Amphistegina lobifera

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Journal Article
Published: 26 July 2024
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2024) 54 (3): 237–248.
...Pamela Hallock; Olga Koukousioura; Ahmed Mohamed BadrElDin Abstract Amphistegina lobifera Larsen is a relatively large (adult diameter ∼1–3 mm), robust, diatom-symbiont-bearing benthic foraminiferal species that thrives in clear, nutrient-poor coastal waters throughout much of the subtropical...
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Journal Article
Published: 22 September 2021
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2021) 51 (3): 210–224.
... Seaway and tropical Pacific islands. The current study assessed growth and fecundity of two species, Marginopora vertebralis and Amphistegina lobifera , collected from sites in Viti Levu, Fiji, based on shell diameter, shell weight, fecundity, and survival. Specimens were cultured without supplemental...
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2012
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2012) 42 (2): 143–150.
... is Amphistegina lobifera Larsen, which is the largest and shallowest dwelling of the Indo-Pacific taxa. This epiphytic, symbiont-bearing foraminifer is also a remarkably successful invasive species in coastal ecosystems of the eastern Mediterranean, where its shell production is altering the composition...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 October 1984
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (1984) 14 (4): 262–276.
<span class="search-highlight">Amphistegina</span> <span class="search-highlight">lobifera</span>  Larsen from Elafonisos, Greece: spiral view (left) a...
Published: 26 July 2024
Figure 1. Amphistegina lobifera Larsen from Elafonisos, Greece: spiral view (left) and umbilical view (right). (Photo by O. Koukousioura)
<span class="search-highlight">Amphistegina</span> <span class="search-highlight">lobifera</span> .  1  light photomicrographs: a, normal-healthy speci...
Published: 01 April 2012
Figure 2 Amphistegina lobifera . 1 light photomicrographs: a, normal-healthy specimen, ventral side, sample 09/08; b, normal-healthy specimen, dorsal side, sample 05/09; c, white specimen, sample 05/09, the arrow points to remnant material common in specimens that have undergone gametogenesis
Population data for  <span class="search-highlight">Amphistegina</span> <span class="search-highlight">lobifera</span>  specimens collected monthly (Ju...
Published: 01 April 2012
Table 2 Population data for Amphistegina lobifera specimens collected monthly (June 2008–May 2009) in the Vravron coastal ecosystem, representing mean values between the two counted samples.
Size-frequency distributions of living  <span class="search-highlight">Amphistegina</span> <span class="search-highlight">lobifera</span>  specimens fo...
Published: 01 April 2012
Figure 4 Size-frequency distributions of living Amphistegina lobifera specimens for two samples each month; “Number Counted” indicates how many specimens were counted in each size class. St. Dev = standard deviation.
Figure 1. Amoeboids produced from  <span class="search-highlight">Amphistegina</span> <span class="search-highlight">lobifera</span>  and their biomine...
Published: 01 November 2005
Figure 1. Amoeboids produced from Amphistegina lobifera and their biomineralization products. A: A. lobifera in acidic seawater, showing partial dissolution of calcareous shell and protoplasm spheres that bud from cell. B: Protoplasm sphere after being transferred to normal seawater produces
Journal Article
Published: 01 April 2021
Journal of Foraminiferal Research (2021) 51 (2): 69–80.
... than density for Amphistegina lobifera and Heterostegina depressa ; these two factors are equally important for Peneroplis pertusus , but the settling velocity of Sorites orbiculus is also considerably controlled by their unique structure, besides size and density. This species-specific pattern...
Photograph of carbonate sand from Elafonisos, Greece, with abundant  Amphis...
Published: 26 July 2024
Figure 4. Photograph of carbonate sand from Elafonisos, Greece, with abundant Amphistegina lobifera shells. Also present are shells or fragments of other foraminifers (e.g., Peneroplis , Sorites , Homotrema , and unidentified porcelaneous and agglutinated shells), gastropods, and serpulids
Monthly abundance (specimens/100 cm 2  sample) of living (normal-healthy, w...
Published: 01 April 2012
Figure 3 Monthly abundance (specimens/100 cm 2 sample) of living (normal-healthy, white, broken, and epiphytized) and dead Amphistegina lobifera specimens, compared to sea-surface water temperature.
Figure 3. Two types of calcite produced by amoeboids and in natural  Amphis...
Published: 01 November 2005
Figure 3. Two types of calcite produced by amoeboids and in natural Amphistegina lobifera shells. A: MgCO 3 content (mol %) vs. size of CaCO 3 precipitated by amoeboids. Microspheres (<10 mμ) that frequently develop into elongated structures are high-Mg calcite, while radial spherulites
Photomicrographs of algal symbiont-bearing larger foraminifera considered i...
Published: 01 July 2004
) from the reef crest site. Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll) from the moat site. Sorites orbiculus (Forska°l) from the moat site. Amphistegina lessonii d’Orbigny from the 18-m depth site. Amphistegina lobifera Larsen from the reef crest site. Amphistegina radiata (Fichtel
Figure 5. Scaning electron microscope images of primary wall of recalcified...
Published: 01 November 2005
Figure 5. Scaning electron microscope images of primary wall of recalcified individual. A: Primary wall showing typical lobes of chamber margins of Amphistegina lobifera that are constructed on glass substrate. At this stage, wall is composed of high-Mg microspheres assembled within organic
Benthic foraminifera from the Al-Mukalla coastal area. Scale bar for all sp...
Published: 01 October 2016
Figure 6 Benthic foraminifera from the Al-Mukalla coastal area. Scale bar for all specimens = 100 μm. 1, 2 Cymbaloporetta bradyi (Cushman), 1 , umbilical view; 2 , spiral view. 3 Amphistegina lobifera Larsen, umbilical view. 4 Haynesina germanica (Ehrenberg), side view. 5 – 8
Representative foraminiferal species from the stratigraphy of Collinpur-4 i...
Published: 01 June 2021
beccarii (Linnaeus 1758) dorsal view (2) ventral view (3) apertural view MGSN1; (4) Amphistegina lobifera (Larsen, 1976) lateral view and (5) apertural view, MGSN2; (6) Elphidium craticulatum (Fichtel & Moll, 1798) lateral view and (7) apertural view, MGSN3; (8) Oolina laevigata (d’Orbigny, 1839
Journal Article
Published: 01 February 2012
Italian Journal of Geosciences (2012) 131 (1): 47–66.
... the description of the foraminiferal assemblages by introducing further subdivisions. Cluster A - Amphistegina radiata assemblage (quartzose bioclastic sand) - This cluster consists of 7 samples and is dominated by Amphistegina radiata (43.6–62.6%) with, subordinately, A. lobifera (0.9–22.4...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Scanning electron micrographs of selected benthic foraminifers from the Bur...
Published: 01 February 2012
radiata , 18a ventral view, PL8, 18b dorsal view, PL8; 19. Amphistegina lessonii , 19a ventral view, PL8, 19b dorsal view, PL8; 20. Amphistegina lobifera , 20a ventral view, PL60, 20b dorsal view, PL60; 21. Operculina ammonoides , side view, PL46; 22. Heterostegina depressa , side view, PL4. Scale bar
Journal Article
Journal: Geology
Published: 01 November 2005
Geology (2005) 33 (11): 841–844.
...Figure 1. Amoeboids produced from Amphistegina lobifera and their biomineralization products. A: A. lobifera in acidic seawater, showing partial dissolution of calcareous shell and protoplasm spheres that bud from cell. B: Protoplasm sphere after being transferred to normal seawater produces...
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