Barranca Group

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Published: 01 January 1991
DOI: 10.1130/SPE254-p19
... The 3,000-m-thick Upper Triassic Barranca Group in the Sierra de San Javier in east-central Sonora, Mexico, is composed, in ascending order, of the Arrayanes, Santa Clara, and Coyotes Formations. The Arrayanes and Santa Clara Formations are composed of fluvial and marine-delta deposits...
Published: 01 January 1991
DOI: 10.1130/SPE254-p37
... The depositional environment and provenance of the Santa Clara Formation of the Upper Triassic Barranca Group in eastern Sonora were studied based on a detailed description of 875 m of section and study of 123 thin sections from both outcrops and cores. The Santa Clara Formation is a cyclic...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 May 1982
AAPG Bulletin (1982) 66 (5): 542.
... to the Barranca. Since a fore-arc basin has existed near Cook Inlet through the present time, the modern Cook Inlet could also be an analog of the Barranca basin. The Kenai Group in the Cook Inlet area consists of fluvial-deltaic, swamp, and estuarine sediments about 4,600 m thick that represent three...
Published: 01 May 2012
DOI: 10.1130/2012.2487(02)
... with Upper Triassic formations within El Antimonio and Barranca Group sedimentary rocks in northern Sonora, Mexico, yield important clues about the inception of Cordilleran magmatism in Triassic time. Volcanic clasts in the Sonsela Member of the Chinle Formation range in age from ca. 235 to ca. 218 Ma...
Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 2001
DOI: 10.1306/M75768C12
EISBN: 9781629810638
..., assigned mostly to the Zacatecas Formation, accumulated in continental slope, toe-of-slope, and basin-plain environments along the passive continental margin of western Pangea. Strata of the Zacatecas Formation are age equivalent to rocks of the Antimonio Formation and Barranca Group in Sonora, the La Boca...
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U-Pb and Hf data and interpretations for samples from Sonora. Analyses are ...
Published: 01 February 2014
Pollo (n = 198), Upper Devonian Los Pozos Formation (n = 90), Lower Permian Quartzite of Sierra Santa Teresa (n = 203), Lower Permian strata of the Mina Mexico Formation (n = 205), Upper Triassic Barranca Group (n = 205), and Upper Triassic Antimonio Formation (n = 102). Note that the relative height
Comparative detrital zircon populations (age probability plots of U-Pb ages...
Published: 01 October 2010
Figure 9. Comparative detrital zircon populations (age probability plots of U-Pb ages) of similar provenance in southern Chinle samples from Arizona (top curve) and in Triassic samples from the Antimonio and Barranca Groups of Sonora (bottom curve). Antimonio and Barranca data are from González
Figure 2. Simplified cross section A–B ( Fig. 1 ) showing north-to- south b...
Published: 01 November 2001
), and Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Barranca Group (BG). To the south, the Precambrian basement is missing, and the crust is characterized by middle to late Mesozoic rocks of the Guerrero terrane (GT), which is possibly underlain by Paleozoic eugeoclinal sequences and the metamorphic rocks
Late Triassic paleogeography of southwest Laurentia (before opening of the ...
Published: 01 October 2010
—Auld Lang Syne Group; ARM—Ancestral Rocky Mountains; BG—Barranca Group; CP—Cottonwood paleovalley; Cu—Currie outlier of Chinle strata; EA—El Alamar paleoriver; EP—Eagle paleoriver; LU—Llano uplift; MU—Monroe uplift; STP—Shinarump trunk paleoriver; SU—Sabine uplift; WU—Wiggins uplift. States: AR
Journal Article
Journal: Geosphere
Published: 01 October 2010
Geosphere (2010) 6 (5): 641–662.
...Figure 9. Comparative detrital zircon populations (age probability plots of U-Pb ages) of similar provenance in southern Chinle samples from Arizona (top curve) and in Triassic samples from the Antimonio and Barranca Groups of Sonora (bottom curve). Antimonio and Barranca data are from González...
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Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 April 2001
GSA Bulletin (2001) 113 (4): 521–531.
... and Rocha [1949 ], later renamed Barranca Group by Alencaster [1961 ]) rests unconformably upon the Paleozoic rocks. The Barranca Group is restricted to the northern half of the Four Quads area in an east-trending belt that has been interpreted as a rift basin by Stewart and Roldán-Quintana (1991...
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(A) Folded fine to medium-grained, red channel sandstones and siltstones of...
Published: 15 October 2020
Figure 9. (A) Folded fine to medium-grained, red channel sandstones and siltstones of the Upper (U.) Cretaceous Neuquén Group (Gr.) (foreground, right part of the photograph), unconformably overlain by tilted Oligocene/Miocene andesites in the background. Location: Chadileu Valley, outer Agrio
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 July 2017
GSA Bulletin (2017) 129 (7-8): 886–903.
...J. Marcelo Krause; William C. Clyde; Mauricio Ibañez-Mejía; Mark D. Schmitz; Timothy Barnum; Eduardo S. Bellosi; Peter Wilf Abstract The Río Chico Group in the San Jorge Basin of central Patagonia (Argentina) preserves some of South America’s most significant Paleogene records of biotic...
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Simplified geological map of the study area, complemented with logs for the...
Published: 29 June 2022
Fig. 3. Simplified geological map of the study area, complemented with logs for the three main localities in the Los Menucos Basin. Sample positions, and field images for the analysed rocks are also shown. LMG: Los Menucos Group; LEC: La Esperanza Complex. (a) Outcrops of sample PM3 of the La
Journal Article
Journal: GSA Bulletin
Published: 01 March 2013
GSA Bulletin (2013) 125 (3-4): 539–555.
... and magnetostratigraphy. At Gran Barranca (68.7°W, 45.7°S)—one of South America’s key areas for constraining SALMAs—existing radioisotopic ages have uncertainties of up to 4 m.y. To better constrain the ages of mammalian assemblages, we employed high-precision (±<40 k.y.) U-Pb dating using single zircon crystals. We...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 January 2007
AAPG Bulletin (2007) 91 (1): 115–129.
... consists of bimodal volcanic, volcaniclastic, and continental epiclastic rocks, which were grouped by Gulisano et al. (1984) in the so-called “Precuyano unit” ( Figure 3 ). The basal sequence is exposed at Arroyo Lapa and is composed of thick debris flows, tuffs, olivine-bearing basalts, and rhyolitic...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1944
AAPG Bulletin (1944) 28 (10): 1455–1484.
... has been used as the key horizon for the surface structural map of Tupungato ( Fig. 3 ). They are not definitely recognizable at Lunlunta or Barrancas, but a zone which contains a relatively high proportion of volcanic material is probably their equivalent. La Pilona. —This group of shales...
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... Sonora and Baja California. The eugeoclinal sequence is covered in a regional angular unconformity by Upper Triassic strata of the Barranca Group. The Barranca Group thus postdates juxtaposition and thrusting of rocks from the Cortés terrane over miogeoclinal rocks. The Barranca Group comprises...
Journal Article
Published: 29 December 2021
Journal of the Geological Society (2022) 179 (3): jgs2021-022.
... of this map is provided as Supplementary material 7 . On this map, the eruptive units of the PVC have been chromatically grouped by edifice: pink for the Tlamacas volcano, green for Nexpayantla, blue for Ventorrillo, reddish browns for the Popocatépetl lava flows and orange for the current proximal cone...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1947
AAPG Bulletin (1947) 31 (12): 2170–2192.
... to a marked degree. The geology of West Buchivacoa falls into three well defined units: (1) the Northern Plains (550 square miles), (2) the Barranca Basin (200 square miles), (3) the Southern Mountainous area (650 square miles). The Northern Plains consist of alluvium which gives no clue to underlying...
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