Caprock Escarpment

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Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1981
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (1981) xviii (4): 413–422.
... Plains. Eastward of the High Plains salts beneath the Caprock Escarpment and the adjacent Rolling Plains are undergoing dissolution and are probably not suitable as disposal sites. The bedded salts beneath the Southern High Plains, where they are adjacent to the Caprock Escarpment, may eventually...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1984
AAPG Bulletin (1984) 68 (4): 505.
... by the coincidence of the Caprock escarpment and structural highs in Permian rocks, as well as the coincidence of many stream segments and segments of the Caprock escarpment with subsurface fault trends. © 1984 American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved 1984 American Association...
Series: DNAG, Geology of North America
Published: 01 January 1991
DOI: 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-K2.477
EISBN: 9780813754611
.... On the east the Great Plains are bounded by the Caprock Escarpment and are separated from the Gulf Coastal Plain by the Balcones Escarpment. The southern Great Plains physiographic sub-province is divided into the Pecos Valley and Raton sections on the west, the High Plains section on the east...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 June 1990
GSA Bulletin (1990) 102 (6): 768–785.
... designated Paducah Group, which includes three previously recognized middle to upper Pleistocene formations in addition to the Lingos Formation and several unnamed or uncorrelated stratigraphic units. The origin of these formations is closely associated with westward retreat of the Caprock Escarpment...
Series: DNAG, Centennial Field Guides
Published: 01 January 1988
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-5404-6.299
EISBN: 9780813754109
... Abstract Blanco Canyon and Mount Blanco are located along the eastern Caprock Escarpment of the Southern High Plains (Llano Estacado) in the Texas Panhandle near Crosbyton, Texas. The Blanco Canyon exposures are along U.S. 82 where it crosses lower Blanco Canyon east of Crosbyton (Fig. 1...
Series: DNAG, Centennial Field Guides
Published: 01 January 1988
DOI: 10.1130/0-8137-5404-6.305
EISBN: 9780813754109
... by the Sierra Grande Arch and Amarillo Uplift and to the south by the Llano and Marathon Uplifts (Fig. 1). Most of the Triassic deposits of West Texas occur beneath younger deposits of the Llano Estacado. These rocks crop out along the Caprock Escarpment from Oldham County southward to Sterling County (Fig. 1...
Tademait <span class="search-highlight">escarpment</span>, Algeria: displaced <span class="search-highlight">caprock</span> blocks (the single blocks a...
Published: 01 February 2013
Fig. 11. Tademait escarpment, Algeria: displaced caprock blocks (the single blocks are typically of the order of 3 m × 3 m × 2 m), west of Ain al Hadjaj (Location 6 in Fig. 1 ).
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2002
The Journal of Geology (2002) 110 (4): 437–456.
...-dissolution subsidence have controlled the evolution of reaches downstream of the canyon. Removal of bedrock along the northern flank of the Jemez lineament bulge fosters opposing dips in the valley flanks, resulting in the Canadian escarpment (northern flank) that stands up to 200 m higher than the Caprock...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1998
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (1998) 35 (10): 1180–1202.
...PSG Kor; D W Cowell Abstract The Bruce Peninsula, a carbonate bedrock escarpment, lies "downflow" from a sculpted bedrock terrain at the French River. The sculpted forms are attributed to a hypothesis of erosion by regional-scale, subglacial meltwater flooding. This paper presents new data from...
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.1306/M50523C8
EISBN: 9781629811246
... Abstract Lake Tanganyika provides an excellent opportunity for understanding tectonic and climatic influences on sedimentation in a rift lake. Each tectonic setting within rift half-graben basins generates a predictable range of lithofacies architectures. Escarpment-margin (boundary-fault...
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 2007
Geology (2007) 35 (11): 963–966.
... than anticline crests (Table DR1). At times when a syndepositional fault intersected and cut a near-emergent diapir crest, the caprock was breached and a pathway opened for salt extrusion coupled to renewed diapirism. The fault escarpment and the fault-induced depression allowed gravity-driven...
Journal Article
Published: 14 March 2012
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2012) 49 (4): 576–589.
...Philip S.G. Kor; Daryl W. Cowell; Paul F. Karrow; F.J. Rik Kristjansson Abstract The occurrence of abandoned shoreline bedrock erosional features at the edge of the Niagara Escarpment at Cabot Head indicates the existence of a group of islands in glacial Lake Algonquin during early postglacial time...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1969
AAPG Bulletin (1969) 53 (7): 1338–1347.
... of the holes, in the Sigsbee Knolls area of the central Gulf of Mexico, encountered salt-dome caprock saturated with oil, gas, and sulfur. The objectives of this coring project are scientific and the discovery of petroleum was not an intended part of the program, even though the possibility had been recognized...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 15 September 2022
GSA Bulletin (2023) 135 (5-6): 1344–1358.
..., where the erosion from water falling off a vertical escarpment both deepens and undercuts the units forming the escarpment ( Stein and LaTray, 2002 ; Flores-Cervantes et al., 2006 ), is present at Raplee Ridge. However, no evidence for cantilever failure of the caprock was observed at Raplee Ridge...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2013
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (2013) 46 (1): 107–116.
...Fig. 11. Tademait escarpment, Algeria: displaced caprock blocks (the single blocks are typically of the order of 3 m × 3 m × 2 m), west of Ain al Hadjaj (Location 6 in Fig. 1 ). ...
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Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 May 2024
Geology (2024) 52 (5): e577.
... notion of a pre-2 Ma Pecos River and escarpments of the SHP upland surface by scrutinizing the stratigraphic record used to propagate this scenario. (1) As Blum and Sweet (2024) pointed out, sedimentological evidence supports long-term arid paleoclimate across the Llano Estacado and SHP during deposition...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 1979
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (1979) 12 (4): 291–300.
...-seated rotational landslide. Where the coastal cliffs are capped with thick, hard and jointed caprock the slides tend to be of the multiple rotational kind. Q. Jl Engng Geol. 1979 Vol. 12 pp. 291-300. Printed in Northern Ireland Factors affecting the transition between the various types of mass movement...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1969
AAPG Bulletin (1969) 53 (12): 2506–2542.
...William R. Bryant; A. A. Meyerhoff; Noel K. Brown, Jr.; Max A. Furrer; Thomas E. Pyle; John W. Antoine Abstract Dredging, coring, and arcer profiling of the Florida escarpment southward from 28°1.5′N, 86°24′W, to the Florida Strait, of Jordan Knoll (23°20′N, 83°45′W) in the Florida Strait...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2022
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (2022) 98 (4): 451–459.
... except for few areas in the highland which have Cenozoic laterite caprock. The variation in relief and the laterite capped hills indicate relict landscape setting with very low variation of relief in the upstream and an undulating moderate relief in the lower reaches with nearly vertical escarpment (very...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1958
AAPG Bulletin (1958) 42 (2): 371–386.
... the way to western Trans-Pecos Texas, and there is little doubt that it was once a single continuous body of rock. The Buda limestone is probably the most prominent Cretaceous unit in the Kent Quadrangle, for it is the caprock of buttes and of the high escarpments formed by the infaces of the gently...