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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic region (1)
Black Hills (1)
Carswell Structure (1)
Eastern Canada
Cochrane District Ontario
Kidd Creek Mine (1)
Timmins Ontario (1)
Thunder Bay District Ontario
Lake Nipigon (1)
Nunavut (1)
Ungava (1)
Western Canada
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Northwest Territories (7)
North America
Canadian Shield
Churchill Province
Hearne Province (1)
Slave Province (9)
Superior Province
Abitibi Belt (2)
Keweenawan Rift (1)
North American Cordillera
Canadian Cordillera (1)
United States
Wyoming (1)
Wyoming Province (2)
metal ores
base metals (2)
copper ores (2)
polymetallic ores (1)
silver ores (1)
zinc ores (3)
mineral deposits, genesis (2)
mineral exploration (2)
elements, isotopes
isotope ratios (1)
stable isotopes
O-18/O-16 (1)
rare earths (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (2)
paleomagnetism (2)
thermochronology (1)
U/Pb (8)
geologic age
Lower Ordovician (1)
Phanerozoic (2)
Mesoarchean (2)
Neoarchean (2)
Sleepy Dragon Complex (2)
upper Precambrian
Mesoproterozoic (1)
Neoproterozoic (1)
Paleoproterozoic (2)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (2)
volcanic rocks
andesites (1)
flood basalts (1)
rhyolites (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
gneisses (1)
impactites (1)
metaigneous rocks
metarhyolite (1)
metaplutonic rocks (2)
metasedimentary rocks (2)
metavolcanic rocks (2)
mylonites (1)
slates (1)
turbidite (2)
meteorites (1)
minerals (2)
organic minerals (1)
baddeleyite (1)
monazite (2)
chain silicates
amphibole group
hornblende (1)
framework silicates
feldspar group
alkali feldspar
adularia (1)
silica minerals
quartz (1)
titanite group
titanite (3)
zircon group
zircon (5)
sheet silicates
mica group
biotite (1)
muscovite (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (8)
Atlantic region (1)
Carswell Structure (1)
Eastern Canada
Cochrane District Ontario
Kidd Creek Mine (1)
Timmins Ontario (1)
Thunder Bay District Ontario
Lake Nipigon (1)
Nunavut (1)
Ungava (1)
Western Canada
Canadian Cordillera (1)
Northwest Territories (7)
continental drift (1)
crust (2)
data processing (2)
deformation (2)
Earth (1)
education (1)
faults (2)
folds (2)
geochronology (1)
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igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (2)
volcanic rocks
andesites (1)
flood basalts (1)
rhyolites (1)
inclusions (1)
intrusions (6)
stable isotopes
O-18/O-16 (1)
magmas (1)
mantle (1)
metal ores
base metals (2)
copper ores (2)
polymetallic ores (1)
silver ores (1)
zinc ores (3)
rare earths (1)
metamorphic rocks
gneisses (1)
impactites (1)
metaigneous rocks
metarhyolite (1)
metaplutonic rocks (2)
metasedimentary rocks (2)
metavolcanic rocks (2)
mylonites (1)
slates (1)
metamorphism (1)
meteorites (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (2)
mineral exploration (2)
mineralogy (1)
minerals (2)
North America
Canadian Shield
Churchill Province
Hearne Province (1)
Slave Province (9)
Superior Province
Abitibi Belt (2)
Keweenawan Rift (1)
North American Cordillera
Canadian Cordillera (1)
orogeny (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
paleogeography (2)
paleomagnetism (2)
Lower Ordovician (1)
Phanerozoic (2)
plate tectonics (3)
Mesoarchean (2)
Neoarchean (2)
Sleepy Dragon Complex (2)
upper Precambrian
Mesoproterozoic (1)
Neoproterozoic (1)
Paleoproterozoic (2)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
iron formations (1)
clastic rocks
graywacke (1)
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities
scour marks (1)
planar bedding structures
bedding (1)
turbidity current structures
Bouma sequence (1)
structural analysis (1)
tectonics (4)
United States
Wyoming (1)
Wyoming Province (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
iron formations (1)
clastic rocks
graywacke (1)
turbidite (2)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities
scour marks (1)
planar bedding structures
bedding (1)
turbidity current structures
Bouma sequence (1)
stratification (1)
turbidite (2)
Corundum in Sulfide Ore at the Thompson Mine, Manitoba, Canada: An Unusual Occurrence of Cr- and Ni-Bearing Corundum
A template for an improved rock-based subdivision of the pre-Cryogenian timescale
Geology of the Mesoproterozoic Pillar Lake Volcanics and Inspiration Sill, Armstrong, Ontario: evidence of early Midcontinent Rift magmatism in the northwestern Nipigon Embayment
An Early Ordovician 40 Ar- 39 Ar age for the ∼50 km Carswell impact structure, Canada
Wyoming on the run—Toward final Paleoproterozoic assembly of Laurentia: REPLY
Wyoming on the run—Toward final Paleoproterozoic assembly of Laurentia
Abstract It is likely that Archaean cratons of Laurentia had different palaeogeographic histories prior to their amalgamation. New palaeomagnetic, geochronological and geochemical evidence supports a reconstruction of the Wyoming craton adjacent to the southern margin of the Superior craton at 2.16 Ga, before rifting ( c. 2.1–2.0 Ga) and eventual reamalgamation after the Hudsonian Orogeny ( c. 1.8 Ga). U–Pb ages (TIMS on baddeleyite) from five dykes yield two groups of ages at c. 2164 and 2155 Ma. The younger group of ages defines the Rabbit Creek swarm at 2161–2152 Ma and precisely dates its palaeomagnetic pole. Two large and differentiated dykes (>100 m) in the Bighorn and Wind River uplifts are geographically related to the Rabbit Creek swarm but have slightly different orientations and yield slightly older ages at 2171–2157 Ma. These dykes may be parts of a single intrusion (the ‘Great Dyke of Wyoming’) that spans over 200 km between uplifts, possibly representing a different magmatic event. This older event does not have enough distinct intrusions to provide a correctly averaged palaeomagnetic pole, but correlates with magmatism in the Superior craton and has a palaeomagnetic remanence comparable to the Rabbit Creek dykes. With minor tilt corrections, the palaeomagnetic data from the Rabbit Creek swarm and Powder River–South Pass dykes support a reconstruction of the southeastern Wyoming craton against the southern Superior craton. This fit juxtaposes the Palaeoproterozoic Huronian and Snowy Pass Supergroups along two passive margins that experienced a prolonged period of mafic magmatism (>100 myr) and rift basin development. Although there are slight geochemical variations across the Rabbit Creek swarm, all dykes fit into two distinct groups that are independently dated and internally consistent. Supplementary material: Supporting figures and locality tables are available at www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP18824
Needs and opportunities in mineral evolution research
Large igneous provinces (LIPs), giant dyke swarms, and mantle plumes: significance for breakup events within Canada and adjacent regions from 2.5 Ga to the Present This article is one of a selection of papers published in this Special Issue on the the theme Lithoprobe—parameters, processes, and the evolution of a continent . Lithoprobe Contribution 1482. Geological Survey of Canada Contribution 20100072.
Two Distinct Ages of Neoarchean Turbidites in the Western Slave Craton: Further Evidence and Implications for a Possible Back-Arc Model
Mineral evolution
The Archean deep-marine environment: turbidite architecture of the Burwash Formation, Slave Province, Northwest Territories,
Archaean tectonics: a review, with illustrations from the Slave craton
Abstract The tectonic evolution of Archaean granite-greenstone terranes remains controversial. Here this subject is reviewed and illustrated with new data from the Slave craton. These data show that a thick, c. 2.7Ga, pillow basalt sequences extruded across extended sialic basement of the Slave craton at a scale comparable with that of modern large igneous provinces. The pillow basalts do not represent obducted oceanic allochthons. Basement-cover relationships argue for autochthonous to parautochthonous development of the basaltic greenstone belts of the west-central Slave craton, an interpretation that is further supported by geochemical and geochronological data. Similar data exist for several other cratons and granite-greenstone terrains, including the Abitibi greenstone belt of the Superior craton, where stratigraphic and subtle zircon inheritance data are equally incompatible with accretion of oceanic allochthons. Many classical granite-greenstone terrains, including most well-documented komatiite occurrences, thus appear to have formed in extensional environments within or on the margins of older continental crust. Closest modern analogues for such basalt-komatiite-rhyolite-dominated greenstone successions are rifts, marginal basins and volcanic rifted margins. Indeed, these environments have high preservation potential compared with fully oceanic settings. Collapse and structural telescoping of these highly extended volcano-sedimentary basins would allow for the complex structural development seen in granite-greenstone terrains while maintaining broadly autochthonous to parautochthonous tectonostratigraphic relationships. Seismic reflection profiles cannot discriminate between these telescoped autochthonous to parautochthonous settings and truly allochthonous accretionary complexes. Only carefully constructed structural-stratigraphic cross-sections, allowing some degree of palinspastic reconstruction, and underpinned by sufficient U-Pb zircon dating, can address the degree of allochthoneity of greenstone packages. Furthermore, seismic reflection profiles are essentially blind for the steep structures produced by multiple phases of upright folding and buoyant rise of mid- to lower-crustal, composite, granitoid and gneiss domes. Such structures are ubiquitous in granite-greenstone terrains and, indeed, most of these terrains appear to have experienced at least one phase of convective overturn to re-establish a stable density configuration, irrespective of the complexities of the pre-doming structural history. Buoyant rise of mid- to lower-crustal granitoid and gneiss domes can explain the typical size and spacing characteristics of such domes in granite-greenstone terranes, and the coeval deposition of late-kinematic, ‘Timiskaming-type’ conglomerate-sandstone successions in flanking basins. The extensional and subsequent contractional evolution of granite-greenstone terrains may have occurred in the overall context of a plate tectonic regime (e.g. volcanic rifted margins, back-arc basins) but highly extended, intraplate, rift-like settings seem equally plausible. Explaining the evolution of the latter in terms of Wilson cycles is misguided. Periods of intense rifting and flood volcanism (e.g. 2.73–2.70 Ga) may have been related to increased mantle plume activity or perhaps catastrophic mantle overturn events. Although there is evidence for plate-like lateral movement in late Archaean time (e.g. lateral heterogeneity of cratons, arc-like volcanism, cratonscale deformation patterns, strike-slip faults, etc.), the details of how these plate-like crustal blocks interacted and how they responded to rifting and collision appear to have differed significantly from those in Phanerozoic time. The most productive approach for Archaean research is probably to more fully understand and quantify these differences rather than the common emphasis on the superficial similarities with modern plate tectonics.
The Central Slave Basement Complex, Part I: its structural topology and autochthonous cover
Laser 40 Ar/ 39 Ar thermochronology of Archean rocks in Yellowknife Domain, southwestern Slave Province: insights into the cooling history of an Archean granite-greenstone terrane
The Central Slave Basement Complex, Part II: age and tectonic significance of high-strain zones along the basement-cover contact
Timing of plutonism, deformation, and metamorphism in the Yellowknife Domain, Slave Province, Canada
The 1991-1996 NATMAP Slave Province Project: Introduction
Abstract The Kidd Creek copper-zinc-silver deposit, situated in the Late Archean Abitibi greenstone belt of northeastern Ontario, represents one of the world’s largest and highest grade volcanogenic massive sul-fide deposits. Its discovery, in late 1963, not only marks a major event in Canadian exploration history, but is also intimately linked to the ascendence and successful application of the syngenetic volcanogenic concept in Canada. Events leading up to and surrounding the discovery are documented and provide a historical background to other contributions in this volume on the geology of the Kidd Creek deposit.
High-Precision U-Pb Geochronology of the Late Archean Kidd Creek Deposit and Kidd Volcanic Complex
Abstract Results from a comprehensive U-Pb geochronology study of the Kidd Creek deposit and the surrounding Kidd Volcanic Complex are presented. Eleven new zircon and two titanite ages are reported and integrated with U-Pb age results on five related samples, which were published in a previous study. Zircon ages for rhyolite volcanism of the Kidd Volcanic Complex range from 2717.0 + –2 2 . . 5 6 to 2711.5 ± 1.2 Ma. This age range is established on immediate footwall and hanging-wall rhyolites of the Kidd Creek orebody. Since both footwall and hanging-wall rhyolites can be linked to ore formation, the conclusion must be that the giant Kidd Creek deposit is the product of unusually long-lived, albeit episodic, sea-floor hydrothermal activity. Our most precise estimate for the age of footwall rhyolites at Kidd Creek is provided by results on two nearby rhyolites that have been dated at 2716.1 ± 0.6 and 2716.0 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. The age of at least one large massive sulfide lens at Kidd Creek, the North orebody, has been tightly bracketed between the age of footwall rhyolites and the age of an overlying rhyolite lapillistone horizon dated at 2715.8 ± 1.2 Ma. Hence, ore formation of individual massive sulfide lenses appears to have been rapid and well within the resolution limits of current U-Pb dating techniques. Based on the large number of ages, it appears that volcanic activity of the Kidd Volcanic Complex can be divided into four general phases, each of which is supported by at least one or more high-precision ages: phase I, onset of bimodal komatiite and rhyolite volcanism, probably as early as 2717.7 ± 1.1 Ma, and extrusion of the footwall assemblage at Kidd Creek at ca. 2716 Ma; phase II extrusion of ca. 2714 Ma rhyolites; phase III, extrusion of ca. 2711 Ma rhyolite, including the quartz porphyritic hanging-wall rhyolite at Kidd Creek; and phase IV, extrusion of the hanging-wall basalt sequence and intrusion of subvolcanic gabbro sills sometime after 2711 Ma. The Kidd Creek deposit probably formed along the axial zone of a slow-spreading rift basin that developed during extension of an older volcanic-arc assemblage. This older arc assemblage, which included ca. 2723 and 2735 Ma components, is probably represented by the Deloro Group and correlative assemblages exposed to the south of Timmins. Rifting of the older volcanic substrate, and partial melting to produce the rhyolites, was induced by the arrival of a hot mantle plume that gave rise to the komatiites of the Kidd-Munro assemblage. Graywacke turbidites in the Kidd Creek area are all younger than ca. 2699 Ma and do not form the deeper stratigraphic footwall to the deposit. Instead, the graywackes probably overlie, unconformably to disconformably, all the volcanic assemblages in the region. From the sub -sequent protracted structural-metamorphic evolution in the area, two discrete events have been dated: the 2663.3 ± 3.3 Ma intrusion of the Prosser porphyry granitoid stock and a discrete 2639.1 ± 7.2 Ma metamorphic-hydrothermal event. The timing of both events corresponds closely to ages for granulite facies metamorphic events in lower crustal rocks of the nearby Kapuskasing structural zone.