Braux France

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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2014
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2014) 84 (4): 270–277.
.... The Braux Unit (Annot Sandstone of SE France) records the upper Priabonian deep-water clastic fill of the lower part of the Annot subbasin ( Callec 2004 ). The stratigraphy can be divided into a Lower Braux Unit (Crete de la Barre lower member of Callec 2004 ; La Ray member of Puigdefàbregas et al. 2004...
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D110 <span class="search-highlight">Braux</span> Road section, Annot Sandstone, southeast <span class="search-highlight">France</span>, illustrating tu...
Published: 01 June 2001
Figure 7 D110 Braux Road section, Annot Sandstone, southeast France, illustrating turbidite sandstone thinning toward the confining surface and pinching out abruptly against it (modified after Kneller and McCaffrey, 1999 ). The pinch-out point corresponds to the paleo-base-of-slope, and the thin
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2023
AAPG Bulletin (2023) 107 (1): 87–122.
... de la France) : Revue de Micropaleontologie , v.  46 , no.  4 , p.  229 – 267 , doi: 10.1016/j.revmic.2003.09.003 . Tomasso , M. , and H. D. Sinclair , 2004 , Deep-water sedimentation on an evolving fault-block: the Braux and St Benoit outcrops of the Grès d’Annot , in P...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2011
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2011) 182 (3): 199–220.
... les principales routes et en pointillés pour les pistes forestières. L’abréviation BF signifie faille de Braux. SE France was deformed by two Tertiary orogenic events, Pyrenean-Provençal and Alpine. The E-W striking Pyre-nean-Provençal orogen was created by the anticlockwise rotation...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 2001
AAPG Bulletin (2001) 85 (6): 971–988.
...Figure 7 D110 Braux Road section, Annot Sandstone, southeast France, illustrating turbidite sandstone thinning toward the confining surface and pinching out abruptly against it (modified after Kneller and McCaffrey, 1999 ). The pinch-out point corresponds to the paleo-base-of-slope, and the thin...
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—Map of the Maritime Alps in southeastern <span class="search-highlight">France</span> showing in the inset the t...
Published: 01 May 1990
Figure 5 —Map of the Maritime Alps in southeastern France showing in the inset the three major sediment-shedding massifs (hachured pattern) and paleocurrent directions. The enlarged area only shows the Argentéra-Mercantour Massif and the different turbidite areas (stippled). PC = Peira-Cava area
Journal Article
Published: 08 October 2019
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2019) 89 (10): 890–917.
...., Haughton, P.D., and McCaffrey, W.D., 2014 , Rheological complexity in sediment gravity flows forced to decelerate against a confining slope, Braux, SE France : Journal of Sedimentary Research , v. 84 , p...
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Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 September 2004
Economic Geology (2004) 99 (6): 1245–1246.
... Economic Geology 2004 The Gondwana Metal-Potential GIS: A Georama Interactive CD-ROM of Geology and Mineral Deposits of Gondwana . 2004. CD-ROM. Collaborative effort by BRGM (France) and CIGCES of the University of Cape Town (South Africa). Price US$100. When contacted to review...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2000
Journal of Sedimentary Research (2000) 70 (3): 504–519.
...H.D. Sinclair Abstract The Eocene-Oligocene Annot Sandstones of southeast France record the predominantly deep-water, siliciclastic infill of the early French Alpine foreland basin. They accumulated in a topographically complex basin as recorded by variable onlap relationships with the underlying...
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Simplified geological map of Southeast <span class="search-highlight">France</span> showing the Tertiary outliers...
Published: 01 March 2010
Figure 1 Simplified geological map of Southeast France showing the Tertiary outliers overlaid with paleocurrent and onlap data (Redrawn after Chiron and Kerrien 1979 ; Kerckhove and Monjuvent 1979 ; Rouire and Blanc 1979 ; Debelmas et al. 1979 ; Rouire et al. 1980a ; Rouire et al. 1980b
a) Synthetic structural map of the Annot syncline (key on fig. 3 ) showing ...
Published: 01 May 2011
and Globigerina Marls around the E-W Fugeret anticline. b) E-W cross-sections AA′, BB′ and CC′ showing the influence of the Braux normal fault on the Globigerina Marls and the westward onlap and decreasing dip from older to younger members in the Annot Sandstone. The vertical throw of the Braux normal fault
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 2000
South African Journal of Geology (2000) 103 (3-4): 215–230.
... their usefulness by analyzing our mineral data of Africa incorporated in the Gondwana GIS; these approaches are summarized in Figures 3a and 3b . In 1998, CIGCES, in collaboration with the BRGM (France), embarked on a “added-value” project to create a mineral-potential GIS of Gondwana. This involved...
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Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2004
DOI: 10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.221.01.14
EISBN: 9781862394698
... in the basal portion of the fill of the Annot sub-basin. The lowermost portions of the turbidite infill of the Annot sub-basin crop out around Braux and St Benoit. These outcrops are separated by the St Benoit Fault, which is thought to have developed as a result of sinistral strike-slip movement on the main...
Sequential restoration of the AA′ cross-section (fig. 5 ) for all members o...
Published: 01 May 2011
F ig . 10. – Sequential restoration of the AA′ cross-section (fig. 5 ) for all members of the Annot Sandstone. Note the progressive rotation of the Nummulitic Limestone on the western limb of the Annot syncline (immediately to the west of the Braux fault (BF): dotted line indicates the position
3D geometrical model of the Nummulitic Limestone (NL) in the Annot depocent...
Published: 01 May 2011
3.5 km and two N-S normal faults, the Braux and Castellet faults (CF). b) Contour map of the altitude of the base of the Nummulitic Limestone. F ig . 9. – Modèle géométrique en 3D du Calcaire nummulitique dans le dépocentre d’Annot construit sous gOcad. a) Vue en 3D de la base de ce ni-veau
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1990
AAPG Bulletin (1990) 74 (5): 532–546.
...Figure 5 —Map of the Maritime Alps in southeastern France showing in the inset the three major sediment-shedding massifs (hachured pattern) and paleocurrent directions. The enlarged area only shows the Argentéra-Mercantour Massif and the different turbidite areas (stippled). PC = Peira-Cava area...
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Vertical thickness maps for Annot Sandstone members (excluding A). These ma...
Published: 01 May 2011
trough for the upper members. Deposition of member B influenced by the pre-existing but inactive E-W Fugeret anticline (FA) and the Braux normal fault (BF). F ig . 11. – Cartes d’épaisseur verticale pour les membres des Grès d’Annot (membre A exclus). Elles sont générées à partir du modèle 3D
Synoptic structural map of the Annot depocentre showing the main structures...
Published: 01 May 2011
. The synclinal axial trace for Nummulitic Limestone (dashed line) is derived from the 3D geometrical model presented in figure 7c . Abbreviations are as follows : BF, Braux fault; CF, Castellet fault; FA, Fugeret anticline. Lower inset presents kinematic data from the Rouaine-Orgues fault zone recording
Tertiary foreland basin lithostratigraphy of the Annot depocentre. Syn-depo...
Published: 01 May 2011
F ig . 3. – Tertiary foreland basin lithostratigraphy of the Annot depocentre. Syn-depositional normal faulting occurs in the Nummulitic Limestone (NL) and the Globigerina Marls (GM). The Globigerina Marls thickness varies from less than 100 m to 400 m across the Braux normal fault. Member B
Stratigraphic thickness maps for different phases of Annot Sandstone fillin...
Published: 01 May 2011
F ig . 17. – Stratigraphic thickness maps for different phases of Annot Sandstone filling the Annot syncline. (a) Flow ponding. Early turbidite flows (members A and B) were successively deviated (flow pathway coloured in white) and trapped by the Braux fault, the Fugeret anticline and the Melina