Chilliwack Terrane

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Journal Article
Published: 08 October 2010
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2010) 47 (10): 1347–1366.
...E. H. Brown; G. E. Gehrels; V. A. Valencia Abstract The Chilliwack composite terrane in northwest Washington is part of an assemblage of mid-Paleozoic arc terranes extending from California to Alaska. Some terranes bear evidence of exotic origin, whereas others apparently formed proximal to western...
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Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 16 October 2021
Lithosphere (2021) 2021 (1): 3358149.
..., sedimentation, and volcanism as part of the Chilliwack composite terrane. This study investigates the tectonic setting and magmatic evolution of the Chilliwack terrane by analyzing U-Pb geochronologic and Hf isotopic data from zircons extracted from igneous and sedimentary rocks of the TBC and ESG. Igneous...
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Journal Article
Published: 05 October 2001
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2001) 38 (10): 1439–1449.
... displacement relative to the North American craton. In addition, the presence of western Pacific faunal elements on Wrangellia suggests a more significant longitudinal displacement relative to the craton for this terrane compared to that for Quesnellia and Stikinia. The Chilliwack terrane of southwestern...
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Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.1130/SPE255-p219
... in the northern Sierra Nevada and eastern Klamath Mountains (California), Blue Mountain province (Oregon), and Chilliwack terrane (Washington). These similarities support an interpretation of paleogeographic and tectonic ties between the Black Rock Desert and these other arc sequences in Mississippian (and early...
Figure 10. Schematic diagram showing tectonic interpretation of deformation...
Published: 01 May 2007
terranes in San Juan and NWCS are after Brown and Dragovich (2003) and references therein: CH—Chilliwack terrane, correlative with Tur-tleback (TB) terrane; BP—Bell Pass mélange terrane, correlative with Deadman Bay–Orcas Chert (DB) terrane. Shaded box is area depicted in parts B, C, and D. LM—Lummi
(A) Simplified geologic map of southern British Columbia, Canada, and north...
Published: 12 February 2020
mélange; CH—Chilliwack Terrane; CMB—Coast Mountains Batholith; EaM—Easton Metamorphic complex; EMB—Eastern mélange belt; HM—Haystack mélange; Nook—Nooksack Terrane; WMB—Western mélange belt. Map data is adapted from Fairchild and Cowan (1982) , Friedman and Armstrong (1995) , Surpless et al. (2014
Geologic setting of <span class="search-highlight">Chilliwack</span> composite <span class="search-highlight">terrane</span> showing Northwest Cascades...
Published: 05 February 2018
Figure 2. Geologic setting of Chilliwack composite terrane showing Northwest Cascades thrust system and correlative San Juan Islands thrust system. Uncolored areas are unrelated and/or younger units. Abbreviations not indicated in legend: B.C.—British Columbia, CZ—Cenozoic cover, Q—Quaternary
Fig. 3.   Components of the <span class="search-highlight">Chilliwack</span> composite <span class="search-highlight">terrane</span> as defined in this...
Published: 08 October 2010
Fig. 3. Components of the Chilliwack composite terrane as defined in this study, and evidence for linkages. See text for amplification. Note that strata of the East Sound and Chilliwack groups range to Permian age, but the diagram represents only the Devonian parts.
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2005
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (2005) 53 (4): 488–489.
... of the Quesnel Terrane exposed in southern B.C., as well as with the eastern Klamath Terrane of northern California, and the Chilliwack Terrane, straddling the Canada–US border southeast of Vancouver, B.C. (Fig. 1A ), this history highlights common stratigraphic patterns present over a broad region throughout...
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 05 February 2018
Geosphere (2018) 14 (2): 835–860.
...Figure 2. Geologic setting of Chilliwack composite terrane showing Northwest Cascades thrust system and correlative San Juan Islands thrust system. Uncolored areas are unrelated and/or younger units. Abbreviations not indicated in legend: B.C.—British Columbia, CZ—Cenozoic cover, Q—Quaternary...
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Journal Article
Published: 27 June 2012
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2012) 49 (7): 796–817.
... ). (This structural assemblage in the Cascades is termed the “Welker nappe” by Tabor et al. 2003 .) The Chilliwack nappe is made up mostly of the Chilliwack composite terrane ( Brown et al. 2010 ). Supracrustal parts of this terrane are Paleozoic arc volcanic and sedimentary rock of the East Sound Group...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1991
GSA Bulletin (1991) 103 (2): 189–209.
... a minimum of between 400 and 500 km of east-west shortening between about 115 and 85 Ma, owing to the collision of the greater Insular terrane, which probably included rocks of the Chilliwack-Nooksack terrane, with the western edge of the greater Intermontane terrane, which included the Methow basin...
Regional geologic setting of the San Juan Islands. CH, <span class="search-highlight">Chilliwack</span> Group; CP...
Published: 17 October 2005
Fig. 1. Regional geologic setting of the San Juan Islands. CH, Chilliwack Group; CPC, Coast Plutonic Complex; IC, Ingalls Complex; INT, Intermontane terrane; MS, Mt. Stuart batholith; NA, Nanaimo Group; NK, Nooksack Formation; NWCS, northwest Cascades thrust system; OP, Olympic Peninsula terranes
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1977
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1977) 14 (8): 1832–1859.
..., with basic to acidic volcanics, argillite, and carbonate; (5) Chilliwack Group on the west side of the Cascade Mountains, of Pennsylvanian and Permian age, with basic to acidic volcanics overlying a carbonate and clastic succession: and (6) Sicker – Skolai assemblage of Vancouver Island and the Saint Elias...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1989
GSA Bulletin (1989) 101 (3): 391–400.
...J. H. SEVIGNY; E. H. BROWN Abstract Metavolcanic rocks of the western North Cascades of Washington, including the Chilliwack Group (CG), the Elbow Lake Formation (ELFm), and the Yellow Aster Complex (YAC), have been analyzed for clinopyroxene composition and whole-rock major, trace, and rare-earth...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2018
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2018) 55 (5): 443–462.
... and variably metamorphosed Paleozoic to early Cretaceous terranes that are assembled into four major thrust sheets ( Tabor et al. 2003 ; Brown 2012 ). The Chilliwack batholith was emplaced mainly into the NWCS and Cascades Core ( Fig. 2 ), although the easternmost Chilliwack intrusions extend...
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Journal Article
Published: 05 October 2007
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2007) 44 (10): 1375–1396.
... and overlying Chilliwack and Easton terranes, respectively, also occur in the mélange. The most prevalent lithologies in the mélange, occurring as large rafts or blocks and as sheared up matrix, are Triassic ribbon chert, pillow basalt of ocean island origin, and interlayered graywacke sandstone and argillite...
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Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 12 February 2020
Lithosphere (2020) 12 (1): 180–197.
... mélange; CH—Chilliwack Terrane; CMB—Coast Mountains Batholith; EaM—Easton Metamorphic complex; EMB—Eastern mélange belt; HM—Haystack mélange; Nook—Nooksack Terrane; WMB—Western mélange belt. Map data is adapted from Fairchild and Cowan (1982) , Friedman and Armstrong (1995) , Surpless et al. (2014...
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Geologic map and regional cross section of the San Juan Islands-northwest C...
Published: 16 October 2021
Figure 2 Geologic map and regional cross section of the San Juan Islands-northwest Cascades thrust system (adapted from Brown et al. [ 1 ]). Cross section shows thrust relationships, orientation, and sequence of terranes in the nappe complex. BP: Bell Pass Melange; CCC: cascade crystalline core
Fig. 12.   Stratigraphic sections in the northern Cordillera similar to the...
Published: 08 October 2010
Fig. 12. Stratigraphic sections in the northern Cordillera similar to the section defined for the Chilliwack composite terrane of this study. Ages of Yellow Aster and Tracy Arm paragneisses are bracketed by zircon ages between 1000 and ca. 420 Ma. Depositional age of basement paragneisses