Ben Lomond Mountain

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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1976
GSA Bulletin (1976) 87 (3): 433–449.
...W. C. BRADLEY; G. B. GRIGGS Abstract Modern and ancient wave-cut platforms on Ben Lomond Mountain in central California are broadly similar in shape. They have a seaward slope composed of two segments: a steeper, slightly concave inshore segment, with gradients of generally 0.02 to 0.04 (20 to 40 m...
Alignment of sediment dispersal systems in the northern Salinian block and ...
Published: 01 December 2020
features: BL—Ben Lomond Mountain; GR—Gabilan Range; SNB—Sierra Nevada batholith.
A: The San Francisco bay area and San Andreas fault system. SAF—San Andreas...
Published: 01 August 2013
Figure 1. A: The San Francisco bay area and San Andreas fault system. SAF—San Andreas fault, SGF—San Gregorio fault, HF—Hayward fault, CF—Calaveras fault, SF—San Francisco, HMB—Half Moon Bay, SC—Santa Cruz, BLM—Ben Lomond Mountain. Large yellow star is the Santa Cruz Mountains (SCM) restraining
Pre–San Andreas palinspastic reconstruction of southern California, SW Ariz...
Published: 01 April 2016
Ben Lomond Mountain; BS—Big Sur; CS—Cambria Slab; DR—Diablo Range; GR—Gabilan Range; GV—Great Valley; MD—Mojave Desert; PP—Pigeon Point; PR—Point Reyes; PRB—Peninsular Ranges batholith; PS—Point Sur; PSL—Point San Luis Slab; QH—Quartz Hill; RM—Rand Mountains; SC—Santa Catalina Island; SE—San Emigdio
Paleogeographic reconstruction of central California during late Oligocene–...
Published: 01 December 2020
deep-water submarine fans ( Graham et al., 1989 ). Locations of sandstone samples for detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology are indicated. Geographic features: BL—Ben Lomond Mountain; GR—Gabilan Range; MM—Montara Mountain; SEM—San Emigdio Mountains; SL—Santa Lucia Range; SNB—Sierra Nevada batholith.
Geologic setting for the Gualala Basin. Detailed map of the basin (inset) b...
Published: 01 November 2012
samples from Barbeau et al. (2005) , Jacobson et al (2011) , Lechler and Niemi (2011) , and Sharman et al. (2011) used for comparison to this study are marked by white boxes: BL, Ben Lomond Mountains; BU, Butano Formation; other locations: CA, Cambria; E/R, Esalen/Rojo; PP, Pigeon Point; PR, Point
Map showing pre–16 Ma palinspastic alignment of Pinnacles and Neenach volca...
Published: 01 December 2020
; Cf—Chalone fault; Gf—Garlock fault; LHf—La Honda fault; Paf—Pastoria fault; Pf—Pilarcitos fault; Pif—Pinnacles fault; Plf—Pleito fault; RRf—Rinconada-Reliz fault; WRf—Wheeler Ridge fault; WWf—White Wolf fault; Z-Vf—Zayante-Vergeles fault. Geographic features of the Salinian block: BL—Ben Lomond
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 February 1957
AAPG Bulletin (1957) 41 (2): 355–356.
... by the Ben Lomond-Gabilan granitic shelf, and on the northeast, by the Montara granite mass and the Gilroy Franciscan shelf. The Tertiary rocks of the region are divided into two sequences by an angular unconformity. The lower sequence includes rocks of Eocene to older Miocene age. It is more than 10,000...
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 17 November 2023
GSA Bulletin (2024) 136 (7-8): 2789–2814.
... by differences in stratigraphic architecture and lithologic composition in the upper crust of the juxtaposed La Honda and Ben Lomond blocks, which resulted from the accumulation of geologic deformation over millions of years. Our results demonstrate that the evolution of deformation and uplift of mountains...
FIGURES | View All (13)
Pre-Oligocene schematic palinspastic map for Salinia and adjoining areas. D...
Published: 13 November 2018
freely from Dickinson et al. (2005) , Burnham (2009) , Jacobson et al. (2011) , and Sharman et al. (2013 , 2015 ). Restored locations of modern exposures of batholithic rocks are indicated by granite symbol: AM, Alamo Mountain; BL, Ben Lomond Mountain; GR, Gabilan Range; HM, Hayfield Mountains; LP
Generalized stratigraphic columns for the <span class="search-highlight">Ben</span> <span class="search-highlight">Lomond</span> and La Honda blocks, C...
Published: 17 November 2023
in the Santa Cruz Mountains southwest of the San Andreas fault. In this region, the extensive, ~5-km-thick sedimentary succession preserved within the La Honda Block differs from the thin, <1-km-thick veneer of sedimentary rocks atop crystalline granitic rocks in the Ben Lomond Block across the Zayante
Series: Guidebook
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.32375/1990-GB67.1
EISBN: 9781733984409
... Bay, is underlain by granitic basement rocks of the Salinia terrane ( Leo, 1967 ; Ross and Brabb, 1973 ; Greene and Clark, 1979 ; Stanley, 1982 ). Granitic rocks on Ben Lomond Mountain yield U-Pb intrusive ages of about 100 Ma ( James, 1984 ). The distribution of basement rocks on the La Honda...
FIGURES | View All (23)
3-D geologic model structure of the Santa Cruz <span class="search-highlight">Mountains</span>, California, USA. ...
Published: 17 November 2023
and apparent deformation between the Ben Lomond and La Honda structural blocks across the Zayante fault. Specifically, cylindrical folding of Cenozoic strata within the La Honda Block in cross sections A–G sharply contrast with relatively flat-lying deposits of the Purisima Formation atop crystalline granitic
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1951
AAPG Bulletin (1951) 35 (12): 2630.
...Thomas A. Baldwin ABSTRACT The Santa Cruz Mountains occupy the area west of the San Andreas fault between San Francisco and Salinas. Principal structural features are the San Andreas fault, the Pescadero fault, the Ben Lomond Highlands and associated faulting and the Butano-Bean Hill uplift...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1960
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1960) 30 (4): 513–537.
..., where increased distance from shore and source of sediments may have been a controlling factor in mineral alterations. The main distributive province from which the heavy minerals of these lower Tertiary sedimentary rocks were derived is the area in which the Ben Lomond quartz diorite and adjacent...
Series: Guidebook
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.32375/1990-GB67.6
EISBN: 9781733984409
.... Schematic geologic map of part of the Santa Margarita Sandstone in the western Santa Cruz Mountains. Isopachs are determined from measured sections and well data. Granodiorite locally forms bedrock highs southeast of Scotts Valley and the southwest flank of Ben Lomond Mountain. The major faults...
FIGURES | View All (16)
Uplift and strain distributions with Santa Cruz <span class="search-highlight">Mountains</span> (SCM)-bend-relati...
Published: 17 November 2023
Figure 13. Uplift and strain distributions with Santa Cruz Mountains (SCM)-bend-relative distance for minimum, preferred, and maximum reconstructions. (A) The Ben Lomond and La Honda blocks, California, USA (delineated in orange and green, respectively) reside near the SCM bend (dashed red line
Structural cross-section interpretations and thermochronologic constraints....
Published: 17 November 2023
′. In the southern Santa Cruz Mountains, the flat-lying Purisima Formation (Tp) deposited atop the crystalline Ben Lomond Block granitic rocks (Kgr) contrasting with the folded Purisima Formation beds deposited within the La Honda Block northeast of the Zayante fault, California, USA. Exhumation predicted adjacent
Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1991
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1991) 81 (5): 1694–1704.
... and Lajoie, 1979). Both the San Andreas (SAF) and Calaveras (CAL) faults have been active in historical times. steady domical uplift of the Santa Cruz-Ben Lomond Mountains to generate the terraces in the vicinity of Santa Cruz. Lajoie (1986), representing a widespread opinion, suggested that they are formed...
Tectonic and depositional summary of the Santa Cruz <span class="search-highlight">Mountains</span> (SCM), Califo...
Published: 17 November 2023
the dynamic geologic histories of the Ben Lomond Block (BLB) and La Honda Block (LHB). Eocene deposition of the Butano Sandstone (Tbu) atop Salinian granitic rocks (Kgr) and Paleocene sedimentary rocks (not shown) occurred throughout the present-day SCM prior to initiation of significant strike-slip motion (B