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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
East Africa
Tanzania (1)
Madagascar (1)
West Africa
Ghana (3)
Ivory Coast (2)
Liberia (1)
Wilkes Land (1)
Arctic Ocean
Alpha Cordillera (1)
Amerasia Basin (1)
Barents Sea (1)
Canada Basin (1)
Chukchi Sea (1)
East Siberian Sea (1)
Eurasia Basin (1)
Laptev Sea (1)
Lomonosov Ridge (2)
Makarov Basin (1)
Mendeleyev Ridge (1)
Arctic region
East Greenland (1)
Jan Mayen (1)
Far East
Burma (1)
Indian Peninsula
Cauvery Basin (1)
Siberia (1)
Atlantic Ocean
Equatorial Atlantic (6)
North Atlantic
Amazon Fan (1)
Caribbean Sea
Cayman Trough (1)
Nicaragua Rise (1)
Northeast Atlantic (1)
Northwest Atlantic
Demerara Rise (3)
Romanche fracture zone (4)
South Atlantic
Brazil Basin (1)
Rio Grande Rise (3)
Santos Basin (1)
Walvis Ridge (2)
Atlantic Ocean Islands
Tristan da Cunha (2)
Otway Basin (1)
Cameroon Line (1)
Campos Basin (1)
Caribbean region (1)
Central America
Chortis Block (1)
Honduras (1)
Indian Ocean
Andaman Sea (1)
Great Australian Bight (1)
Mid-Indian Ridge
Southeast Indian Ridge
Australian-Antarctic discordance (1)
Indian Ocean Islands
Madagascar (1)
Seychelles (1)
Kerguelen Plateau (1)
Krishna-Godavari Basin (2)
Saint Helena (1)
Salado Basin (1)
South America
Amazon River (1)
Brazilian Shield (1)
Minas Gerais Brazil
Pocos de Caldas Brazil (1)
Parana Brazil (1)
Pelotas Basin (1)
French Guiana (3)
Guiana Shield (1)
United States
Alaska (1)
petroleum (6)
elements, isotopes
isotope ratios (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
stable isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
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alkaline earth metals
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Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
geochronology methods
Ar/Ar (1)
K/Ar (1)
geologic age
Holocene (3)
Pleistocene (1)
Miocene (5)
Pliocene (2)
Eocene (5)
Oligocene (5)
Paleocene (2)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (3)
Aptian (3)
Barremian (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (1)
Coniacian (1)
Maestrichtian (1)
Santonian (2)
Senonian (3)
Middle Jurassic
Callovian (1)
Upper Jurassic
Kimmeridgian (1)
Oxfordian (1)
Precambrian (1)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
tholeiite (1)
metamorphic rocks
turbidite (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (1)
East Africa
Tanzania (1)
Madagascar (1)
West Africa
Ghana (3)
Ivory Coast (2)
Liberia (1)
Wilkes Land (1)
Arctic Ocean
Alpha Cordillera (1)
Amerasia Basin (1)
Barents Sea (1)
Canada Basin (1)
Chukchi Sea (1)
East Siberian Sea (1)
Eurasia Basin (1)
Laptev Sea (1)
Lomonosov Ridge (2)
Makarov Basin (1)
Mendeleyev Ridge (1)
Arctic region
East Greenland (1)
Jan Mayen (1)
Far East
Burma (1)
Indian Peninsula
Cauvery Basin (1)
Siberia (1)
Atlantic Ocean
Equatorial Atlantic (6)
North Atlantic
Amazon Fan (1)
Caribbean Sea
Cayman Trough (1)
Nicaragua Rise (1)
Northeast Atlantic (1)
Northwest Atlantic
Demerara Rise (3)
Romanche fracture zone (4)
South Atlantic
Brazil Basin (1)
Rio Grande Rise (3)
Santos Basin (1)
Walvis Ridge (2)
Atlantic Ocean Islands
Tristan da Cunha (2)
Otway Basin (1)
Caribbean region (1)
Holocene (3)
Pleistocene (1)
Miocene (5)
Pliocene (2)
Eocene (5)
Oligocene (5)
Paleocene (2)
Central America
Chortis Block (1)
Honduras (1)
continental drift (1)
crust (13)
data processing (2)
Deep Sea Drilling Project (1)
deformation (3)
faults (17)
folds (1)
geochemistry (2)
geochronology (1)
geophysical methods (16)
heat flow (2)
igneous rocks
volcanic rocks
tholeiite (1)
Indian Ocean
Andaman Sea (1)
Great Australian Bight (1)
Mid-Indian Ridge
Southeast Indian Ridge
Australian-Antarctic discordance (1)
Indian Ocean Islands
Madagascar (1)
Seychelles (1)
intrusions (1)
isostasy (1)
radioactive isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
stable isotopes
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
mantle (4)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (3)
Aptian (3)
Barremian (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (1)
Coniacian (1)
Maestrichtian (1)
Santonian (2)
Senonian (3)
Middle Jurassic
Callovian (1)
Upper Jurassic
Kimmeridgian (1)
Oxfordian (1)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
Pb-206/Pb-204 (1)
Mohorovicic discontinuity (1)
ocean basins (4)
Ocean Drilling Program
Leg 183
ODP Site 1137 (1)
ocean floors (5)
paleogeography (7)
petroleum (6)
plate tectonics (16)
Precambrian (1)
sea-floor spreading (10)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (1)
sedimentary structures (1)
sedimentation (3)
slope stability (1)
South America
Amazon River (1)
Brazilian Shield (1)
Minas Gerais Brazil
Pocos de Caldas Brazil (1)
Parana Brazil (1)
Pelotas Basin (1)
French Guiana (3)
Guiana Shield (1)
stratigraphy (2)
structural analysis (2)
tectonics (10)
United States
Alaska (1)
sedimentary rocks
contourite (1)
sedimentary rocks
chemically precipitated rocks
salt (1)
turbidite (1)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures (1)
contourite (1)
turbidite (1)
Front Matter
Abstract This paper provides an overview of the existing knowledge of transform margins including their dynamic development, kinematic development, structural architecture and thermal regime, together with the factors controlling these. This systematic knowledge is used for describing predictive models of various petroleum system concept elements such as source rock, seal rock and reservoir rock distribution, expulsion timing, trapping style and timing, and migration patterns. The paper then introduces individual contributions to this volume and their focus.
Cenozoic structural evolution of the Andaman Sea: evolution from an extensional to a sheared margin
Abstract The Andaman Sea is proposed to have developed from a margin where Palaeogene back-arc collapse closed a mid-Cretaceous back-arc oceanic basin, and resulted in the collision between island arc crust to the west and the western margin of Sundaland. Subsequent east–west to WNW–ESE extension during the Late Eocene–Oligocene resulted in highly extended continental crust underlying the Alcock and Sewell rises, and the East Andaman Basin, and moderately extended crust in the Megui–North Sumatra Basin. As India coupled with western Myanmar, the margin became dominated by dextral strike-slip and NNW–SSE transtensional deformation during the Miocene. The narrow belt of NNW–SSE-directed extension is proposed to have focused on the region where ductile middle crust remained following Late Eocene–Oligocene extension, whereas strike-slip faults are located in the regions of necking where ductile middle crust was considerably thinned by Late Eocene–Oligocene extension. The last phase of NNW–SSE-extension switched between probable Late Miocene–Early Pliocene seafloor spreading, and extension (by dyke intrusion and faulting) in the Alcock and Sewell rises, and then recently back to the spreading centre.
Abstract Transform-margin development around the Arctic Ocean is a predictable geometric outcome of multi-stage spreading of a small, confined ocean under radically changing plate vectors. Recognition of several transform-margin stages in the development of the Arctic Ocean enables predictions to be made regarding tectonic styles and petroleum systems. The De Geer margin, connecting the Eurasia Basin (the younger Arctic Ocean) and the NE Atlantic during the Cenozoic, is the best known example. It is dextral, multi-component, features transtension and transpression, is implicated in microcontinent release, and thus bears close comparison with the Equatorial Shear Zone. In the older Arctic Ocean, the Amerasia Basin, Early Cretaceous counterclockwise rotation around a pole in the Canadian Mackenzie Delta was accommodated by a terminal transform. We argue on geometric grounds that this dislocation may have occurred at the Canada Basin margin rather than along the more distal Lomonosov Ridge, and review evidence that elements of the old transform margin were detached by the Makarov–Podvodnikov opening and accommodated within the Alpha–Mendeleev Ridge. More controversial is the proposal of transform along the Laptev–East Siberian margin. We regard an element of transform motion as the best solution to accommodating Eurasia and Makarov–Podvodnikov Basin opening, and have incorporated it into a three-stage plate kinematic model for Cretaceous–Cenozoic Arctic Ocean opening, involving the Canada Basin rotational opening at 125–80 Ma, the Makarov–Povodnikov Basin opening at 80–60 Ma normal to the previous motion and a Eurasia Basin stage from 55 Ma to present. We suggest that all three opening phases were accompanied by transform motion, with the right-lateral sense being dominant. The limited data along the Laptev–East Siberian margin are consistent with transform-margin geometry and kinematic indicators, and these ideas will be tested as more data become available over less explored parts of the Arctic, such as the Laptev–East Siberia–Chukchi margin.
Abstract The Elan Bank microcontinent was separated from East India during the Early Cretaceous break-up. The crustal architecture and rifting geometry of East India and the Elan Bank margins document that the early break-up between India and Antarctica was initiated in the eastern portions of the Cauvery and Krishna–Godavari rift zones, and in the southern portion of Elan Bank. However, the westwards break-up propagation along the Krishna–Godavari Rift Zone continued even after the break-up in the overstepping portion of the Cauvery Rift Zone. Eventually, the western propagating end of the Krishna–Godavari Rift Zone became hard-linked with the failed western portion of the Cauvery Rift Zone by the dextral Coromandel transfer fault zone. Consequently, the break-up location between India and Antarctica shifted from its initial to its final location along the northern portion of the Elan Bank formed by the western Krishna–Godavari Rift Zone. The competition between the two rift zones to capture continental break-up and asymmetric ridge propagation resulted in a ridge jump and the Elan Bank microcontinent release.
Abstract The recent surge of exploration activities over distal margins, with the acquisition of more and more high-quality and deep seismic data, has led to enhance concepts of the deformation and subsidence history of passive margins in general and sheared margins in particular. The French Guiana sheared margin is very narrow. The thinning of the upper crust is accommodated by few major faults relayed by well-expressed transfer zones, giving a general oblique trend to the margin. Another possible effect of the shear component during the rifting is the presence in the distal domain of a Moho high. Its exhumation is coeval with the emplacement of a deltaic system coming from the Demerara Plateau, evidencing a probably important early subsidence of the margin. This early subsidence in the late-rifting stage is increased during the early drifting, when the thinned crust reached its isostatic/thermal equilibrium in the Cenomano-Turonian before suffering an important Late Cretaceous sedimentation load. In the Palaeogene, starving of the margin and significant uplifts in the Guiana Craton are observed, possibly resulting from the rise of the Purus Arch (Andes fore-bulge?). Finally, the Amazon deposition by the Late Miocene–Pliocene provoked a large subsidence in the distal domain.
Development history of the southern terminus of the Central Atlantic; Guyana–Suriname case study
Abstract The study focuses on the offshore Guyana–Suriname–French Guiana region. It draws from seismic, well, gravimetric and magnetic data. They indicate that the continental break-up along the western margin of the Demerara Plateau took place during the Callovian–Oxfordian, associated with the Central Atlantic opening, and accommodated by normal faults. The continental break-up in the SE offshore Guyana accommodated by strike-slip faults was coeval. The continental break-up along the NE and eastern margins of the Demerara Plateau took place during the late Aptian–Albian, associated with the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic, and accommodated by dextral strike-slip and normal faults, respectively. Different spreading vectors of the Central and Equatorial Atlantic required development of the Accommodation Block during the late Aptian/Albian–Paleocene in their contact region, and in the region between the Central Atlantic and its southernmost portion represented by the Offshore Guyana Block, which were separated from each other by the opening Equatorial Atlantic. Its role was to accommodate for about 20° mismatch between the Central and Equatorial Atlantic spreading vectors, which has decreased from the late Aptian/Albian to Paleocene down to 0°. Differential movements between the Central and Equatorial Atlantic oceans were also accommodated by strike-slip faults of the Guyana continental margin, some active until the Paleocene.
Structure of the Demerara passive-transform margin and associated sedimentary processes. Initial results from the IGUANES cruise
Abstract The IGUANES cruise took place in May 2013 on the R/V L’Atalante along the Demerara passive transform margin off French Guiana and Surinam. Seismic, multibeam and chirp acquisitions were made. Piston cores were collected for pore geochemistry and sedimentology. A mooring was deployed on the sea-bottom for 10 months (temperature, salinity, turbidity and current measurements). This new dataset highlights the lateral variability of the 350 km-long Guiana–Surinam transform margin due to the presence of a releasing bend between two transform segments. The adjacent Demerara Plateau is affected by a 350 km-long giant slide complex. This complex initiated in Cretaceous times and was regularly reactivated until recent times. Since the Miocene, contourite processes seem to be active due to the onset of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) bottom current. A main NADW water vein flows towards SE, eroding slide headscarps and allowing the deposition of contourite drifts. Numerous depressions looking like comet tails or comet scours record this flow. Some of those were interpreted before the cruise as active pockmarks. Pore geochemistry and core analysis do not show any evidence of present-day gas seepage.
Abstract The study focuses on the Guyana–Suriname transform margin, utilizing well and reflection seismic data. Both datasets allow the permeability stratigraphy to be interpreted. It consists of areally extensive reservoir horizons separated by intraformational shale horizons and erosional unconformities. The youngest strata are deformed by the two generations of gravity glides, which took place fairly late in post-break-up history. Hydrocarbon shows from wells indicate that strata deformed by gravity glides are the only sedimentary packages where the vertical hydrocarbon migration dominates. Clusters of oil and gas shows have random spatial distribution in respective reservoir horizons within gravity glides. The base of the rock volume with dominating vertical migration is determined by the detachment horizon of the gravity-glide system. However, the areas unaffected by gravity glides are dominated by lateral migration, causing zonal distribution of oil and gas shows. Oil shows occur in wells penetrating the proximal margin and gas shows are found in wells penetrating the distal margin in respective reservoir horizons. Both sets are fed by the source rock occurring in the oceanic basin and the adjacent distal margin. The best example of this situation is provided by the Paleocene–Eocene reservoirs.
Abstract We describe an examination of two lines of evidence, tectono-structural evolution and hydrocarbon geochemistry, of asymmetric opening of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin. Our structural mapping used compilations of geophysical data and a review of both published literature and oil company public presentations. Geochemically, we accessed regional non-exclusive oil studies of the conjugate margins of Africa and South America, plus considerable published material. A group of non-exclusive oils was refined to 286, which clustered into five families, all represented along the NE Brazil margin but only one along the West African Transform (WAT) margin. Multiple lacustrine-sourced oils were seen around the South Atlantic, including NE Brazil, but a rich, oil-prone lacustrine source was not indicated offshore Ivory Coast and Ghana. Despite minor evidence of mixed source, possibly lacustrine stringers within an alluvial to marine setting, the predominant source is marine Cretaceous (Cenomanian–Turonian and possibly Albian). We find that opening asymmetry (a) biased the location of lacustrine (Early to mid-Cretaceous prerift to early synrift) source rocks to the NE Brazil margin and (b) locally narrowed the width of the optimal marine (Mid-Late Cretaceous postrift) WAT Margin source kitchens. Burial of the latter has aggravated the risk of late charge from light (condensate and gas) hydrocarbons.
Transpressional structures and hydrocarbon potential along the Romanche Fracture Zone: a review
Abstract The Romanche Fracture Zone was originally a corridor of Aptian-age dextral transtensional rifting along the Equatorial Atlantic margins. Late Albian plate tectonic compression occurred due to a change in plate vectors, when the African and South American continents were still in contact across a 500 km-long section of the Romanche Fracture Zone. This dextral compression produced reactivation of the rift faults to produce asymmetric landward-vergent anticlines and thrusts that trend ENE to NE. Fold-axial planes dip seaward, parallel to the rift faults. Minor asymmetric anticlines were developed on the long seaward-dipping fold limbs and these have subvertical axial planes. The asymmetry of the minor folds is due to the southward stratal dip having been oblique to the horizontal maximum principal stress during the Albian inversion. The folds on the African margin were subsequently tightened by compression in Santonian and Oligo-Miocene times. Aptian-age ENE strike-slip faults were reactivated during the compression phases to produce broad positive flower structures up to 30 km wide that formed topographical ridges along the original strike-slip faults. The intervening and broader flat-bottomed synclines do not appear to be associated with rift faults. The folding and thrust faulting created seabed relief of 1–2 km at the end of the Albian; evidenced by the amount of subsequent erosion that removed the better-quality reservoirs in the upper Albian sequence from the major fold crests. Consequently, there has been a significant number of failed oil exploration wells drilled along the fold crests. The fold ridges would have diverted turbidite channels in the onlapping Cenomanian–Campanian sequence and these will be preferentially located on the landward side of the anticlinal crests. Late Cretaceous stratigraphic and structural traps located between the major anticlines have not yet been explored for hydrocarbons along the Romanche Fracture Zone margins.
Abstract The paper focuses on the Romanche transform margin on the African side of the Equatorial Atlantic, and draws from thermomechanical numerical modelling and subsequent GIS-based thermal history grid processing. Our modelling indicates that the early post-break-up thermal history of the transform margin is controlled by the cooling patterns of the adjacent pull-apart terrains, the pre-rift heat-flow regime, laterally passing seafloor spreading centres, and cooling of the newly accreted oceanic crust in two corridors located in front of and behind the spreading centres. The pre-rift thermal regime controls the background heat flow on top of which the thermal transients develop. If it is cold, the transient anomalies are very distinct on this background. If it is warm, the transient anomalies tend to blend in with background heat flow much better. The most prominent anomalies are related to thinning in the pull-apart terrains located between transforms. They are up to three times wider than anomalies related to the laterally passing spreading centre, the anomaly of which becomes no wider than 20–25 km. Together with oceanic crust accreted in corridors in front of and behind the passing centre, its heat transfer into the transform margin tends to slow down the cooling of the syn-break-up anomalies developed in the pull-apart terrains by rifting.
Abstract Northern Honduras and its offshore area include an active transtensional margin separating the Caribbean and North American plates. We use deep-penetration seismic-reflection lines combined with gravity and magnetic data to describe two distinct structural domains in the Honduran offshore area: (1) an approximately 120 km-wide Honduran Borderlands (HB) adjacent to the Cayman Trough characterized by narrow rift basins controlled by basement-involving normal faults subparallel to the margin; and (2) the Nicaraguan Rise (NR), characterized by small-displacement normal faulting and sag-type basins influenced by Paleocene–Eocene shelf sedimentation beneath an Oligocene–Recent, approximately 1–2 km-thick carbonate platform. Thinning of continental crust from 25–30 km beneath the NR to 6–8 km beneath the oceanic Cayman Trough is attributed to an Oligocene–Recent phase of transtension. Five tectonostratigraphic phases established in the HB and NR include: (1) a Late Cretaceous uplift in the north and south-dipping thrusting related to the collision in the south, between the Chortis continental block and arc and oceanic plateau rocks of the Caribbean; (2) Eocene sag basins in the NR and minor extension in the HB; two phases (3) and (4) of accelerated extension (transtension) across the subsidence mainly of the HB; and (5) Pliocene–Recent minor fault activity in the HB and a stable carbonate platform in the NR.
Insight into the Eastern Margin of Africa from a new tectonic model of the Indian Ocean
Abstract We present a new plate tectonic model for the breakup and dispersal of East and West Gondwana and subsequent formation of the Indian Ocean, focussed on the early evolution of the Eastern Margin of Africa. We start from a tight reconstruction of all the Precambrian pieces. Using primarily ocean-floor fracture zone data, the development of the ocean between India and Antarctica is resolved into four distinct spreading regimes and that between Antarctica and Africa into seven distinct regimes. The movement of Madagascar against Africa is then investigated as part of the plate–circuit closure between Africa and India in the Madagascar–Africa–Antarctica–India–Madagascar system. We conclude that a distinct change in plate tectonic regime off East Africa occurred at about 153 Ma (Kimmeridgian) when transforms were first activated offshore. Before this time, East and West Gondwana were separated by a rift, propagating from NE to SW and starting between 188 and 170 Ma. The model is defined by Euler interval poles, published here for the first time, and a refined global animation that may be inspected and copied from the URL www.reeves.nl/Gondwana . The analysis points to a small number of disruptive events in the otherwise inexorable growth of the oceans.
Mechanisms of microcontinent release associated with wrenching-involved continental break-up; a review
Abstract The study focuses on the role of wrenching-involved continental break-up in microcontinent release, drawing from a review of examples. It indicates that the main groups of release mechanisms in this setting are associated with ‘competing wrench faults’, ‘competing horsetail structure elements’, ‘competing rift zones’ and ‘multiple consecutive tectonic events’ controlled by different stress regimes capable of release. Competing-wrench-fault-related blocks are small, up to a maximum 220 km in length. They are more-or-less parallel to oceanic transforms. The competing horsetail-structure-element-related blocks are larger (up to 610 km in length) and are located at an acute angle to the transform. Competing-rift-zone-related blocks are large (up to 815 km) and are either parallel or perpendicular to the transform. The multiple-consecutive-tectonic-event-related blocks have variable size and are generally very elongate, ranging up to 1100 km in length. The role of strike-slip faults in release of continental blocks resides in: linking the extensional zones, where the blocks are already isolated, by their propagation through the remaining continental bridges and subsequent displacement; facilitating rapid crustal thinning across a narrow zone of strike-slip-dominated faults; and slicing the margin into potentially detachable fault blocks.
Abstract A three-dimensional (3D) thermal–kinematic modelling approach based on finite-element techniques is used to study lower-crustal viscosity at transform margins during the continent–ocean transform development stage and after the ridge has passed by. Nine modelling scenarios combining different equilibrium surface heat flows and lower-crustal rheologies are studied. Modelling results indicate that substantial parts of the lower crust at transform margins have the potential to flow at geologically appreciable strain rates, which can lead to uplift/subsidence, as well as lateral variations, in upper- and lower-crustal thicknesses and Moho depth. These low-viscosity zones (i.e. parts of the lower crust with effective viscosities of less than 10 18 Pa s) make up distinct ductility distributions that vary in space and time during margin evolution. Three basic ductility patterns and related thermal processes can be identified: reduced lower-crustal viscosities originating at the continental rift and the continent–ocean boundary (COB), respectively; reduced lower-crustal viscosities along the transform caused by the migrating ridge; and the background distribution of lower-crustal ductility resulting from the equilibrium temperature field. Superposition of all three ductility patterns and the complex interaction of the underlying perturbations of the temperature field result in distinct differences in the potential of lower-crustal flow both in space (parallel and perpendicular to the transform) and with time. Thus, modelling results provide templates for understanding lower-crustal flow at transform margins in general and await further studies comparing model predictions with actual field observations.
Back Matter
Abstract This volume covers the linkage between new transform margin research and increasing transform margin exploration. It offers a critical set of predictive tools via an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of play concept elements at transform margins. It ties petroleum systems knowledge to the input coming from research focused on dynamic development, kinematic development, structural architecture and thermal regimes, together with their controlling factors. The volume does this by drawing from geophysical data (bathymetry, seismic, gravity and magnetic studies), structural geology, sedimentology, geochemistry, plate reconstruction and thermo-mechanical numerical modelling. It combines case studies (covering the Andaman Sea, Arctic, Coromandal, Guyana, Romanche, St. Paul and Suriname transform margins, the French Guyana hyper-oblique margin, the transtensional margin between the Caribbean and North American plates, and the Davie transform margin and its neighbour transform margins) with theoretical studies.
Front Matter
Conjugate divergent margins: an introduction
Abstract The main objective of this book is to provide a global overview of divergent margins based on geological and geophysical interpretation of sedimentary basins along the South, Central and North Atlantic conjugate margins, from plate tectonics and crustal scales to a more detailed description of stratigraphical and structural elements that are responsible for petroleum plays. These themes are complemented by geodynamic concepts based on physical and numerical models, and by comparisons with present-day embryonic margins, which are succinctly discussed in some papers. Supplementary material: Three plate animations of the Atlantic Ocean are available at www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP18620 .