Burway Formation

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Specimens of  Intrites punctatus  from the <span class="search-highlight">Burway</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> and Lightspout ...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 5. Specimens of Intrites punctatus from the Burway Formation and Lightspout Formation at Ashes Hollow and Callow Hollow showing the gregarious nature of the fossils. (a, b) specimen 22/1/1/84; (c) specimen 13/9/2/84 E.
Medusinites  aff.  asteroides  from the upper part of the <span class="search-highlight">Burway</span> <span class="search-highlight">Formation</span> ...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 7. Medusinites aff. asteroides from the upper part of the Burway Formation at Ashes Hollow. (a) Showing the densely populated sediment surface with the circular hyporeliefs containing a small central pimple. (b) Detailed morphology of Medusinites aff. asteroides .
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2005
Geological Magazine (2005) 142 (4): 441–455.
...Figure 5. Specimens of Intrites punctatus from the Burway Formation and Lightspout Formation at Ashes Hollow and Callow Hollow showing the gregarious nature of the fossils. (a, b) specimen 22/1/1/84; (c) specimen 13/9/2/84 E. ...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Journal Article
Published: 06 October 2015
Journal of the Geological Society (2016) 173 (1): 177–185.
... dynamically affect porewater conditions, and allow the build-up of overpressure that can drive dewatering and degassing to produce a suite of atypical fluid-escape features. Finely bedded silty and sandy laminae from the c . 560 Ma Burway Formation of the Longmyndian Supergroup, Shropshire, England, reveal...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.1144/SP448.12
EISBN: 9781786202932
... Abstract Simple discoidal impressions are the only evidence of complex life in some Ediacaran and older rocks, but their interpretation is notoriously difficult. We reassessed a puzzling discoidal form from the c. 560 Ma upper Burway Formation of the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup...
Morphology of  Beltanelliformis brunsae  from the top of the <span class="search-highlight">Burway</span> Formati...
Published: 01 July 2005
Figure 3. Morphology of Beltanelliformis brunsae from the top of the Burway Formation at Ashes Hollow. (a) Negative epirelief of a specimen on sample 82/12/8/2 showing concentric ornamentation. (b) Negative epirelief of specimen 82/12/8/1 showing three associated specimens.
Schematic 3D representation of the proposed model for the <span class="search-highlight">formation</span> of  Med...
Published: 06 October 2015
Fig. 9. Schematic 3D representation of the proposed model for the formation of Medusinites -like forms and shallow depressions in the upper Burway Formation. Exploded view of two contiguous surfaces at the bottom of the diagram (dashed arrows) shows markings on the sole of the bed
Microbial filaments preserved in aluminosilicate minerals from the <span class="search-highlight">Burway</span> F...
Published: 01 January 2009
Fig. 2. Microbial filaments preserved in aluminosilicate minerals from the Burway Formation at Ashes Hollow, Shropshire. ( a ) Oxford University Museum specimen À.2390. Dense network of randomly oriented straight filaments forming a microbial mat. ( b ) OUM À.2391. Bedding plane with much lower
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2009
Journal of the Geological Society (2009) 166 (1): 1–4.
...Fig. 2. Microbial filaments preserved in aluminosilicate minerals from the Burway Formation at Ashes Hollow, Shropshire. ( a ) Oxford University Museum specimen À.2390. Dense network of randomly oriented straight filaments forming a microbial mat. ( b ) OUM À.2391. Bedding plane with much lower...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1974
Journal of the Geological Society (1974) 130 (6): 567–574.
... as post formational (Baker 1971). The correlation of the Wentnor Series (Table i) with the Torridonian in Scotland, suggested on lithological and sedimentological grounds (Lapworth & Watts 19 lo), has received support from palaeomagnetic work, which shows similarity between remanent magnetization axes...
Journal Article
Published: 15 January 2024
Journal of the Geological Society (2024) 181 (1): jgs2023-081.
... ± 3.5 Ma ( Compston et al. 2002 ). The older constraint is derived from the Stretton Shale Formation, which can be considered coeval with the Llangynog age obtained in this study ( Fig. 5 ). The overlying Burway and Synalds formations also display a range of microbially induced sedimentary structures...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1990
Journal of the Geological Society (1990) 147 (4): 591–594.
... isotope stratigraphy of the Lunde and Statfjord Formations of Snorre Oil Field, northern North Sea Journal of the Geological Society, London 1989 146 217 228 Miller R. G. O’Nions R. K. The provenance and crustal residence ages of British sediments in relation to palaeogeographic...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1983
Journal of the Geological Society (1983) 140 (3): 499–509.
.... S. Doe B. R. Silver L. T. Zartman R. E. Karpenko S. F. Plumbotectonics IIA, Precambrian massive sulfides Geochronology and Problems of Ore Formation 1977 Moscow 93 106 Vidal P. Auvracy B. Charlot R. Cogne J. Precadomian relicts in the Armorican Massif...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Reports
Published: 01 January 1994
DOI: 10.1144/SR22.10
EISBN: 9781786202857
... (1952, 1956), Greig et al. (1968) and Pauley (1990). The Supergroup has been divided into two groups: a lower Stretton Group and an upper Wentnor Group. The Stretton Group shows an upward transition from marine mudstones (Stretton Shale Formation), coarsening up through marine turbidites (Burway...
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2017
DOI: 10.1144/SP448.9
EISBN: 9781786202932
... & Brasier 2009 a ; Callow et al. 2011 ). Debate had surrounded the biogenicity of the small, circular impressions from the Burway, Synalds and Lightspout formations, with interpretations ranging from gas escape structures or raindrops to body and trace fossils of Ediacaran macro-organisms (e.g. Cobbold...