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▴ C interface for accessing the shared library xcorr.so from the Python sid...
Published: 01 May 2010
Figure 3. ▴ C interface for accessing the shared library xcorr.so from the Python side using ctypes. The resulting shift and correlation coefficient can be accessed via the attributes shift.value and coe_p.value.
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 January 1978
Geology (1978) 6 (1): 16–20.
... the data points as well as a larger polygon that takes into account the error in determination of each data point. A set of nested polygons, one for each oxide, then represents a chemical type. Program CTYPE identifies unknown analyses by comparing them with all defined chemical types. If all the elements...
The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Lo...
Published: 04 March 2015
Figure 4. The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, metropolitan area per year. Data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Google Data ( https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=a7jenngfc4um7_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=falsebcs=d
The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Lo...
Published: 25 February 2015
Figure 4. The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, metropolitan area per year. Data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Google Data ( https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=a7jenngfc4um7_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=falsebcs=d
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2010
Seismological Research Letters (2010) 81 (3): 530–533.
...Figure 3. ▴ C interface for accessing the shared library xcorr.so from the Python side using ctypes. The resulting shift and correlation coefficient can be accessed via the attributes shift.value and coe_p.value. ...
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1998
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1998) 51 (3): 295–304.
... by Gupta et al. (1997). JabaJpur town, with about 25,000 buildings of Class A to D, comes under isoseist YIII. Depending upon the foundation as well as soil conditions the degree of damage varied. In some parts of the town there was total collapse of Ctype construction. For example, most of the buildings...
Journal Article
Published: 04 March 2015
Seismological Research Letters (2015) 86 (2B): 525–532.
...Figure 4. The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, metropolitan area per year. Data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Google Data ( https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=a7jenngfc4um7_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=falsebcs=d...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Published: 25 February 2015
Seismological Research Letters (2015) 86 (2A): 294–301.
...Figure 4. The gross domestic product of the Nashville, Tennessee, and New Orleans, Louisiana, metropolitan area per year. Data source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Google Data ( https://www.google.com/publicdata/explore?ds=a7jenngfc4um7_&hl=en&dl=en#!ctype=l&strail=falsebcs=d...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 29 January 2024
Geophysics (2024) 89 (2): F41–F51.
... external dependency. Our codes are designed to run on computers with only the simplest installation of MATLAB and Python. The MATLAB version of RESnet does not require any add-on toolboxes. The Python version only imports from numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and ctypes; the latter is used to call MKL Pardiso...
FIGURES | View All (10)
Journal Article
Published: 01 March 1975
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (1975) 23 (1): 30–66.
... LEGEN D Trap Types (Figure I) = 1,11,1H etc . Non-visible Traps = N V SEA LEVEL SEA LEVE L 1-875% II-01 % III- 7 .2 % IY 49 % Y - 02 % NV- 14 % I- 24 4 % II - IQ - 1Y-393 % Y-362 % NV - 20% TYPE 4 CTYPE 4A+ B 4A - -- 48 46 H, D . KLEMME z ANTICLINES IT FAULT ]]I FLOWAGE TV 1E COMBINATION STRATIGRAPHIC...
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2012
Geochemical Perspectives (2012) 1 (1): 91–114.
.... ( 2010 ) Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria: An Environmental and Genomic Perspective . Annual Review of Microbiology 64 , 561 – 583 . Esteve-Nunez A. Sosnik J. Visconti P. Lovley D.R. ( 2008 ) Fluorescent properties of ctype cytochromes reveal their potential role...
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