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Journal Article
Published: 01 July 1972
Journal of Paleontology (1972) 46 (4): 499–502.
...Michael S. Chaiffetz Abstract Chitinozoa, Ancyrochitina fragilis, flotation organs, Waldron Shale (Silurian), Nelson County, Kentucky GeoRef, Copyright 2004, American Geological Institute. 1972 ...
Selected chitinozoans from the Long Mountain Succession. (a)  <span class="search-highlight">Ancyrochitina</span>...
Published: 26 June 2015
Figure 8. Selected chitinozoans from the Long Mountain Succession. (a) Ancyrochitina ansarviensis ?; Upper Heldre section, VP-142. (b) Ancyrochitina sp. B; Upper Heldre section, VP-142. (c) Belonechitina sp. A; Middle Heldre section, VP-170. (d) Eisenackitina sp. F; Middle
figs 1-5.  <span class="search-highlight">Ancyrochitina</span>  sp. C:  1 , 115×70×25, specimen C2078, sample K2....
Published: 01 May 2009
Explanation of Plate 4. figs 1-5. Ancyrochitina sp. C: 1 , 115×70×25, specimen C2078, sample K2.0; 2, 120×70×25, specimen C2079, sample K2.0; 3, 110×65×25 specimen C2080, sample K2.0; 4, 130 × 65 × 30, specimen C2081, sample K2.0; 5, 125 × 70 × 28, specimen C2082, sample K2.0. figs 6, 8
Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A-B, D, F, I) and “Lima” (C, E, G-H) f...
Published: 01 January 2002
PLATE 6 Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A-B, D, F, I) and “Lima” (C, E, G-H) formations. The scale bars represent 100 μm.
 A Ancyrochitina aff. A. morzadeci Paris 1981 . Well 2-AG-1-MT, cuttings.
 B Ancyrochitina aff. A. morzadeci Paris 1981 . Well 2-AG-1-MT, cuttings.
Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A-H) and “Lima” (I) formations. The sc...
Published: 01 January 2002
Ancyrochitina frankeli Wright 1976 . Well 1-R-1-PR, core 16.
 D Ancyrochitina frankeli Wright 1976 . Well 1-R-1-PR, core 16.
 E Ancyrochitina morzadeci Paris 1981 . Well 2-AG-1-MT, cuttings.
 F Ancyrochitina simplex n.sp. Well 2-JA-1-GO, cuttings.
 G Ancyrochitina varispinosa ( Lange 1967b ). Well 2-AG
Chitinozoans from the São Domingos Formation. The scale bars represent 100...
Published: 01 January 2002
PLATE 1 Chitinozoans from the São Domingos Formation. The scale bars represent 100 μm.
 A Ancyrochitina 121b Lange, 1967a . Well RSP-1-MT, level 299.35 m.
 B Ancyrochitina postdesmea Grahn, 2002 . Well RSP-1-MT, level 315.50 m.
 C Ancyrochitina simplex n.s p. Well RSP-1-MT, level 348.00
Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A–C, F–I) and “Lima” (D–E) formations....
Published: 01 January 2002
PLATE 8 Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A–C, F–I) and “Lima” (D–E) formations. The scale bars represent 100 μm.
 A Ramochitina sp. C. Well 2-AG-1-MT, core 13.
 B Ancyrochitina langei Sommer and van Boekel 1964 . Well 2-JA-1-GO, core 27.
 C Ancyrochitina langei Sommer and van Boekel
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 01 January 2002
Palynology (2002) 26 (1): 135–165.
...PLATE 6 Chitinozoans from the São Domingos (A-B, D, F, I) and “Lima” (C, E, G-H) formations. The scale bars represent 100 μm.
 A Ancyrochitina aff. A. morzadeci Paris 1981 . Well 2-AG-1-MT, cuttings.
 B Ancyrochitina aff. A. morzadeci Paris 1981 . Well 2-AG-1-MT, cuttings.
FIGURES | View All (23)
Llandoverian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin. All specimens are from well...
Published: 01 January 2000
PLATE 1 Llandoverian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin. All specimens are from well RD-116.
 1 Ancyrochitina ancyrea (Eisenack 1931), level 236.85 m, SEM x320.
 2 Ancyrochitina paranaensis n. sp., Holotype, level 193.85 m, SEM x195.
 3 Angochitina sp. A sensu Grahn and Paris 1992 , level
Middle and Late Devonian chitinozoan ranges, and chitinozoan and miospore b...
Published: 01 January 2002
Text-Figure 13. Middle and Late Devonian chitinozoan ranges, and chitinozoan and miospore biozones from the Paraná Basin of Brazil and Paraguay. 1 = concurrent range zone of Alpenachitina eisenacki and Spinachitina biconstricta . 2 = interval range zone of Ancyrochitina taouratinensis . 3
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 01 January 2000
Palynology (2000) 24 (1): 147–176.
...PLATE 1 Llandoverian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin. All specimens are from well RD-116.
 1 Ancyrochitina ancyrea (Eisenack 1931), level 236.85 m, SEM x320.
 2 Ancyrochitina paranaensis n. sp., Holotype, level 193.85 m, SEM x195.
 3 Angochitina sp. A sensu Grahn and Paris 1992 , level...
FIGURES | View All (16)
Journal Article
Published: 01 July 2006
Geological Magazine (2006) 143 (4): 509–529.
... cf. C. serrata (= C. aff. C. serrata ), Ancyrochitina sp. and Angochitina sp. were mentioned by Gray et al. (1992) . Two additional shallow borings (269-R1 and 269-R2), yielding essentially the same fauna as described by Grahn, Pereira & Bergamaschi (2000) , were discussed by P...
FIGURES | View All (11)
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 22 April 2021
Palynology (2021) 45 (2): 301–319.
... bars: 20 μm. 1–12. Ancyrochitina cf. A. merga (Jenkins 1970 ). 1. 184.89-16; 2. 184.89-163; 3. 184.89-184; 4. 184.89-169; 5. 184.89-34; 6. 184.89-162; 7. 184.89-86; 8. 184.89-2; 9. 184.89-177; 10. 184.89-164; 11. 184.89-4; 12. 184.89-25. 13–16. Saharochitina ? sp. 13. 184.89-200; 14. 87.3-173...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Published: 01 May 2009
Journal of Micropalaeontology (2009) 28 (1): 53–66.
...Explanation of Plate 4. figs 1-5. Ancyrochitina sp. C: 1 , 115×70×25, specimen C2078, sample K2.0; 2, 120×70×25, specimen C2079, sample K2.0; 3, 110×65×25 specimen C2080, sample K2.0; 4, 130 × 65 × 30, specimen C2081, sample K2.0; 5, 125 × 70 × 28, specimen C2082, sample K2.0. figs 6, 8...
FIGURES | View All (8)
Chitinozoans from the São Domingos Formation. The scale bars represent 100...
Published: 01 January 2002
PLATE 2 Chitinozoans from the São Domingos Formation. The scale bars represent 100 μm.
 A Plectochitina sp. A. Well RSP-1-MT, level 254.30 m.
 B Ramochitina 122 b Lange 1967a . Well RSP-1-MT, level 249.00 m.
 C Ancyrochitina taouratinensis Boumendjel 1985 . Well RSP-1-MT, level 249.00 m
Llandoverian and early Devonian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin.
 1  Ancy...
Published: 01 January 2000
PLATE 5 Llandoverian and early Devonian Chitinozoa from the Paraná Basin.
 1 Ancyrochitina sp. B, Tibaji–Telêmaco Borba section, level ca. 63.5 m, SEM x345.
 2 Ancyrochitina parisi Volkheimer, Melendi and Salas 1986 , Tibaji–Telêmaco Borba section, level ca. 64.5 m, SEM x370.
Journal Article
Journal: Palynology
Published: 28 April 2023
Palynology (2023) 47 (2): 2149631.
... to establish the Eremochitina brevis, Desmochitina ornensis, Belonechitina henryi, Siphonochitina formosa, Belonechitina robusta , Tanuchitina fistulosa , Acanthochitina barbata , Armoricochitina nigerica , Ancyrochitina merga , Tanuchitina elongata , Spinachitina oulebsiri, and Spinachitina fragilis biozones...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Figures 1, 5; 2, 6; 3, 7.  Hyalochitina jajarmensis  Ghavidel-Syooki  2017c...
Published: 14 October 2024
Plate 4. Figures 1, 5; 2, 6; 3, 7. Hyalochitina jajarmensis Ghavidel-Syooki 2017c ; figures 4, 8; 9; 10, 11. Ancyrochitina onniensis Jenkins 1967 ; figures 12; 13, 17; 14, 18; 15, 19. Fungochitina spinifera Eisenack 1962 ); figures 16, 20. Eisenackitina rhenana (Eisenack 1939
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 November 1972
AAPG Bulletin (1972) 56 (11): 2271–2272.
... characteristics for usefulness for stratigraphic purposes, e.g., such forms as Angochitina (ex- Sphaerochitina ) sphaerocephala. (1) Complex including Ancyrochitina fragilis regularis Taugourdeau and de Jekhowsky, 1960, and A.f. brevis Taugourdeau and de Jekhowsky, 1960; (2) Angochitina eisenacki...
Journal Article
Published: 26 June 2015
Geological Magazine (2016) 153 (1): 95–109.
...Figure 8. Selected chitinozoans from the Long Mountain Succession. (a) Ancyrochitina ansarviensis ?; Upper Heldre section, VP-142. (b) Ancyrochitina sp. B; Upper Heldre section, VP-142. (c) Belonechitina sp. A; Middle Heldre section, VP-170. (d) Eisenackitina sp. F; Middle...
FIGURES | View All (9)