Altamont Field

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Journal Article
Journal: Geophysics
Published: 01 August 1999
Geophysics (1999) 64 (4): 1312–1328.
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1982
AAPG Bulletin (1982) 66 (9): 1231–1247.
... of the naturally fractured Altamont oil field in Utah’s Uinta basin. Calculations suggest that fractures formed in extension, that the well-cemented rocks are those most likely to be fractured, that fractures began to develop only after strata were buried to great depth, and that the fracture system continued...
FIGURES | View All (10)
—Core from the upper Green River Formation, Bluebell-<span class="search-highlight">Altamont</span> <span class="search-highlight">field</span>. (A) Fi...
Published: 01 September 1999
Figure 3 —Core from the upper Green River Formation, Bluebell-Altamont field. (A) Fine-grained poorly sorted sandstone with no significant porosity (1995 m depth); (B) medium-grained poorly sorted calcareous sandstone, minor porosity (blue); (C and D) fine-grained poorly sorted sandstone
—Cross section AA′; across Uinta basin through Greater <span class="search-highlight">Altamont</span> <span class="search-highlight">field</span>, modi...
Published: 01 April 1987
Figure 17 —Cross section AA′; across Uinta basin through Greater Altamont field, modified from Fouch (1975) . Interpretation of overpressured section from present study is shown. Data are lacking to determine base of overpressure. Initial potential and producing interval from Fouch (1981
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 11 November 1994
AAPG Bulletin (1994) 78 (11): 1729–1747.
...J. D. Bredehoeft; J. B. Wesley; T. D. Fouch ABSTRACT The Altamont oil field in the deep Uinta basin is known to have reservoir fluid pressures that approach lithostatic. One explanation for this high pore-fluid pressure is the generation of oil from kerogen in the Green River oil shale at depth...
FIGURES | View All (22)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 April 1973
AAPG Bulletin (1973) 57 (4): 791.
...Peter T. Lucas ABSTRACT Altamont field in the Uinta basin of Utah is a much-overpressured accumulation of high pour-point crude, producing from multiple, thin, Tertiary reservoirs in a 40-mi long stratigraphic trap. Postdepositional shift of the structural axis of the basin created an updip...
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 September 1999
AAPG Bulletin (1999) 83 (9): 1392–1407.
...Figure 3 —Core from the upper Green River Formation, Bluebell-Altamont field. (A) Fine-grained poorly sorted sandstone with no significant porosity (1995 m depth); (B) medium-grained poorly sorted calcareous sandstone, minor porosity (blue); (C and D) fine-grained poorly sorted sandstone...
FIGURES | View All (14)
Journal Article
Journal: AAPG Bulletin
Published: 01 October 1982
AAPG Bulletin (1982) 66 (10): 1581–1596.
... are not the source of oil produced in the field. Hydrocarbons are compositionally similar to some of the oils produced from the Green River Formation in the Bluebell-Altamont field and are interpreted to have migrated from mature Green River source rocks through a network of open fractures. The occurrence of small...
FIGURES | View All (16)
Book Chapter

Robert M. Sneider
Series: AAPG Continuing Education Course Notes Series
Published: 01 January 1996
DOI: 10.1306/CE37601C1
EISBN: 9781629810805
... for the Bluebell-Altamont field in Utah, a complex stratigraphic trap (of 400+ wells) and the results were impressive. The average cost of a workover ...
Carbon isotopic compositions of Uinta basin gas samples. (a) Methane δ 13 C...
Published: 01 August 2001
, and natural gas samples from the Uinta basin ( Rice et al., 1992 ). (b) Depth trend for methane δ 13 C of gases from the Altamont field, which are thought to have been mixed with variable amounts of microbial gas ( Rice et al., 1992 ). Average isotopic compositions of the hydrous pyrolysis gases are shown
—Plot of pressure vs. depth for the Shell 1–11B4 Brotherson well at Altamon...
Published: 11 November 1994
Figure 5 —Plot of pressure vs. depth for the Shell 1–11B4 Brotherson well at Altamont field.
—Calculated thickness of overburden denuded since inception of fractures at...
Published: 01 September 1982
FIG. 8 —Calculated thickness of overburden denuded since inception of fractures at various elevations in wells of Altamont field.
—Homogenization temperatures measured on fluid inclusions in quartz and cal...
Published: 01 September 1982
FIG. 7 —Homogenization temperatures measured on fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite fracture-mineralization in core from wells within Altamont field.
Crystallization Temperatures, Geothermal Gradients, and Thickness of Eroded...
Published: 01 September 1982
Table 2. Crystallization Temperatures, Geothermal Gradients, and Thickness of Eroded Overburden Calculated from Geothermometry of Fluid Inclusions, Altamont Field, Uinta Basin
—Grid system used for analysis; the active cells are raised, only layers 1 ...
Published: 11 November 1994
Figure 9 —Grid system used for analysis; the active cells are raised, only layers 1 and 7 are pictured. The extreme southern part of the basin is eliminated from the area of investigation; this area has little or no effect on the pore pressure at Altamont field.
Whole-oil gas chromatograms and fractional compositions for selected DST oi...
Published: 01 August 2001
Figure 6 Whole-oil gas chromatograms and fractional compositions for selected DST oils from the Texaco D-1 Ute Tribal well, Altamont field, Uinta basin. These samples are representative of the different types of crude oils in the Uinta basin. Conditions of analysis are described by Ruble (1996
—A plot of simulated pore pressure vs. time generated by a steady rate of o...
Published: 11 November 1994
Figure 14 —A plot of simulated pore pressure vs. time generated by a steady rate of oil generation; these plots are for various model layers at one location in the heart of the Altamont field. Left plot shows the effects of initiating the oil generation at time zero; right plot shows the effects
–Milligrams of saturated hydrocarbons per gram TOC of samples recovered fro...
Published: 01 August 1987
Figure 14 –Milligrams of saturated hydrocarbons per gram TOC of samples recovered from Altamont field, plotted versus maximum burial depth—assuming 1,800 m (5,906 ft) of erosion (after Tissot et al, 1978 ). Superimposed on plot is cumulative percent of oil generated (assuming no cracking
—Map of maximum pressure gradients (in psi/ft) for Tertiary strata of Great...
Published: 01 April 1987
Figure 15 —Map of maximum pressure gradients (in psi/ft) for Tertiary strata of Greater Altamont field, Uinta basin and adjacent area, Utah, based on mud weights, hydrocarbon shows, and measured pressures (from Lucas and Drexler, 1976 ). Contour interval is 0.1 psi/ft. Maximum values may occur
Burial history curves and kinetic models for the Shell 1-11-B4 Brotherson w...
Published: 01 August 2001
Figure 15 Burial history curves and kinetic models for the Shell 1-11-B4 Brotherson well in the Altamont field. Burial history (Table 9) was reconstructed using formation thicknesses from geophysical logs. The models assume a geothermal gradient of 25 °C/km, an ambient surface temperature of 10