Barrow Arch

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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 15 August 2020
AAPG Bulletin (2020) 104 (8): 1793–1816.
...Thomas X. Homza; Melvin A. Fillerup; David W. Gardner ABSTRACT For more than 60 yr, the term “Barrow arch” has been used to describe a regional structural high beneath northern Alaska and the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas that is of chief importance to the area’s petroleum systems. However...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1985
AAPG Bulletin (1985) 69 (4): 659.
... Brooks Range to fill the adjacent foredeep and to prograde northeasterly across the subsiding Barrow arch to form a passive margin sequence. Study of these southern source sedimentary rocks, known as the Brookian sequence, in wells and on seismic records along the Barrow arch in the National Petroleum...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1985
AAPG Bulletin (1985) 69 (4): 656.
... coastline in reservoirs that overlie a southeasterly plunging basement ridge, the Barrow arch. The location of these accumulations, in low-relief structural-stratigraphic traps midway along the arch and downdip from its apex at Point Barrow, is the paradox. An answer to this paradox is provided...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1975
AAPG Bulletin (1975) 59 (3): 451–456.
... in the Brooks Range-Barn Mountains area continue west in the subsurface and form the basement of the Barrow arch. This belt of highly deformed, weakly metamorphosed, predominantly siliceous strata, including volcanic rocks, is part of an early Paleozoic geosyncline that was deformed, intruded by Silurian...
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—Exploration area for <span class="search-highlight">Barrow</span>-Prudhoe oil type is along <span class="search-highlight">Barrow</span> <span class="search-highlight">arch</span>. Dense d...
Published: 01 April 1981
FIG. 10 —Exploration area for Barrow-Prudhoe oil type is along Barrow arch. Dense dotted pattern indicates most prospective area for Simpson-Umiat oil type.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 1983
AAPG Bulletin (1983) 67 (3): 424–425.
... rarely in the late Oxfordian (Late Jurassic) time by are abundant during the Neocomian (Early Cretaceous). In the south and central area of NPRA on the southern flank of the Barrow arch, an almost continuous sedimentation record of pebble shale deposition exists, as penetrated by the Tunalik 1 well...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 2017
AAPG Bulletin (2017) 101 (3): 343–360.
...Nilesh C. Dixit; Catherine L. Hanks; Wesley K. Wallace; Mohabbat Ahmadi; Obadare Awoleke ABSTRACT The northeastern Brooks Range of northern Alaska is an active, north-directed fold-and-thrust belt that is advancing on the Barrow arch and the north-facing passive margin of the Arctic Basin. Density...
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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1972
DOI: 10.1306/M16371C36
EISBN: 9781629812205
... Abstract The Prudhoe Bay field is the largest petroleum accumulation found to date in North America. Recoverable reserves are expected to be 9.6 billion bbl of oil and 26 trillion cu ft of gas. The field is located on the Barrow arch, a major subsurface feature of the Arctic Slope province...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 June 2014
AAPG Bulletin (2014) 98 (6): 1235–1267.
... oil samples. Four oil samples collected from wells located north of the Barrow arch show unique biomarker characteristics, but age-related biomarker parameters indicate likely Triassic source rock organofacies that is not represented by any of the samples from south of the arch. The source rock...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 March 2004
AAPG Bulletin (2004) 88 (3): 279–302.
... condensed section that is likely an important hydrocarbon source rock. An Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian sequence set, deposited during pulses of uplift on the Barrow arch, includes multiple transgressive-regressive sequences that locally contain well-winnowed, shoreface sandstones at the base of transgressive...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 July 1998
AAPG Bulletin (1998) 82 (7): 1281–1299.
... major structural-stratigraphic provinces: Barrow arch, Colville foreland basin, foothills belt, and northern Brooks Range overthrust. Stratigraphy is divided into three megasequences, including the Ellesmerian (Mississippian–Early Jurassic), Beaufortian (Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous), and Brookian...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1977
AAPG Bulletin (1977) 61 (9): 1493–1512.
... the Lisburne Group may have resulted from widespread Permian and Cretaceous unconformities. Structural traps related to normal faulting may be present along the trend of the Barrow arch, and faulted anticlines are numerous in the foothills of the Brooks Range. Combination traps are possible along the trend...