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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Far East
Dabie Mountains (1)
Gansu China (1)
Micang Mountains (1)
Qinling Mountains (3)
Shaanxi China (1)
Sichuan Basin (2)
Sichuan China (1)
Tongbai Mountains (1)
Xinjiang China (1)
Xizang China (1)
Yangtze Platform (1)
Sino-Korean Platform (1)
Tajikistan (1)
Tibetan Plateau (2)
Tien Shan (1)
Commonwealth of Independent States
Tajikistan (1)
Durango Mexico (2)
Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone (1)
tracks (1)
geochronology methods
(U-Th)/He (1)
Ar/Ar (1)
fission-track dating (6)
He/He (1)
Rb/Sr (1)
thermochronology (3)
geologic age
Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
Upper Cretaceous (1)
Middle Jurassic (1)
Lower Triassic (1)
Middle Triassic (1)
Lower Devonian (1)
Silurian (1)
upper Precambrian
Proterozoic (2)
igneous rocks
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
diorites (1)
granites (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
gneisses (1)
metasedimentary rocks
metasandstone (1)
pseudotachylite (1)
phyllites (1)
schists (1)
apatite (12)
zircon group
zircon (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
Far East
Dabie Mountains (1)
Gansu China (1)
Micang Mountains (1)
Qinling Mountains (3)
Shaanxi China (1)
Sichuan Basin (2)
Sichuan China (1)
Tongbai Mountains (1)
Xinjiang China (1)
Xizang China (1)
Yangtze Platform (1)
Sino-Korean Platform (1)
Tajikistan (1)
Tibetan Plateau (2)
Tien Shan (1)
Quaternary (1)
Miocene (1)
crust (1)
crystal structure (2)
deformation (1)
faults (3)
geochronology (5)
igneous rocks
plutonic rocks
diabase (1)
diorites (1)
granites (1)
Upper Cretaceous (1)
Middle Jurassic (1)
Lower Triassic (1)
Middle Triassic (1)
metamorphic rocks
gneisses (1)
metasedimentary rocks
metasandstone (1)
pseudotachylite (1)
phyllites (1)
schists (1)
metamorphism (1)
Durango Mexico (2)
paleogeography (1)
Lower Devonian (1)
Silurian (1)
plate tectonics (1)
upper Precambrian
Proterozoic (2)
sedimentary rocks (1)
structural analysis (2)
tectonics (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks (1)
sedimentary structures
tracks (1)
Compositional effects on the etching of fossil confined fission tracks in apatite
Effective Etch Times of Fossil Fission Tracks in Geological Apatite Samples and Impact on Temperature-Time Modeling
Fission-track etching in apatite: A model and some implications
A quantitative description of fission-track etching in apatite
Some geometrical properties of fission-track-surface intersections in apatite
On growth and form of etched fission tracks in apatite: A kinetic approach
Single-track length measurements of step-etched fission tracks in Durango apatite: “ Vorsprung durch Technik ”
Late-stage foreland growth of China’s largest orogens (Qinling, Tibet): Evidence from the Hannan-Micang crystalline massifs and the northern Sichuan Basin, central China
The North American-Caribbean Plate boundary in Mexico-Guatemala-Honduras
Abstract New structural, geochronological, and petrological data highlight which crustal sections of the North American–Caribbean Plate boundary in Guatemala and Honduras accommodated the large-scale sinistral offset. We develop the chronological and kinematic framework for these interactions and test for Palaeozoic to Recent geological correlations among the Maya Block, the Chortís Block, and the terranes of southern Mexico and the northern Caribbean. Our principal findings relate to how the North American–Caribbean Plate boundary partitioned deformation; whereas the southern Maya Block and the southern Chortís Block record the Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic collision and eastward sinistral translation of the Greater Antilles arc, the northern Chortís Block preserves evidence for northward stepping of the plate boundary with the translation of this block to its present position since the Late Eocene. Collision and translation are recorded in the ophiolite and subduction–accretion complex (North El Tambor complex), the continental margin (Rabinal and Chuacús complexes), and the Laramide foreland fold–thrust belt of the Maya Block as well as the overriding Greater Antilles arc complex. The Las Ovejas complex of the northern Chortís Block contains a significant part of the history of the eastward migration of the Chortís Block; it constitutes the southern part of the arc that facilitated the breakaway of the Chortís Block from the Xolapa complex of southern Mexico. While the Late Cretaceous collision is spectacularly sinistral transpressional, the Eocene–Recent translation of the Chortís Block is by sinistral wrenching with transtensional and transpressional episodes. Our reconstruction of the Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic evolution of the North American–Caribbean Plate boundary identified Proterozoic to Mesozoic connections among the southern Maya Block, the Chortís Block, and the terranes of southern Mexico: (i) in the Early–Middle Palaeozoic, the Acatlán complex of the southern Mexican Mixteca terrane, the Rabinal complex of the southern Maya Block, the Chuacús complex, and the Chortís Block were part of the Taconic–Acadian orogen along the northern margin of South America; (ii) after final amalgamation of Pangaea, an arc developed along its western margin, causing magmatism and regional amphibolite–facies metamorphism in southern Mexico, the Maya Block (including Rabinal complex), the Chuacús complex and the Chortís Block. The separation of North and South America also rifted the Chortís Block from southern Mexico. Rifting ultimately resulted in the formation of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous oceanic crust of the South El Tambor complex; rifting and spreading terminated before the Hauterivian ( c . 135 Ma). Remnants of the southwestern Mexican Guerrero complex, which also rifted from southern Mexico, remain in the Chortís Block (Sanarate complex); these complexes share Jurassic metamorphism. The South El Tambor subduction–accretion complex was emplaced onto the Chortís Block probably in the late Early Cretaceous and the Chortís Block collided with southern Mexico. Related arc magmatism and high- T /low- P metamorphism (Taxco–Viejo–Xolapa arc) of the Mixteca terrane spans all of southern Mexico. The Chortís Block shows continuous Early Cretaceous–Recent arc magmatism. Supplementary material: Analytical methods and data, and sample description are available at http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP18360.
Cenozoic exhumation and deformation of northeastern Tibet and the Qinling: Is Tibetan lower crustal flow diverging around the Sichuan Basin?
There are three sutures in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogen in the Tongbai–Xinxian (northern Hong'an)–northern Dabie area: the Silurian Sino-Korean craton–Erlangping intra-oceanic arc suture, the Silurian Erlangping arc–Qinling unit (microcontinent) suture, and the Early Triassic Qinling unit–Yangtze craton suture. We resolve the controversy regarding the age of the Sino-Korean craton–Yangtze craton collision by recognizing that there was Paleozoic collision between the Qinling unit and the Sino-Korean craton and Mesozoic collision between the Qinling unit and the Yangtze craton. The Qinling unit constitutes a long and narrow microcontinent that extends through the Qinling-Dabie area and probably into the Sulu area. Its common characteristics are the Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.0 Ga) Jinningian orogeny, ca. 0.8–0.7 Ga arc formation and rifting, and Late Silurian–Early Devonian (ca. 400 Ma) arc magmatism with concomitant regional contact metamorphism up to granulite-facies conditions (peak: 680–740 °C at 0.9–1.1 GPa). A common Proterozoic history links the Qinling microcontinent to the Yangtze craton. Its 400 Ma arc, forearc basin, and its separation from the Yangtze craton by the partly oceanic Huwan mélange make the Qinling microcontinent distinct. The forearc basin sits on the southern part of the 400 Ma arc and underlying Proterozoic continental basement, and detrital geochronology ties it to the Qinling microcontinent basement and its arc. The Huwan mélange is a subduction-accretion complex containing elements of the Qinling micro-continent and its arc, the Paleotethyan ocean floor, and possibly the Yangtze craton. Quartz eclogites (540–590 °C, 2.1 GPa) signify ca. 315 Ma subduction. Devonian to Permian eclogite zircon ages, 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and Rb/Sr mineral ages in the forearc and its basement, and static, Permian blueschist metamorphism in the upper-plate basement testify to subduction throughout the late Paleozoic. The ∼10-km-wide Huwan detachment bounds the high- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks of the Xinxian–Hong'an block (pressure peak at older than 240 Ma) along their northern margin. It is partly responsible for exhumation of the high- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks, but the entire basement core of Hong'an–Dabie orogen is also strongly deformed. The Huwan shear-zone high-strain deformation indicates passage of rocks through the lithosphere by subhorizontal N-S extension and vertical contraction, showcased by condensed Triassic isograds (420 °C and ∼0.4 GPa in the hanging wall and ∼530 °C and 2.2 GPa in the footwall). The Huwan detachment produced Triassic crustal exhumation rates of 1.9–1.4 mm/yr; synkinematic phengite grew as early as ca. 235 Ma, and the main retrograde deformation occurred at 224–195 Ma. The Tongbai-Xinxian area shows a massive 130–115 Ma cluster of cooling ages, reflecting regional cooling after granitoid injection and regional Cretaceous heating. Apatite fission-track ages cluster at 80–55 Ma and signify cooling related to transtension that coincided with rifting marked by Late Cretaceous–Eocene red bed deposition throughout eastern China. Exhumation rates of for the last 70 m.y. have been slow: ∼0.06 mm/yr. The India-Asia collision reactivated the orogen in the Eocene, particularly along the Tanlu fault zone and locally along fault zones in Tongbai-Xinxian.