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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Fall Line (2)
North America
Appalachian Basin (1)
Blue Ridge Province (1)
Piedmont (4)
Valley and Ridge Province (1)
United States
Allegheny Plateau (1)
Atlantic Coastal Plain (3)
Sussex County Delaware (1)
District of Columbia (16)
Baltimore County Maryland (1)
Prince Georges County Maryland (1)
New York
Westchester County New York (1)
North Carolina (1)
Cambria County Pennsylvania (1)
Lancaster County Pennsylvania (1)
Potomac River (3)
Rock Creek Park (1)
Arlington County Virginia (1)
Fairfax County Virginia (1)
Loudoun County Virginia (1)
West Virginia (1)
construction materials
building stone (2)
dimension stone (1)
marble deposits (1)
ornamental materials (1)
elements, isotopes
phosphorus (1)
geologic age
Quaternary (1)
Neogene (1)
Cambrian (1)
Ordovician (1)
upper Precambrian
Mesoproterozoic (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
marbles (2)
minerals (2)
vivianite (2)
chain silicates
rhodonite group
babingtonite (1)
framework silicates
zeolite group
epistilbite (1)
stilbite (1)
titanite group
titanite (1)
epidote group
epidote (1)
sheet silicates
chlorite group
chlorite (1)
Primary terms
Quaternary (1)
Neogene (1)
clay mineralogy (1)
conservation (1)
construction materials
building stone (2)
dimension stone (1)
crystal structure (1)
diagenesis (1)
earthquakes (4)
engineering geology (2)
faults (2)
foundations (3)
geochemistry (1)
geomorphology (1)
geophysical methods (1)
hydrology (1)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
marble deposits (1)
metamorphic rocks
marbles (2)
mineralogy (2)
minerals (2)
North America
Appalachian Basin (1)
Blue Ridge Province (1)
Piedmont (4)
Valley and Ridge Province (1)
Cambrian (1)
Ordovician (1)
petrology (1)
phosphorus (1)
upper Precambrian
Mesoproterozoic (1)
sedimentary petrology (3)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
limestone (1)
clastic rocks
sandstone (1)
sedimentation (1)
clastic sediments
gravel (2)
seismology (1)
soil mechanics (1)
soils (1)
stratigraphy (1)
structural geology (1)
neotectonics (1)
tunnels (1)
underground installations (1)
United States
Allegheny Plateau (1)
Atlantic Coastal Plain (3)
Sussex County Delaware (1)
District of Columbia (16)
Baltimore County Maryland (1)
Prince Georges County Maryland (1)
New York
Westchester County New York (1)
North Carolina (1)
Cambria County Pennsylvania (1)
Lancaster County Pennsylvania (1)
Potomac River (3)
Rock Creek Park (1)
Arlington County Virginia (1)
Fairfax County Virginia (1)
Loudoun County Virginia (1)
West Virginia (1)
weathering (3)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
limestone (1)
clastic rocks
sandstone (1)
sedimentary structures
channels (1)
clastic sediments
gravel (2)
soils (1)
Abstract By virtue of its use in iconic monuments and historic buildings in the USA, Cockeysville marble, a dolomitic to calcitic lower Paleozoic (Cambrian/Ordovician) marble quarried in Baltimore County and adjacent areas in Maryland, is proposed as a potential Global Heritage Stone Resource. The most important use of this stone was for the Washington Monument in Washington, DC whose construction began in 1848; the second most important use was for the 108 columns of the United States Capitol's wings, completed in 1868. It was also used for two of the oldest major marble monuments in the USA, Baltimore's Battle Monument (dedicated in 1827) and Washington Monument (completed in 1829), as well as Baltimore's City Hall, Buffalo's Adkins Art Museum, Detroit's Fisher Building and parts of St Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. During the nineteenth century white Cockeysville was most desired, but a colourful variety, Mar Villa marble, was also used in the first decades of the twentieth century. Cockeysville marble is no longer quarried for dimension stone. All Cockeysville used outdoors has weathered to a lesser or great extent, but early testing indicating that the dolomitic marble would be more durable has proved to be true.
Prepared in conjunction with the GSA Southeastern and Northeastern Sections Joint Meeting in Reston, Virginia, the four field trips in this guide explore various locations in Virginia, Maryland, and West Virginia. The physiographic provinces include the Piedmont, the Blue Ridge, the Valley and Ridge, and the Allegheny Plateau of the Appalachian Basin. The sites exhibit a wide range of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, as well as rocks with a wide range of geologic ages from the Mesoproterozoic to the Paleozoic. One of the trips is to a well-known cave system in West Virginia. We hope that this guidebook provides new motivation for geologists to examine rocks in situ and to discuss ideas with colleagues in the field.
Assessment of the 2011 Virginia Earthquake Damage and Seismic Fragility Analysis of the Washington Monument
Ground shaking and structural response of the Washington Monument during the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake
The moment magnitude (M w ) 5.8 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake of 23 August 2011, was centered ~130 km south-southwest of Washington, D.C. (USA), and caused minor damage across Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area. The Washington Monument sustained masonry damage; a post-earthquake survey of the monument performed for the National Park Service identified cracking and spalling of the pyramidion (the topmost piece of the obelisk), and cracking, spalling, and lesser damage over the entire length of the monument shaft. A seismic vulnerability assessment of the monument was then performed to evaluate the potential for damage to the monument from future earthquakes. No ground-motion recordings of the Mineral earthquake were available for the monument site; therefore, deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analyses were performed to develop site-specific response spectra representing the Mineral earthquake and the maximum considered earthquake (MCE). These spectra were initially developed for a firm rock site condition, and each event was represented by a suite of seven three-component time histories. The rock motions were then modified through site-response analyses to develop time histories and response spectra representing ground motions in the clayey and gravelly soils that support the base of the monument. The results of the site-response analysis show significant amplification at short to intermediate response periods; this amplification is also observed in recordings of the 2011 Mineral earthquake obtained from another site in the general vicinity of the monument. The ground shaking conditions, along with expected foundation load-deflection behavior, were used in detailed structural modeling of the monument to help understand the structure’s response and damage during the 2011 Mineral earthquake and to predict expected performance during future MCE-level ground shaking. The analyses indicate that the period range of the pyramidion’s modes of vibration corresponds closely with the characteristic period range of the monument’s subsurface profile, and is reflected by the peak response of the site-specific spectra analyzed for the Mineral scenario earthquake. This similarity caused amplification of motions experienced by the monument and increased damage to the pyramidion. The nonlinear analysis for the MCE ground motions indicates damage to the pyramidion similar to that from Mineral earthquake effects, but larger lateral displacements of the top of the shaft due largely to the greater soil-bearing stresses associated with a greater first-mode response. The monument was found to generally meet accepted seismic safety criteria without need for strengthening.
Behavior and damage of the Washington Monument during the 2011 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake
This paper investigates the potential causes of the damage to the Washington Monument sustained from the 2011 Mineral, Virginia (USA), earthquake through time-history dynamic analysis. Ambient vibration field test data were obtained and utilized to calibrate a finite element model of the structure and its foundation. The impact of the foundation modeling and the uncertainties associated with the material properties of the stone and iron, in the absence of in situ material testing, were investigated through several parametric studies, in which the material property values are permuted at three (upper, average, and lower) levels to bound the predicted dynamic characteristics of the structure. Because ground-motion data recorded in the Washington, D.C., area during the earthquake are scarce, the ground motion at the Washington Monument site was simulated using an angular transformation of the recorded ground motions in Reston, Virginia, deconvoluted to the bedrock level and upward propagation of the rotated motions to the ground surface based on soil profiles in Reston and the Washington Monument site provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. The finite element model of the Washington Monument shaft subjected to these bidirectional earthquake records showed high acceleration amplification at the observation level, as well as tensile stress concentration at the ~107 m level. These observations correlate with the damage observed in the pyramidion section and upper levels of the Washington Monument shaft following the 2011 Virginia earthquake.
Building stones of the National Mall
Abstract This guide accompanies a walking tour of sites where masonry was employed on or near the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It begins with an overview of the geological setting of the city and development of the Mall. Each federal monument or building on the tour is briefly described, followed by information about its exterior stonework. The focus is on masonry buildings of the Smithsonian Institution, which date from 1847 with the inception of construction for the Smithsonian Castle and continue up to completion of the National Museum of the American Indian in 2004. The building stones on the tour are representative of the development of the American dimension stone industry with respect to geology, quarrying techniques, and style over more than two centuries. Details are provided for locally quarried stones used for the earliest buildings in the capital, including Aquia Creek sandstone (U.S. Capitol and Patent Office Building), Seneca Red sandstone (Smithsonian Castle), Cockeysville Marble (Washington Monument), and Piedmont bedrock (lockkeeper’s house). Following improvement in the transportation system, buildings and monuments were constructed with stones from other regions, including Shelburne Marble from Vermont, Salem Limestone from Indiana, Holston Limestone from Tennessee, Kasota stone from Minnesota, and a variety of granites from several states. Topics covered include geological origins, architectural design considerations, weathering problems, and conservation issues.
Saprolite formation beneath Coastal Plain sediments near Washington, D.C.
Intensities and Structural Setting of the Earthquakes of 19 April and 23 April, 1984 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Authigenic vivianite in Potomac River sediments; control by ferric oxy-hydroxides
Sounding out DC
Abstract Washington, D.C., is the first and largest planned city in the United States. The city lies along the Fall Line at the boundary between the Atlantic Coastal Plain and the Piedmont Plateau and at the head of navigation on the estuary of the Potomac River. This site combines the engineering complexities of two vastly different geologic terranes with the other complications introduced by the terraces and channels of a major river-estuary system. The western part of the city and most of the suburbs to the west and north are on the Piedmont Plateau, an upland underlain by complexly deformed metasedimen-tary and metaigneous rocks of late Precambrian or early Paleozoic age. These crystalline rocks are mantled by soil, saprolite, and weathered rock to depths of as much as 50 m, which adds both to their geologic inscrutability and to the problems of excavation and design of structures. The Atlantic Coastal Plain is underlain by unmetamorphosed and little deformed fluvial and marine strata of Cretaceous through Miocene age. These deposits form a prism that thickens southeastward from a wedge edge at the Fall Line to as much as 450 m in the southeastern part of the metropolitan area. Unconformities, facies changes, and variations in physical properties with age and depth of burial add spice to the life of the engineering geologist dealing with these strata. Terrace deposits ranging in age from Miocene(?) to Holocene bevel across the contact between the Coastal Plain deposits and the crystalline rocks of the Piedmont. The oldest deposits underlie a broad, deeply dissected upland that stands at an elevation of 80 to 90 m southeast of the Fall Line; isolated outliers cap hills and interfluves at elevations of as much as 150 m northwest of the Fall Line. Lower and younger terraces flank the major drainages and occur at various levels down to the modern flood plains. Much of the central city is built on low terraces of Sangamon or Wisconsin age. These younger terraces locally fill and conceal deep bedrock channels cut by the ancestral Potomac during low stands of sea level during the Pleistocene. The terrace deposits show conspicuous differences in degree of weathering and soil development, depending on their age and physiographic position. Estuarine and marsh deposits flank the tidal reaches of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers, and considerable parts of the central city are built on artificial fill over these deposits. Considerable experience in underground excavation has been gained in the last decade during construction of METRO, a regional rapid transit rail system. Tunneling techniques have been developed for both crystalline rocks and Coastal Plain deposits, but cut and cover methods are generally used in the young materials, which are generally weakest. Foundation and slope stability problems are widespread in some geologic units in the metropolitan area and are locally serious. They affect structures ranging from single family dwellings to the Washington Monument.