Aude Valley

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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 1970
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (1970) S7-XII (3): 413–425.
...Pierre Verdeil Abstract Fossil thalweg, regressive and transgressive phases, terraces, paleogeography, France GeoRef, Copyright 2013, American Geosciences Institute. 1970 Aude Valley Cenozoic deglaciation Europe fluvial features fossil France geomorphology glacial geology...
One-dimensional subsidence analyses for four boreholes cutting basement (MZ...
Published: 22 January 2016
; P, Plantaurel Group; AV, Aude Valley Group; R, Rieubach Group; C, Coustouge Group, Cs, Carcassonne Group.
( a ) Interpretation of the ECORS Arize deep seismic reflection line in TWT...
Published: 22 January 2016
Fig. 5. ( a ) Interpretation of the ECORS Arize deep seismic reflection line in TWT with projected boreholes (stratigraphy colour code in Figs 3 and 4 , except for orange, which combines Rieubach and Aude Valley groups). Fault abbreviations as in Figure 2 . Boreholes and seismic line
Journal Article
Published: 22 January 2016
Journal of the Geological Society (2016) 173 (3): 419–437.
...; P, Plantaurel Group; AV, Aude Valley Group; R, Rieubach Group; C, Coustouge Group, Cs, Carcassonne Group. ...
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Digital elevation model of the basal incision (S100–S200) of the Languedoc–...
Published: 01 October 2011
F ig. 2.— Digital elevation model of the basal incision (S100–S200) of the Languedoc–Roussillon incised-valley–estuary systems. The Orb and Aude rivers coalesce and flow toward the south, forming the northern branch. The Agly and Têt rivers coalesce under the coastal plain and the Salses–Leucate
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1996
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1996) 86 (3): 627–635.
.... Rodriguez M. Singh S. K. (1988) . The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985—Natural period of sites in the Valley of Mexico from microtremor measurements and strong motion data , Earthquake Spectra 4 , 805...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 July 2015
SEG Discovery (2015) (102): 1–60.
... Statements Candidate for President-Elect (2016) Valley all of which instilled an endur- Corporation and remains directly SEG NEWS ing interest in geology. He studied earth involved with exploration ventures both LAURENCE J. ROBB sciences at Wits in South Africa, culmi- in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 2015
SEG Discovery (2015) (101): 1–56.
... Includes accommodation and ground transportation. Costs in AUD and subject to change. Sede: Sheraton Lima Hotel www.geol.utas.edu.au/studentchapter & Convention Center [email protected] ORGANIZA / ORGANIZED BY www.proexplo.com.pe No 101 APRIL 2015 S E G N E W S L E T T E R 13 . . . from page...
Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 2004
SEG Discovery (2004) (57): 1–44.
... much more than we (Price et al, 1990). In addition to the might have otherwise known about the rock-forming minerals (albitic plagio- origin and characteristics of the rocks LITHIUM-RICH RHYOLITES Now let s move to a different location Clayton Valley in Nevada, where lithium is mined from brines...
Journal Article
Journal: Economic Geology
Published: 01 January 2006
Economic Geology (2006) 101 (1): 199–234.
... FdS 750 447 8.6 744 192 18.5 S 92/39 29.9 4.9 0.9 295 1.8 101 S 92/40 37.2 5.8 3.6 390 <0.4 2.7 The effect of hydrothermal alteration on whole-rock geochemistry has been evaluated by comparing the same Paleozoic series in the Orbiel Valley, 2 km east of the mine...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1920
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (1920) 10 (3): 146–149.
... of which they are but a relatively unimportant accompaniment. In view of the vastly more wonderful physiography of Southern California, due to great earth movements and fractures--the mighty mountains, the vast valleys, the arrangement and distribution of the surface and underground waters, the climatic...
Journal Article
Published: 30 August 2021
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (2021) 192 (1): 37.
... sedimentary record of the Corbières Virgation ranges from Campanian to Bartonian in age. It can be found only in the foreland where it is characterized by fluvial, lacustrine and marine deposits (Plantaurel Group, Aude Valley Group, Coustouge Group, Carcassonne Group; Grool et al. , 2018 ). During...
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Journal Article
Published: 15 October 2020
Journal of the Geological Society (2021) 178 (1): jgs2019-157.
... ; Montigny et al. 1986 ). The onset of Pyrenean orogenesis at 84 Ma is marked by an initial deepening of the Pyrenean Trough (Plantaurel Group, Alet Sandstone Formation, sourced from the east; Figs 3 and 4 ), followed by a transition to continental facies (Aude Valley Group). As the younger foreland...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 August 1990
Journal of the Geological Society (1990) 147 (4): 687–692.
... Publication Ovtracht A. Gothlando-Devonien et Dévonien inférieur du Massif de Mouthoutmet (Aude) Colloque sur le Dévonien inférieur et ses limites, Rennes 1964 33 171 188 1964. Mémoires du Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières Pelet R. Tissot B. Etude géochimique du...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1986
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1986) 27 (6): 531–542.
.... Location map. and Bhavnagar coastal areas, where the Tertiaries were folded, faulted and uplifted. Regionally, the study area falls within the superimposed tectonic belt of Narmada rift basin which trends sw in the Narmada valley and also across the Gulf of Cambay. Thus, the structural style of this part...
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2016
Italian Journal of Geosciences (2016) 135 (1): 68–79.
... et alii , 2006 ; T ondi , 2007 ; C ilona et alii , 2012 ; R ustichelli et alii , 2012 ; W ong & B aud , 2012) . Compaction shear banding generally acts in grainstones with porosity >10–15%, resulting in a dramatic porosity reduction (down to <1%) from host rock to fault core. However...
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Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 December 1951
AAPG Bulletin (1951) 35 (12): 2561–2581.
.... The most prolific pools, however, are those within the isolated lenses such as Ribeyre Island, Mink Island, Storms, and the two accumulations at Roland in the lower Wabash area, Rochester higher up the Wabash valley, and Morganfield South in Kentucky. A third phase of the Waltersburg can be recognized...
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Journal Article
Published: 08 May 2020
Journal of the Geological Society (2020) 177 (4): 752–765.
... an inverse polarity, which could correspond to chron C29r. The two main negative excursions below the K–Pg boundary might be within chron C29r because a recent magnetostratigraphic study in the Aude valley ( c . 25 km SW of Lairière) suggests that a major hiatus occurred in the area between chron C31n...
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Journal Article
Journal: SEG Discovery
Published: 01 April 2001
SEG Discovery (2001) (45): 1–52.
... destroyer of value in exploration is spending too much time and money prior to drill testing the best The project reviewed gold exploration over the past 13 years in targets in any area. the Laverton district of Western Australia. Placer Granny Smith has spent AUD$52 million (about US$30 million at recent...
Journal Article
Published: 01 June 1959
Jour. Geol. Soc. India (1959) 1 (1): 44–52.
... signs of thinning, and they may well have extended for very much further. It is possible, therefore, that the flows originated in those areas where dykes are found, namely in Cutch, Saurashtra, the N. Konkan, the Tapti and Narmada valleys, and the Gondwana basins of the Satpuras and further east...