Applecross Scotland

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Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2012
Journal of the Geological Society (2012) 169 (3): 297–310.
...Magdalena A. Ellis; S. E. Laubach; P. Eichhubl; J. E. Olson; P. Hargrove Abstract The Late Proterozoic Torridon Group Applecross Formation in the foreland of the Moine Thrust Belt, NW Scotland, contains deformation bands, three fracture sets (from oldest to youngest A, B, and L) defined...
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Journal Article
Published: 03 July 1995
Journal of Sedimentary Research (1995) 65 (3a): 495–504.
...Geraint Owen Abstract The Applecross Formation (upper Proterozoic Torridon Group, northwest Scotland) was deposited as planar-laminated and cross-bedded coarse sands in braided streams. Soft-sediment deformation is described from a 97 m thick study section, most of which comprises contorted...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1997
Journal of the Geological Society (1997) 154 (6): 987–997.
...GEORGE E. WILLIAMS; PHILLIP W. SCHMIDT Abstract A palaeoplain that cuts across Lewisian Gneiss in the Cape Wrath area, northwest Scotland, is weathered to depths of 1–6 m beneath fluvial red conglomerates and sandstones of the Applecross Formation of the early Neoproterozoic Torridon Group...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2001
Geological Magazine (2001) 138 (4): 471–494.
...GEORGE E. WILLIAMS Abstract The presence of alluvial fan deposits in the lower Neoproterozoic Torridon Group in northwest Scotland illuminates Torridonian basin development at the eastern Laurentian margin. The 450 m thick Cape Wrath Member of the Applecross Formation consists of alluvial fan...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 March 2001
Geological Magazine (2001) 138 (2): 161–184.
...GEORGE E. WILLIAMS Abstract The presence of alluvial fan deposits in the lower Neoproterozoic Torridon Group in northwest Scotland illuminates Torridonian basin development at the eastern Laurentian margin. The 450 m thick Cape Wrath Member of the Applecross Formation consists of alluvial fan...
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Series: AAPG Memoir
Published: 01 January 1969
DOI: 10.1306/M12367C44
EISBN: 9781629812274
... Abstract Many of the pebbles in the late Precambrian Torridonian arkose (Applecross Formation) of northwest Scotland cannot be traced to the underlying Lewisian basement complex. Pebbles regarded as exotic include quartz-tourmaline rock, tourmaline-aplite, quartz-fuch- site schist, pure...
Journal Article
Published: 01 December 1996
Journal of the Geological Society (1996) 153 (6): 955–964.
... a new chronology for the Torridonian of NW Scotland. The calcite fraction of the Stoer Group Limestone Member yields a Pb-Pb age of 1199 ± 70 (2a') Ma (MSWD = 1.1). Rb-Sr whole-rock regressions from siltstones of the Diabaig and Applecross Forma- tions (both Torridon Group) produce ages of 994 ± 48 (2(T...
Journal Article
Published: 01 November 2004
Scottish Journal of Geology (2004) 40 (2): 123–130.
...R. Jonk; J. Kelly; J. Parnell Synopsis A field and petrographic study of Lewisian- and Torridonian-hosted clastic dykes near Gairloch, NW Scotland indicates that these generally trend NE and align in an up to 1 km wide NE trending fracture zone extending over a distance of approximately 10 km...
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Journal Article
Published: 17 July 2019
Scottish Journal of Geology (2019) 55 (2): 155–165.
... and GSG. All rights reserved 2019 © 2019 The Author(s) The large convergent multi-fluted deposit on the Applecross peninsula in the NW of Scotland (57° 30′ 29″ N, 5° 49′ 53″ W), though well known, has generally been considered as a crag-and-tail or a mega-scale glacial lineation (MSGL) feature...
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Journal Article
Published: 17 October 2014
Scottish Journal of Geology (2015) 51 (1): 63–68.
...George E. Williams Abstract Weathering profiles 2–3 m thick mantle a palaeoplain formed on the Lewisian Complex and are overlain unconformably by fluvial conglomerates of the c . 980 Ma Applecross Formation (Torridon Group) in NW Scotland. Geological and palaeomagnetic data indicate...
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2007
Journal of the Geological Society (2007) 164 (3): 541–551.
... . Mineralogy, geochemistry and sodium metasomatism of Torridonian rift basin clastic rocks, NW Scotland . Scottish Journal of Geology , 33 , 103 – 124 . Williams , G.E. , 1966 . Palaeogeography of the Torridonian Applecross Group . Nature , 209 , 1303 – 1306 . Williams , G.E...
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Example of presentation technique applied bed-by-bed to an outcrop in which...
Published: 17 April 2018
Fig. 3.— Example of presentation technique applied bed-by-bed to an outcrop in which directional data are variable. Vertical variation in paleocurrent direction of braided alluvium, revealed by foreset dip. Neoproterozoic Applecross Formation, Cìrean Geardail, Scotland.
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 1988
Journal of the Geological Society (1988) 145 (5): 819–830.
...S. J. HAY; J. HALL; G. SIMMONS; M. J. RUSSELL Abstract Examination of a suite of Lewisian gneisses from NW Scotland has revealed the sequential development of microcrack networks sealed by minerals deposited from fluids passing along them. The sealants were deposited during periods of both...
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1961
Geological Magazine (1961) 98 (4): 265–276.
...G. P. Black; W. Welsh Abstract Five lithologic subdivisions are distinguished in the Torridonian strata on Rhum, western Scotland, of which four are assigned to the Diabaig group and the fifth to the Applecross group. Comparison with the Torridonian of Skye and the mainland shows that the Diabaig...
Figure 6. Probability density distribution diagram of siliciclastic sequenc...
Published: 01 July 2007
Figure 6. Probability density distribution diagram of siliciclastic sequences from New-foundland, Scotland, Greenland, and Baltica. Sources of data: Applecross and Aultbea Formations, Torridon Group, northwest Scotland— Rainbird et al. (2001) ; Bradore, Hawke Bay, Summerside, Blow-Me-Down Brook
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2008
Journal of the Geological Society (2008) 165 (1): 379–394.
... , London , 201 – 211 . Owen , G. , 1995 . Soft-sediment deformation in upper Proterozoic Torridonian sandstones (Applecross Formation) at Torridon, northwest Scotland . Journal of Sedimentary Research , A65 , 495 – 504 . Peach , B.N. & Horne , J. 1930 . Chapters...
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Existing and contrasting techniques for representing paleocurrent data on a...
Published: 17 April 2018
Fig. 1.— Existing and contrasting techniques for representing paleocurrent data on a vertical outcrop image. Image shown illustrates an outcrop of the Neoproterozoic Applecross Formation on Handa Island, Scotland, where foresets of braided-river alluvium exhibit a mean paleoflow towards the ESE
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2001
Journal of the Geological Society (2001) 158 (1): 15–27.
... . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 , 4429 - 4438 . Williams , G.E. 1966 . Palaeogeography of the Torridonian Applecross Group . Nature 209 , 1303 - 1306 . Williams , G.E. 1969 . Petrography and origin of pebbles from Torridonian strata (late Precambrian), northwest Scotland...
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Map showing outcrop of <span class="search-highlight">Applecross</span> Formation (Torridon Group) in relation to...
Published: 01 May 2012
Fig. 1. Map showing outcrop of Applecross Formation (Torridon Group) in relation to surrounding units, western Scotland. (After Peach et al . 1907 ; Stewart 1969 ; Stewart & Goodenough 2009 .) Box: location of study, east of An Teallach [NH110 850], Wester Ross. MTB, Moine Thrust Belt
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 1974
Journal of the Geological Society (1974) 130 (1): 85–91.
...). $6179: Quartz-tourmaline schist (Peach et al. I9O7, 283). N Sutherland Scotland (NCI836o8) do N Sutherland, Scotland (NC23o574) N Sutherland, Scotland (NC~97587) Applecross Valley, Applecross, Wester Ross, Scotland 295 ° 4- 89 Early Scourian 28o2 4- 84 deformation-+later Scourian tourmalinisa- tion 295...