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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
North America
Detroit River (1)
United States
Arkansas (1)
Meade County Kansas (1)
Reno County Kansas
Hutchinson Kansas (6)
Sedgwick Basin (1)
Stafford County Kansas (1)
Michigan (1)
North Carolina
New Hanover County North Carolina
Wilmington North Carolina (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (1)
Osage County Oklahoma (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (1)
oil and gas fields (1)
natural gas (1)
geologic age
Mississippian (2)
Viola Limestone (1)
Hutchinson Salt Member (2)
Lower Permian (1)
halite (1)
Primary terms
diagenesis (1)
economic geology (1)
engineering geology (2)
faults (1)
geophysical methods (6)
ground water (1)
land subsidence (4)
North America
Detroit River (1)
oil and gas fields (1)
Mississippian (2)
Viola Limestone (1)
Hutchinson Salt Member (2)
Lower Permian (1)
natural gas (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (1)
grainstone (2)
limestone (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (2)
clastic rocks
mudstone (1)
stratigraphy (1)
salt tectonics (1)
United States
Arkansas (1)
Meade County Kansas (1)
Reno County Kansas
Hutchinson Kansas (6)
Sedgwick Basin (1)
Stafford County Kansas (1)
Michigan (1)
North Carolina
New Hanover County North Carolina
Wilmington North Carolina (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (1)
Osage County Oklahoma (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (1)
waste disposal (1)
well-logging (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (1)
grainstone (2)
limestone (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (2)
clastic rocks
mudstone (1)
siliciclastics (1)
siliciclastics (1)
Pore system characterization in diagenetically complex Mississippian-aged carbonate reservoirs (Kansas, USA)
ABSTRACT The Mississippian-age limestone of the North American midcontinent (NAMC) is a valuable unconventional, very fine-grained, low-porosity and low-permeability mixed carbonate–siliciclastic reservoir in Oklahoma and Kansas. Although over 14,000 vertical wells have been producing oil and gas from these Mississippian-age reservoirs for over 50 years, recent horizontal activity has illustrated how crucial it is to understand the petrophysical and depositional characteristics associated with producing intervals. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic architecture determined for five cores in three areas of the basin have been integrated with key petrophysical data (porosity and permeability), a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pore architecture, and the acoustic response from representative samples from each core to better understand the distribution of reservoir facies in this unconventional carbonate reservoir. These data can provide insight into how to enhance the predictability of key reservoir intervals within the study area. The very fine-grained, unconventional reservoir facies within the sample set have a horizontal porosity that ranges from 0.1% to 12.5% (average 2.5%), although porosity values may be as high as 20% locally. Correlative permeability ranges from 0.0001 to 3.4 mD (average 0.05 mD). Horizontal porosity from coarse-grained facies in the “conventional” reservoir facies range from 13% to 45% (average 31%) porosity with correlative permeability ranging from 5.92 to 163 mD (average 43 mD). The variability within the facies provides insight to key characteristics and measurements that allow for enhanced predictability of key petrophysical features (porosity and permeability). The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pore architecture, completed using an environmental scanning electron microscope (SEM) and digital image analysis, shows the pores are mostly oblong to oval shaped, interparticle, and intercrystalline to vuggy, meso- (4 mm to 62.5 µm) to nanopore (1 µm to 1 nm) size, while pore throat measurements are consistently in the nanopore range. Acoustic response measurements are inversely related to porosity, which is consistent with published case studies using conventional carbonates. A notable difference in the acoustic response from the data set, is a significant shift in the velocity–porosity relationship that is likely a result of the complex micro- to nanopore architecture and postdepositional diagenesis. Facies preserved in the five cores range from very fine-grained carbonaceous mudstone and wackestones deposited in an outer-ramp environment to moderate to highly bioturbated wackestone and grainstones deposited in middle-ramp environments, and near-shore wackestone to packstones capped by a series of peritidal deposits. All facies exhibit significant overprinting by diagenesis, including weathering and karst development due to subaerial exposure. Each core shows a shallowing, or shoaling, upward succession of facies, which is in agreement with published eustatic sea-level during this period. The sequence stratigraphic architecture determined from detailed facies analysis reveals a similar hierarchy preserved throughout the basin, which is the foundation to predicting key reservoir intervals. The high-resolution sequence stratigraphic architecture is similarly, the foundation to predict intervals with high porosity and high permeability. The highest order sequences (2nd or 3rd order) have a high level of correlation to conventional wire line logs, specifically the gamma-ray log. Augmenting this data with the acoustic response, and qualitative characterization of the macro- to nanoscale pore architecture, provides an example of how integrated studies can enhance predictability of key reservoir facies and producing intervals within unconventional carbonate reservoirs.
Evaluating hazards at salt cavern sites using multichannel analysis of surface waves
Catastrophic sinkhole formation in Kansas : A case study
High-resolution seismic detection of shallow natural gas beneath Hutchinson, Kansas
Real-time resistivity sounding using a hand-held broadband electromagnetic sensor
Salt dissolution and surface subsidence in central Kansas; a seismic investigation of the anthropogenic and natural origins models
Mechanisms of surface subsidence resulting from solution extraction of salt
Abstract Extraction of soluble minerals, whether by natural or man-induced processes, can result in localized land-surface subsidence. The subsidence is caused by partial or total collapse of underground cavities resulting from dissolution of salt or other soluble evaporites. In many cases, subsidence is ultimately related to the strength limit of the overlying rocks that form the unsupported roof above the cavity. Downwarping results where strength of roof spans are exceeded. In other cases, collapse of the undermined roof causes stoping of the overburden rocks. If sufficient underground space is available for the loosely packed rock debris to collect, the void can migrate to the surface and produce surface subsidence, or in the extreme, catastrophic surface collapse. Another mechanism is subsurface erosion of susceptible layers (sandstone, silt, loess) overlying salt cavities. Ground water can erode and transport the loose material down subsidence-induced and natural cracks, or drill holes into the salt cavity. The voids formed in the higher eroded beds can then cause surface subsidence.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory has for several years been conducting tests relating to ultimate disposal of highly radioactive power reactor wastes in salt mines. A number of laboratory and field tests have been conducted on properties of salt which are important in the design and operation of a waste-disposal facility. In situ heat transfer properties are sufficiently close to the values determined in the laboratory that confidence can be placed in theoretical heat-transfer calculations. Most bedded salt contains trapped moisture which is released with violence at temperatures above about 250°C. Radiation exposure doses of 5 × 10 8 roentgens produce some changes in structural properties, but the effect on mine stability should be negligible. Rock salt is approximately equivalent to concrete as a gamma-radiation shield. Stability of a waste-disposal mine at ambient temperature can be predicted from observed conditions in existing salt mines. Elevated temperatures will cause accelerated creep, but the exact effects on structural stability cannot yet be predicted accurately.