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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Cascade Range (5)
Columbia Hills (2)
Columbia River (3)
Columbia River basin (2)
Deschutes River (1)
Western Europe
Iceland (1)
North America (1)
Pacific Coast (1)
United States
Central California (1)
Kings County California (1)
Northern California (1)
San Joaquin Valley (1)
Columbia Plateau (1)
Snake River plain (1)
Gilliam County Oregon (1)
Hood River County Oregon (1)
Sherman County Oregon (1)
Wasco County Oregon (1)
Willamette Valley (1)
Klickitat County Washington (2)
Yakima fold belt (2)
elements, isotopes
incompatible elements (1)
alkaline earth metals
calcium (1)
magnesium (1)
iron (1)
nitrogen (1)
phosphorus (1)
sulfur (1)
microfossils (2)
pollen (1)
Angiospermae (1)
Gymnospermae (1)
geochronology methods
paleomagnetism (2)
geologic age
Holocene (1)
Lake Missoula (1)
Deschutes Formation (1)
Columbia River Basalt Group (7)
Ellensburg Formation (2)
Frenchman Springs Member (1)
Grande Ronde Basalt (2)
middle Miocene (1)
Saddle Mountains Basalt (1)
Wanapum Basalt (1)
Pliocene (3)
Ringold Formation (1)
Eocene (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
pyroxenite (1)
volcanic rocks
flood basalts (1)
glasses (1)
pyroclastics (1)
volcanic ash (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
eclogite (1)
minerals (2)
weddellite (1)
whewellite (1)
chain silicates
pyroxene group
orthopyroxene (1)
sheet silicates
illite (1)
mica group
phlogopite (1)
sulfates (1)
Primary terms
atmosphere (1)
biogeography (1)
Holocene (1)
Lake Missoula (1)
Deschutes Formation (1)
Columbia River Basalt Group (7)
Ellensburg Formation (2)
Frenchman Springs Member (1)
Grande Ronde Basalt (2)
middle Miocene (1)
Saddle Mountains Basalt (1)
Wanapum Basalt (1)
Pliocene (3)
Ringold Formation (1)
Eocene (1)
clay mineralogy (1)
crust (1)
data processing (1)
deformation (1)
diagenesis (1)
earthquakes (2)
Western Europe
Iceland (1)
faults (2)
folds (2)
geochemistry (1)
geomorphology (1)
ground water (1)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
pyroxenite (1)
volcanic rocks
flood basalts (1)
glasses (1)
pyroclastics (1)
fluid inclusions (1)
isostasy (1)
lava (1)
magmas (1)
mantle (1)
alkaline earth metals
calcium (1)
magnesium (1)
iron (1)
metamorphic rocks
eclogite (1)
metasomatism (1)
mineralogy (1)
minerals (2)
nitrogen (1)
North America (1)
Pacific Coast (1)
paleoclimatology (2)
paleoecology (1)
paleogeography (1)
paleomagnetism (2)
pollen (1)
phosphorus (1)
Angiospermae (1)
Gymnospermae (1)
plate tectonics (1)
sedimentary petrology (1)
sediments (1)
structural geology (1)
sulfur (1)
tectonics (1)
United States
Central California (1)
Kings County California (1)
Northern California (1)
San Joaquin Valley (1)
Columbia Plateau (1)
Snake River plain (1)
Gilliam County Oregon (1)
Hood River County Oregon (1)
Sherman County Oregon (1)
Wasco County Oregon (1)
Willamette Valley (1)
Klickitat County Washington (2)
Yakima fold belt (2)
sediments (1)
A far-traveled basalt lava flow in north-central Oregon, USA
ABSTRACT The Columbia River Gorge is the Columbia River’s long-held yet evolving passage through the volcanic arc of the Cascade Range. The globally unique setting of a continental-scale river bisecting an active volcanic arc at the leading edge of a major plate boundary creates a remarkable setting where dynamic volcanic and tectonic processes interact with diverse and energetic fluvial processes. This three-day field trip explores several elements of the gorge and its remarkable geologic history—cast here as a contest between regional tectonic and volcanic processes building and displacing landscapes, and the relentless power of the Columbia River striving to maintain a smooth passage to the sea. DEDICATION Dedicated to Russell C. Evarts (7 April 1947–11 July 2017) and his contributions to Pacific Northwest geology. Russ Evarts devoted most of his 30-year career with the U.S. Geological Survey to geologic mapping of Oregon and Washington. His thorough geologic mapping of the near-vertical terrain of the western Columbia River Gorge underpins much of what is reported in this guide and continues to inspire our studies of the geology of the Pacific Northwest.
Eclogite-driven subsidence of the Columbia Basin (Washington State, USA) caused by deposition of Columbia River Basalt
Paleobotanical evidence for the post-Miocene uplift of the Cascade Range
The Grande Ronde Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group
We examined Grande Ronde Basalt lava flows from surface sections and boreholes throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho to determine chemical and physical properties that would allow the recognition and mapping of these flows on a regional scale. We estimate there are ~100 flows covering nearly 170,000 km 2 , with a total volume of ~150,400 km 3 , that were erupted over four polarity intervals (reverse 1, normal 1, reverse 2, and normal 2) in ~0.42 m.y. These flows are the largest known on Earth, with individual volumes ranging from ~100 km 3 to greater than 10,000 km 3 . Although all known Grande Ronde Basalt flows erupted in the eastern part of the Columbia River flood basalt province, the thickest and most complete sections (>3 km) occur in the central Columbia Basin. From the center of the basin, the number of flows decreases outward, resulting in a nearly complete stratigraphy in the interior and an abbreviated and variable stratigraphy along the margins. The areal extent of many flows suggests that the Chief Joseph dike swarm greatly expanded after Imnaha Basalt time, and now many dikes are buried beneath younger flows in the eastern part of the province. The Grande Ronde Basalt has a relatively uniform lithology with only a few distinctive flows. However, when compositions are combined with paleomagnetic polarity, lithology, and stratigraphic position, the Grande Ronde Basalt can be subdivided into at least 25 mappable units. Grande Ronde Basalt flows are siliceous, with typically SiO 2 >54 wt%, MgO contents ranging from ~2.5 to 6.5 wt%, and TiO 2 ranging from 1.6 to 2.8 wt%, with an enrichment in iron and incompatible elements relative to mid-ocean-ridge basalt. Although most Grande Ronde Basalt flows have homogeneous compositions, some are heterogeneous. Dikes that fed the heterogeneous flows show that the first composition erupted was not typical of the flow, but as the eruption progressed, the compositions gradually evolved to the bulk composition of flow. The average effusion rate was ~0.3 km 3 /yr, with basalt volume peaking during the R2 polarity with the eruption of the Wapshilla Ridge Member. Eruption and emplacement rates for the flows are controversial, but available data collected from the field suggest that many of the flows could have been emplaced in a few years to perhaps a decade.
Strike-slip faults in the western Columbia River flood basalt province, Oregon and Washington
The pattern of deformation in the western part of the Columbia River flood basalt province contains two key components: (1) anticlinal uplifts of the Yakima Fold Belt with east-northeast to west-southwest trends, and (2) strike-slip fault zones with dominantly northwest trends. It is the abundance and regional extent of the latter that distinguish this area from other parts of the province. There are many northwest-striking, right-lateral, strike-slip faults in the interval from the Willamette Valley eastward to Umatilla (123°W to 119°W longitude). Some of these faults are only a few kilometers long, whereas others are of regional extent (>100 km). Conjugate northeast-striking, left-lateral, strike-slip faults have also been identified but are far less numerous. Local variations in the stress field within basins have produced sets of subsidiary structures by transtension and transpression. These occur where fault zones change trend with respect to the NNW-SSE–oriented maximum principal compressive stress. Strike-slip faulting was active early in the history of the Yakima Fold Belt uplifts, at least by emplacement of the Columbia River Basalt Group lavas, but after the Yakima Fold Belt uplift, spacing had already been firmly established. It is probable that many of these faults are episodically reactivated basement structures that have repeatedly undergone cycles of emergence, burial by flood basalts, and reemergence. Strike-slip deformation appears to have happened simultaneously within the Yakima Fold Belt uplifts and adjacent synclinal basins. However, the pattern and magnitude of deformation differ significantly in the basins compared to the uplifts. The Yakima Fold Belt uplifts have been segmented and shifted many kilometers by strike-slip faults, while displacements within adjacent basins are orders of magnitude less. Within Yakima Fold Belt uplifts, reversals of vergence sometimes occur wherein the frontal (forelimb) thrusts and fold asymmetry switch from one side of the uplift to the other. These changes are accommodated by cross-trending, right-lateral, strike-slip faults of regional extent. The pattern of strike-slip deformation as mapped within basins in many cases appears to be immature and lacking in interconnection. Eruptive vents in the Simcoe backarc volcanic field and Boring lavas are often aligned along strike-slip faults. Pliocene-age Simcoe lava flows have been deformed by both folding and strike-slip faulting within the Klickitat Valley basin. Pleistocene-age deposits are known to be cut by both the Luna Butte and Portland Hills faults. Strike-slip earthquake focal mechanisms have also been determined for some faults.
The influence of depositional environment and landscape evolution on groundwater flow in Columbia River Basalt—Examples from Mosier, Oregon
Studies of groundwater flow within the Mosier syncline, part of the Yakima Fold Belt, have shown complex flow system boundaries that result from the interaction of Columbia River Basalt Group flows with the paleoenvironment. A developing Mosier syncline provided low areas that hosted drainages and accumulated sediment and controlled the distribution of Saddle Mountains and Wanapum Basalt lava flows of the Columbia River Basalt Group. Those flows interacted with water and water-saturated sediment within the developing syncline to form permeable zones at the flow contacts. Aquifers have been identified in the Pomona Member of the Saddle Mountains Basalt, and in the Priest Rapids and Frenchman Springs Members of the Wanapum Basalt. Units stratigraphically equivalent to the Ellensburg Formation locally form low-permeability sedimentary interbeds within the Columbia River Basalt Group section. Boundary conditions of present groundwater flow systems within Columbia River Basalt Group terrains reflect the stratigraphy and permeability distribution resulting from the depositional environment, and the influences of postdeposition landscape development. Low-permeability boundaries tend to be controlled by stratigraphy and structure. Recharge and discharge boundaries tend to result from postdepositional landscape development such as changes in topography and drainage systems. Analysis of hydrologic information provides insights into the influences of stresses and boundaries on Columbia River Basalt Group groundwater systems. Hydraulic head data have shown that the main stresses to the flow system near Mosier are pumping, interaquifer flow through uncased wells, and climate fluctuations. Long-term groundwater declines are the result of overpumping in the Pomona aquifer and depressurization of other aquifers connected to the Pomona aquifer through uncased wells. The groundwater system discharges to Mosier Creek, and the elevation of the discharge point appears to control the lower limit of observed heads throughout the aquifer system.
Abstract Landslides and floods of lava and water tremendously affected the Columbia River during its long history of transecting the Cascade Volcanic Arc. This field trip touches on aspects of the resulting geology of the scenic Columbia River Gorge, including the river-blocking Bonneville landslide of ~550 years ago and the great late-Pleistocene Missoula floods. Not only did these events create great landscapes, but they inspired great geologists. Mid-nineteenth century observations of the Columbia River and Pacific Northwest by James Dwight Dana and John Strong Newberry helped germinate the “school of fluvial” erosion later expanded upon by the southwestern United States topographic and geologic surveys. Later work on features related to the Missoula floods framed the career of J Harlen Bretz in one of the great geologic controversies of the twentieth century.
Volcanogenic nutrient fluxes and plant ecosystems in large igneous provinces: an example from the Columbia River Basalt Group
High-Frequency Ground-Motion Scaling in the Pacific Northwest and in Northern and Central California
Gas Fluxes from Flood Basalt Eruptions
Metasomatism of Cascades subarc mantle: Evidence from a rare phlogopite orthopyroxenite xenolith
Deformation of the continental flood-basalt in the westernmost portion of the Columbia Plateau has resulted in regularly spaced anticlinal ridges. The periodic nature of the anticlines is characterized by dividing the Yakima fold belt into three domains on the basis of spacings and orientations: (1) the northern domain, made up of the eastern segments of Umtanum Ridge, the Saddle Mountains, and the Frenchman Hills; (2) the central domain, made up of segments of Rattlesnake Ridge, the eastern segments of Horse Heaven Hills, Yakima Ridge, the western segments of Umtanum Ridge, Cleman Mountain, Bethel Ridge, and Manastash Ridge; and (3) the southern domain, made up of Gordon Ridge, the Columbia Hills, the western segment of Horse Heaven Hills, Toppenish Ridge, and Ahtanum Ridge. The northern, central, and southern domains have mean spacings of 19.6, 11.6, and 27.6 km, respectively, with a total range of 4 to 36 km and a mean of 20.4 km ( n = 203). The basalts are modeled as a multilayer of thin linear elastic plates with frictionless contacts, resting on a mechanically weak elastic substrate of finite thickness, that has buckled at a critical wavelength of folding. Free slip between layers is assumed, based on the presence of thin sedimentary interbeds in the Grande Ronde Basalt separating groups of flows with an average thickness of roughly 280 m. Many of the observed spacings can be explained by this model, given that: (1) the ratio in Young’s modulus between the basalt and underlying sediments E/E o ⩾ 1,000, (2) the thickness of the Grande Ronde Basalt was between 1,200 and 2,300 m when the present wavelengths were established, and (3) the average thickness of a layer in the multilayer is between 200 and 400 m. The lack of well-developed anticline-syncline pairs in the shape of a sinusoid may be the result of plastic yielding in the cores of the anticlines after initial deformation of the basalts into low amplitude folds. Elastic buckling coupled with plastic yielding confined to the hinge area could account for the asymmetric fold geometry of many of the anticlines.