Belridge Diatomite

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Series: Guidebook
Publisher: The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.32375/1990-GB65.18
EISBN: 9781732014800
... ABSTRACT The South Belridge field is located in western Kern County, California. One reservoir in the field, accounting for about 20% of the daily field oil production, is the Belridge diatomite member of the Reef Ridge Shale. The field is developed on a elongated anticline. Within the field...
Series: Guidebook
Publisher: The Pacific Section American Association of Petroleum Geologist
Published: 01 January 1990
DOI: 10.32375/1990-GB65.19
EISBN: 9781732014800
... in the North Sea. In South Belridge field the Belridge diatomite member of the late Miocene Reef Ridge Shale has proven prone to compaction during production. The reservoir, a high porosity, low permeability, highly compressive rock composed largely of diatomite and mudstone, is about 1000 ft thick and lies...
Series: AAPG Studies in Geology
Published: 01 January 1987
DOI: 10/1306/St25468C25
EISBN: 9781629811406
... Belridge oil field and West Cat Canyon area of the Cat Canyon oil field, California. BHG surveys, the least well-known porosity method, investigate large volumes of the adjacent rock units and provide very accurate measurements of formation density as averages over vertical intervals. BHG and gamma-gamma...
(A) Dip section through the Lost Hills field for the <span class="search-highlight">Belridge</span> <span class="search-highlight">Diatomite</span>, sh...
Published: 15 February 2021
Figure 8. (A) Dip section through the Lost Hills field for the Belridge Diatomite, showing porosity model with conditioning data, with the top and base surfaces using the two stratigraphic markers, the C PT and L PT of Figure 7 . Wells in the cross section were located less than 50 ft (<15 m
(A) Strike section through the Lost Hills field for the <span class="search-highlight">Belridge</span> <span class="search-highlight">Diatomite</span> ...
Published: 15 February 2021
Figure 9. (A) Strike section through the Lost Hills field for the Belridge Diatomite showing porosity model, with conditioning data. Cross section is located in Figure 5 . Wells projected onto cross section are less than 50 ft (<15 m) from the line of section. (B) Strike section through
Interpretive geologic cross section based on seismic data, located in  Figu...
Published: 15 February 2021
Figure 6. Interpretive geologic cross section based on seismic data, located in Figure 5A (from Medwedeff, 1989 , used with permission of AAPG). Medwedeff (1989) has chosen to distinguish the Belridge Diatomite Member (referred to by him as the Reef Ridge Shale Member) from the rest
—A. Mold of diatom frustule recrystallized to opal-CT. Sample from <span class="search-highlight">Belridge</span>...
Published: 01 December 1984
Figure 4 —A. Mold of diatom frustule recrystallized to opal-CT. Sample from Belridge Diatomite of Monterey Formation at Chico Martinez Creek (Sec. 11, T29S, R20E). B. Close-up of 4A showing detail of bladed opal-CT lepispheres filling mold. C. Mold of diatom frustule that has survived full
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 15 February 2021
AAPG Bulletin (2021) 105 (2): 391–436.
...Figure 8. (A) Dip section through the Lost Hills field for the Belridge Diatomite, showing porosity model with conditioning data, with the top and base surfaces using the two stratigraphic markers, the C PT and L PT of Figure 7 . Wells in the cross section were located less than 50 ft (<15 m...
FIGURES | View All (37)
Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 January 2004
Geophysics (2004) 69 (1): 200–211.
... describe two realistic numerical experiments based on Belridge field. The first experiment is a complex multilayer example which closely models materials found in the extensive diatomite reservoir of Belridge field. For this numerical experiment, porosity changes dynamically due to stress effects...
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Series: AAPG Studies in Geology
Published: 01 January 2013
DOI: 10.1306/13371587St643550
EISBN: 9781629812649
... used to produce the California heavy-oil reservoirs. Currently, significant California CSS projects underway include Belridge, Cymric, and northern Midway Sunset fields to stimulate intermediate-gravity hydrocarbons in the Monterey, Reef Ridge, and Etchegoin diatomite lithologies. Elsewhere...
FIGURES | View All (17)
Journal Article
Journal: The Leading Edge
Published: 01 May 2004
The Leading Edge (2004) 23 (5): 489–493.
... interval is the upper Miocene Belridge Diatomite of the Monterey Formation. The Belridge Diatomite is composed of biogenic silica (skeletal remains of diatoms in the form of opal-A silica), clay, and silt/sand that combine to form interbedded diatomaceous mudstones and diatomaceous silts/sands...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Graphs of salinity versus depth in the (A) Cymric and (B) South <span class="search-highlight">Belridge</span> oi...
Published: 01 August 2017
Figure 10. Graphs of salinity versus depth in the (A) Cymric and (B) South Belridge oil fields. Salinity shows no trend with depth; however, the Tulare Formation waters are less than 10,000 mg/L in many, but not all, samples. In wells with combined Tulare and Monterey diatomite completions (note
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 August 2000
AAPG Bulletin (2000) 84 (8): 1173–1184.
...) to explain similar trends in diatomites of the South Belridge field in the San Joaquin Valley. Mechanical compaction of rock can also act to reduce porosity. For example, smooth changes in porosity and density associated with the opal-A to opal-CT transition and the opal-CT to quartz transition (as seen...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1985
AAPG Bulletin (1985) 69 (3): 385–411.
... ), more highly siliceous intervals occur in the Reef Ridge Member, with rare porcelanites. As already mentioned, the central basin portion of the Reef Ridge Member contains thick sections of diatomite and diatomaceous shales, commonly referred to as the Belridge Diatomite Member. These diatomites...
FIGURES | View All (21)
Journal Article
Published: 15 September 2019
Environmental Geosciences (2019) 26 (3): 73–96.
... diatomite zones ( Dale et al., 1996 ). As oil is removed, water commonly comes in to fill the void, and it is common for water–oil ratios (WORs) to increase over the life of an oil field. In the Belridge oil fields, the WOR increased from 0.09 in 1931 to approximately 14 in 2016, and in Lost Hills...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 1939
AAPG Bulletin (1939) 23 (1): 24–44.
... with the Reef Ridge shale and for this he suggests the term “Belridge diatomite” because of the difference in lithology. However, since this diatomite facies has not as yet been clearly differentiated from the typical Reef Ridge shale lithology into which it grades laterally, this diatomite and a similar one...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1993
AAPG Bulletin (1993) 77 (9): 1549–1566.
... , v. 53 , p. 1991 – 1999 . Schwartz , D. E. , 1988 , Characterizing the lithology, petrophysical properties and depositional setting of the Belridge Diatomite, South Belridge field, Kern County, California, in S. A. Graham, ed., Studies of the geology of the San Joaquin basin : Pacific...
FIGURES | View All (20)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1934
AAPG Bulletin (1934) 18 (4): 435–475.
... the Jacalitos may be represented by the upper, earthy diatomite. This is suggested by a stratigraphic position of the diatomite similar to that of the diatomaceous silts at Belridge and North Belridge. FIG. 4 FIG. 5 Correlation with Pliocene of North Coalinga region .—Correlation...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1981
AAPG Bulletin (1981) 65 (10): 1781–1791.
... for properties acquired from Belridge Oil Company, the experimental recovery project being conducted by Barber Heavy Oil Process, Inc., in Kern River field, Gulf’s planned fire flood in Fruitvale field, and Getty’s mining program in McKittrick field. Geothermal activity during 1980 in California included the new...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2001
AAPG Bulletin (2001) 85 (1): 149–167.
...Caren Chaika; Loretta Ann Williams Abstract The Miocene Monterey Formation, long known as the critical source rock in California, also includes significant fractured chert and porous diatomite reservoirs. What is not widely recognized is that there are high matrix porosity reservoirs within...
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