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Journal Article
Published: 01 April 1969
Micropaleontology (1969) 15 (2): 230–236.
Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–h)  <span class="search-highlight">Albaillella</span> asymmetrica  Ishiga &amp;am...
Published: 16 May 2014
Figure 13. Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–h) Albaillella asymmetrica Ishiga & Imoto, PRC 160–167; (i–n) Albaillella sinuata Ishiga & Watase, PRC 168–173; (o–s) Copicyntra spp., PRC 174–178. Scale bars 50 μm.
Figure  5 —Sketch of  <span class="search-highlight">Albaillella</span> kayai  n. sp. showing short-hand notation...
Published: 01 January 2008
Figure 5 —Sketch of Albaillella kayai n. sp. showing short-hand notation; v.w. = ventral wing; a = apertural spine; c = cross-bar of H-frame; d.s. = dorsal spine on dorsal rod of H-frame
Scale bar 100μm. Specimens from Goji-hachimuran (Gh), Ubara (Ub) and Tenjin...
Published: 01 January 2004
PLATE 3 Scale bar 100μm. Specimens from Goji-hachimuran (Gh), Ubara (Ub) and Tenjinmaru (Tj), southwest Japan. 1 Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto: Gh.4-2/4792 (2002)
 2,3,6–9, Albaillella triangularis Ishiga. Kito and Imoto: 2, 3,
 19Gh.3-2/4801, 4803; 6, Ub.7/4370 (2001); 7, Ub.7
Figure  5 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi,...
Published: 01 January 2007
Figure 5 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi, China. All scale bars equal 50 μm. The sample number and SEM photo number are given in sequence for each specimen and separated by a virgule. 1 – 3, Albaillella flabellata Jin and Feng new species; 1, DP 3-7/2449; 2
Series: Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Published: 01 January 2018
DOI: 10.1144/SP450.16
EISBN: 9781786203311
... lomentaria – Pseudoalbaillella sakmarensis Assemblage Zone, the Pseudoalbaillella rhombothoracata Interval Zone, the Albaillella xiaodongensis Assemblage Zone, the Albaillella sinuata Abundance Zone and the Pseudoalbaillella ishigai Abundance Zone. Five zones are attributed to the middle Permian...
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Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2007
Journal of Paleontology (2007) 81 (1): 9–18.
...Figure 5 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi, China. All scale bars equal 50 μm. The sample number and SEM photo number are given in sequence for each specimen and separated by a virgule. 1 – 3, Albaillella flabellata Jin and Feng new species; 1, DP 3-7/2449; 2...
FIGURES | View All (6)
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2004
Micropaleontology (2004) 50 (1): 27–44.
...PLATE 3 Scale bar 100μm. Specimens from Goji-hachimuran (Gh), Ubara (Ub) and Tenjinmaru (Tj), southwest Japan. 1 Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito and Imoto: Gh.4-2/4792 (2002)
 2,3,6–9, Albaillella triangularis Ishiga. Kito and Imoto: 2, 3,
 19Gh.3-2/4801, 4803; 6, Ub.7/4370 (2001); 7, Ub.7...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Journal Article
Published: 01 September 2010
Journal of Paleontology (2010) 84 (5): 879–894.
... Kozur and Möstler. The 19 species include eight new species ( Albaillella bialata , Neoalbaillella camarata , Neoalbaillella cephalota , Zhuangodiscus biacanthus , Zhuangodiscus orthacanthus , Zhuangodiscus pentacanthus , Tetratormentum nandanensis , Octatormentum yaoi ) and 11 undetermined species...
FIGURES | View All (12)
Figure 8.  All radiolarians are from Dongpan, Liuqiao, Xichang and Balong s...
Published: 01 September 2010
Figure 8. All radiolarians are from Dongpan, Liuqiao, Xichang and Balong sections in Guangxi. Scale bar equals 0.1 mm. 1 – 5 , Albaillella bialata Wu and Feng n. sp.: 1 , holotype, LQ16-2/003; 2 , LQ22-4/027; 3 , LQ16-2/004; 4 , XC9/001; 5 , DP3-1/1657; 6 , Albaillella sp. B: DPII16/003
Scale bar 100μm. All specimens from Goji-hachimuran, southwest Japan.  1 Ne...
Published: 01 January 2004
Albaillella protolevis Kuwahara: Gh.2-1/4814;
 6 aff. Albaillella protolevis Kuwahara: Gh.2-4/4815;
 7 Albaillella cavitata Kuwahara: Gh.2-4/4807;
 8,9 Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kita and Imoto: 8, Gh.2-1/4812; 9, Gh.2-1/4813
 10 Follicucullus monacanthus Ishiga, Kita and Imoto, Gh.2-3/4883
Figure  4 —Scanning electron micrographs. All scale bars are 50 μm. Specime...
Published: 01 January 2008
Figure 4 —Scanning electron micrographs. All scale bars are 50 μm. Specimen number is followed by sample number in parentheses. All specimens of Albaillella (except 11 ) are oriented with dorsal rod on right. 1–2, Albaillella paradoxa Deflandre, 1952 ; 1, UCMP49876 (99IG 38) from
Journal Article
Published: 01 January 2008
Journal of Paleontology (2008) 82 (1): 37–56.
...Figure 5 —Sketch of Albaillella kayai n. sp. showing short-hand notation; v.w. = ventral wing; a = apertural spine; c = cross-bar of H-frame; d.s. = dorsal spine on dorsal rod of H-frame ...
FIGURES | View All (9)
Figure  4 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi,...
Published: 01 January 2007
Figure 4 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi, China. All scale bars equal 50 μm. The sample number and SEM photo number are given in sequence for each specimen and separated by a virgule. 1 – 6, Albaillella triangularis Ishiga, Kito, and Imoto, 1982a ; 1, DP 3-7
F ig . 6. Radiolarians from the lower parts of a sequence of Water Pipe Can...
Published: 01 April 2003
F ig . 6. Radiolarians from the lower parts of a sequence of Water Pipe Canyon Formation in upper Water Pipe Canyon, Nevada. 1. and 2. Albaillella paradoxa grp. 3. Cyrtisphaeractinium sp. 4. Archocyrtium diductum Deflandre, emend. Gourmelon. The A. paradoxa group taxa make their first appearance
... Limb, 1-35) section: Lapidopiscum spp.- Protoalbaillella deflandrei Zone, the Pre - “ A. cartalla-A. furcata” Interval, Albaillella cartalla-Albaillella furcata Zone, and Albaillella furcata-Ormistonella hickoryensis Zone. Three radiolarian zones occur at the Ti Valley section: Lapidopiscum...
Figure  6 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi,...
Published: 01 January 2007
Figure 6 —Latest Permian Albaillellidae from the Dongpan Section, Guangxi, China. All scale bars equal 50 μm. The sample number and SEM photo number are given in sequence for each specimen and separated by a virgule. 1 – 4, Albaillella levis Ishiga, Kito, and Imoto, 1982a ; 1, DP2-2/1694; 2
Scale bar 100μm. Specimens from Ubara (Ub) and Tenjinmaru (Tj).  1,5  Neoal...
Published: 01 January 2004
meishanensis zhangi Mei, Zhang and Ward-law, upper-lateral view, Ub.11-2/6113 (2002).
 7–10 Albaillella degradans sp. nov.: 7, Ub.11-1/4361 (2002); 8, Ub.11-3/4363 (2002); 9, Tj.2-4/4350 (2002); 10, Tj.2-5/4357 (2002).
 11,12 Albaillella sp. cf. A. yaoi Kuwahara: 11, Ub.11-1/4364 (2002); 12, Tj.2-5/4358
Journal Article
Published: 16 May 2014
Geological Magazine (2015) 152 (1): 106–142.
...Figure 13. Radiolarians from the E-Lert Fm. (a–h) Albaillella asymmetrica Ishiga & Imoto, PRC 160–167; (i–n) Albaillella sinuata Ishiga & Watase, PRC 168–173; (o–s) Copicyntra spp., PRC 174–178. Scale bars 50 μm. ...
FIGURES | View All (18)
Figure  7 — 1–5,  Neoalbaillella optima , from FA-5-2;  1,  IGUT-KS1073, ×1...
Published: 01 September 2000
Figure 7 — 1–5, Neoalbaillella optima , from FA-5-2; 1, IGUT-KS1073, ×150; 2, IGUT-KS1069, ×150; 3, IGUT-KS1070, ×100; 4, IGUT-KS1075, ×100; 5, IGUT-KS1067, ×150. 6,7, Neoalbaillella ornithoformis, from FAA-7; 6, IGUT-KS1133, ×150; 7, IGUT-KS1135, ×150. 8, Albaillella aff