformes: A–E, Scyliorhinidae: A–C, UF 496795, lingual, labi...
Published: 01 November 2022
, Mustelus sp., UF 434668, lingual and labial views, Miocene Hawthorn Group. J, Hemipristis curvatus , UF 496250, lingual view, Oligocene Suwannee Limestone. K–M, Hemipristis serra : K, UF 7145, upper, lingual view, Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation; L, M, UF 7171, lower, lingual and lateral views, Miocene
Order Lamniformes: A, B,  Brachycarcharias lerichei : A, UF 95770, upper la...
Published: 01 November 2022
view, Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation. L, M, Macrorhizodus praecursor : L, UF 116001, lingual view, Eocene Ocala Limestone. M, UF 235823, lingual view, Eocene Ocala Limestone. N, O, Carcharodon hastalis : N, UF 3772, lingual view, Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation; O, UF 17862, lingual view, Pliocene
Journal Article
Journal: Paleobiology
Published: 01 November 2022
Paleobiology (2022) 48 (4): 622–654.
..., Mustelus sp., UF 434668, lingual and labial views, Miocene Hawthorn Group. J, Hemipristis curvatus , UF 496250, lingual view, Oligocene Suwannee Limestone. K–M, Hemipristis serra : K, UF 7145, upper, lingual view, Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation; L, M, UF 7171, lower, lingual and lateral views, Miocene...
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Orders Myliobatiformes, Rhinopristiformes, and Rajiformes: A, B, Myliobatid...
Published: 01 November 2022
views, respectively, Mio-Pliocene Tamiami Formation. X, Pristis lathami , UF 265000, partial rostrum, dorsal view, Eocene Ocala Limestone. Y–AA, Pristis sp.: Y, Z, UF 92217, rostral denticle, dorsal and proximal views, respectively, Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation; AA, UF 22620, vertebral centrum
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 2001
Clays and Clay Minerals (2001) 49 (5): 374–380.
... southerly Fullers Earth deposits occur in the Dogtown Clay Member of the Torreya Formation of the Hawthorne group. The more northerly Fullers Earth deposits are in the slightly younger Meigs Member of the Coosawhatchie Formation of the Hawthorne group. E-mail of corresponding author: [email protected]...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2002
GSA Bulletin (2002) 114 (1): 24–42.
... column of the Toombs #1 well in eastern Georgia (see Fig. 1 for location). All of the units represented in that well thin toward the Charleston area, and one (the middle Miocene Coosawhatchie Formation) is not found in the Charleston region at all. In most cases, the preserved patches of Miocene units...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2013
Journal of Paleontology (2013) 87 (4): 570–588.
... and known from New Jersey (Kirkwood Formation), North Carolina (Pungo River Formation), and southern South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida (Marks Head and Coosawhatchie Formations) (see Fig. 1 for regional setting). Calvert Formation strata range in age from mid-Burdigalian (late early Miocene) to mid...
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