Bombay Beach

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Journal Article
Published: 06 November 2019
Seismological Research Letters (2020) 91 (1): 438–451.
...Sara K. McBride; Andrea L. Llenos; Morgan T. Page; Nicholas van der Elst Abstract Communicating probabilities of natural hazards to varied audiences is a notoriously difficult task. Many of these challenges were encountered during the 2016 Bombay Beach, California, swarm of ~100 2 ≤ M ≤ 4.3...
Diagram of communication interactions for the 2016 <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span> swarm.
Published: 06 November 2019
Figure 3. Diagram of communication interactions for the 2016 Bombay Beach swarm.
Actuarial statistics for Salton trough (<span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span>) swarms derived from t...
Published: 02 April 2019
Figure 3. Actuarial statistics for Salton trough (Bombay Beach) swarms derived from the Chen and Shearer (2011) data set (Table  1 ) and San Jacinto fault swarms derived from the Zhang and Shearer (2016) data set (Ⓔ Table S1, available in the supplemental content to this article
Application of GPD to the 2016 <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span> swarm.  P ‐wave (red) and  S ‐w...
Published: 21 August 2018
Figure 3. Application of GPD to the 2016 Bombay Beach swarm. P ‐wave (red) and S ‐wave (blue) detections are colored for all samples of any window in which a class probability exceeds 0.98. The probability time series shows numerous high‐probability detections. Inset shows a close up of a time
Example of GPD applied to the first 12 hrs of the 2016 <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span> sequenc...
Published: 21 August 2018
Figure 4. Example of GPD applied to the first 12 hrs of the 2016 Bombay Beach sequence. The onset time of the swarm is sharply resolved. The total number of events detected is ∼ 10 times as many as listed in the Southern California Seismic Network catalog. The swarm onset is distinctly
Same as  Figure 6 , but for the 2009  M  4.8 earthquake near <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span>, ...
Published: 01 November 2017
Figure 10. Same as Figure 6 , but for the 2009 M 4.8 earthquake near Bombay Beach, CA, which is 4 km from the Coachella section of the San Andreas Fault.
From <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span> at zero on the x-axis to Lake Hughes at 305 km, slip (in ...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 3. From Bombay Beach at zero on the x-axis to Lake Hughes at 305 km, slip (in meters) varies as shown for the ShakeOut source “background” slip distribution model. Up to this level of detail in the ShakeOut source definition, all information content was based on geological slip rates
The southern end of the San Andreas Fault is near <span class="search-highlight">Bombay</span> <span class="search-highlight">Beach</span> on the easte...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 2. The southern end of the San Andreas Fault is near Bombay Beach on the eastern shore of the Salton Sea. The Brawley Seismic Zone, shown by seismicity (white) as a ladder-type structure, adjoins the San Andreas (red line) close to where the Extra Fault ( Hudnut et. al. 1989) abuts
Journal Article
Published: 15 January 2020
Seismological Research Letters (2020) 91 (2A): 707–720.
... San Andreas fault slip continued for two months and was followed on 16 September 2019 by a swarm of microearthquakes ( M w ≤ 3.8 ) near Bombay Beach. These observations add to a growing body of evidence that fault creep may result in delayed triggered seismicity. Displacements across surface faults...
FIGURES | View All (10)
Journal Article
Published: 02 April 2019
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2019) 109 (3): 1148–1155.
...Figure 3. Actuarial statistics for Salton trough (Bombay Beach) swarms derived from the Chen and Shearer (2011) data set (Table  1 ) and San Jacinto fault swarms derived from the Zhang and Shearer (2016) data set (Ⓔ Table S1, available in the supplemental content to this article...
FIGURES | View All (4)
Journal Article
Journal: Lithosphere
Publisher: GSW
Published: 15 June 2018
Lithosphere (2018) 10 (5): 602–631.
... and folds connect the two right-lateral strands of the San Andreas fault zone within the ladder structure for at least 25 km northward from Bombay Beach. Left-lateral cross faults strike east and likely rotated clockwise ∼45°–60° from their original northeast strike. Transpression, clockwise rotation...
FIGURES | View All (22)
Journal Article
Published: 13 September 2016
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2016) 106 (5): 1963–1978.
.... If present, the existence of the STF has scientific and societal relevance. First, the STF appears to control the recent Salton trough architecture north of Bombay Beach. Second, from a seismological hazards perspective, the presence of this structure could alter the current understanding of stress transfer...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Journal Article
Published: 01 August 2008
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2008) 98 (4): 1720–1729.
...-trending line that is more or less coincident with the postulated Sand Hills fault. An extrapolation of the trace of the San Andreas fault southeastward from its accepted terminus north of Bombay Beach very nearly coincides with the mud pot lineament and may represent a surface manifestation of the San...
FIGURES | View All (8)
(a) Cumulative number of magnitude    (  M  )  ≥  1.8    earthquakes over t...
Published: 06 November 2019
Figure 1. (a) Cumulative number of magnitude ( M ) ≥ 1.8 earthquakes over time from 0:00 hr on 26 September (top) and magnitude–time history (bottom) during the 2016 Bombay Beach swarm. (b) Map of M ≥ 1.8 earthquake locations in the Salton Sea offshore of Bombay Beach from 1990
Digital elevation model with 5 m contours showing how the shape of Durmid H...
Published: 15 June 2018
Figure 3. Digital elevation model with 5 m contours showing how the shape of Durmid Hill (DH) and the Salton Sea (1 m contours) are strongly controlled by the ESF and to a lesser extent, by the mSAF between North Shore (NS) and Bombay Beach (BB). Yellow lines are the approximate NE and SW edges
(a) Map of the Salton trough region showing    M  ≥  2    seismicity from 1...
Published: 11 June 2019
Figure 1. (a) Map of the Salton trough region showing M ≥ 2 seismicity from 1981 to 2016 from the Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (gray dots). Small shaded circles indicate swarms identified by Chen and Shearer (2011) . Dashed box shows the Bombay Beach study area, with the 2016 swarm
(a) Map of the Salton trough region showing    M  ≥  2    seismicity from 1...
Published: 02 April 2019
Figure 1. (a) Map of the Salton trough region showing M ≥ 2 seismicity from 1981 to 2016 from the Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (gray dots). Small shaded circles indicate swarms identified by Chen and Shearer (2011) . Dashed box shows the Bombay Beach study area, with the 2016 swarm
Geometric and cumulative passing probabilities at subsection boundaries for...
Published: 18 May 2021
Figure 7. Geometric and cumulative passing probabilities at subsection boundaries for a unilateral rupture northwest from Bombay Beach. (a) Individual probabilities of continuing through subsection bend (“o”) and step (“+”) intersections. Solid line shows their joint application. Subsections
Scenario fault rupture. Height of the red fence indicates the fault offset ...
Published: 01 May 2011
Figure 1. Scenario fault rupture. Height of the red fence indicates the fault offset at the surface. Near Bombay Beach, modeled surface slip reaches a maximum of 13 m (40 ft).
Map showing the region affected by the strongest shaking in the ShakeOut Sc...
Published: 01 May 2011
, and PAS is Pasadena). The black star indicates the event nucleation point at Bombay Beach at the southeastern end of the San Andreas Fault.