Colchester Northern Gateway Project

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Journal Article
Published: 30 September 2021
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2022) 55 (2): qjegh2021-074.
..., medium and high enthalpy systems ( Banks 2012 ), where the term enthalpy is closely related to temperature. The heat network project in Colchester, referred to as the Colchester Northern Gateway, is configured as an ‘open loop’ system that utilizes the ubiquitous low enthalpy heat that occurs...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 January 2021
SEG Discovery (2021) (124): 1–76.
.... Hickok-Radford Fund supports field-based research proj- ects and directly related laboratory studies as applied to metallic mineral deposits, with preference given to projects located in Alaska, northern Canada, and other regions north of latitude 60 north, or projects at very high eleva- tions elsewhere...
Series: The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.1144/TMS7.12
EISBN: 9781786203069
... similar to those of the Chalk Group are found in northern and central Europe and extend across the North Sea Basin. However, the depositional history of the Chalk Group in the north and south of England is not the same, although there are many similarities, and both a Northern and Southern Chalk Province...