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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
Eugene Island (1)
Western Europe
Dublin Ireland (1)
Front Range (1)
Green River (1)
North America
Western Interior
Western Interior Seaway (1)
Permian Basin (2)
United States
Anadarko Basin (11)
Ardmore Basin (1)
Benton County Arkansas (2)
Boone County Arkansas (2)
Arkoma Basin (2)
Book Cliffs (1)
Cherokee Basin (5)
Garfield County Colorado
Rifle Colorado (1)
Mesa County Colorado (1)
Piceance Basin (5)
Colorado Plateau (1)
Illinois (1)
Iowa (1)
Cherokee County Kansas (1)
Comanche County Kansas (1)
Harper County Kansas (1)
Osage County Kansas (1)
Reno County Kansas (1)
Midcontinent (6)
Mississippi Valley (1)
Jasper County Missouri (1)
McDonald County Missouri (2)
Stone County Missouri (3)
New Mexico
Lea County New Mexico
Vacuum Field (2)
Alfalfa County Oklahoma (1)
Blaine County Oklahoma (1)
Canadian County Oklahoma (1)
Delaware County Oklahoma (2)
Garfield County Oklahoma (1)
Grant County Oklahoma (1)
Kay County Oklahoma (2)
Kingfisher County Oklahoma (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (2)
Mayes County Oklahoma (3)
Noble County Oklahoma (1)
Oklahoma County Oklahoma (1)
Pawnee County Oklahoma (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (3)
Wagoner County Oklahoma (1)
Woods County Oklahoma (2)
Ozark Mountains (8)
Sevier orogenic belt (1)
Uinta Basin (1)
Utah (1)
Big Horn County Wyoming (1)
Hot Springs County Wyoming (1)
oil and gas fields (8)
natural gas (15)
tight sands (2)
elements, isotopes
C-13/C-12 (5)
organic carbon (1)
isotope ratios (6)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (5)
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alkaline earth metals
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O-18/O-16 (6)
Vertebrata (4)
Ostracoda (1)
Brachiopoda (2)
Bryozoa (3)
Rugosa (1)
Tabulata (1)
Crinoidea (4)
Gastropoda (2)
Stromatoporoidea (1)
Conodonta (4)
Corallinaceae (1)
geochronology methods
paleomagnetism (1)
geologic age
Lower Cretaceous
Burro Canyon Formation (2)
Mancos Shale (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (1)
Mesaverde Group (4)
Niobrara Formation (1)
Williams Fork Formation (6)
Arbuckle Group (2)
Cambrian (1)
Boone Formation (2)
Lower Mississippian
Burlington Limestone (1)
Keokuk Limestone (2)
Tournaisian (1)
Madison Group (1)
Middle Mississippian
Visean (1)
Upper Mississippian
Chesterian (2)
Fayetteville Formation (2)
Meramecian (3)
Devonian (1)
Ordovician (2)
Guadalupian (2)
Lower Permian
Leonardian (1)
Woodford Shale (2)
anhydrite (1)
Primary terms
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
C-13/C-12 (5)
organic carbon (1)
Vertebrata (4)
continental shelf (1)
crystal chemistry (1)
data processing (1)
diagenesis (10)
earthquakes (1)
Western Europe
Dublin Ireland (1)
faults (4)
folds (1)
fractures (2)
geochemistry (2)
geophysical methods (11)
fluid inclusions (3)
Ostracoda (1)
Brachiopoda (2)
Bryozoa (3)
Rugosa (1)
Tabulata (1)
Crinoidea (4)
Gastropoda (2)
Stromatoporoidea (1)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (5)
O-18/O-16 (6)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (2)
Lower Cretaceous
Burro Canyon Formation (2)
Mancos Shale (1)
Upper Cretaceous
Campanian (1)
Mesaverde Group (4)
Niobrara Formation (1)
Williams Fork Formation (6)
alkaline earth metals
Sr-87/Sr-86 (2)
metasomatism (1)
North America
Western Interior
Western Interior Seaway (1)
oil and gas fields (8)
O-18/O-16 (6)
paleogeography (3)
paleomagnetism (1)
Arbuckle Group (2)
Cambrian (1)
Boone Formation (2)
Lower Mississippian
Burlington Limestone (1)
Keokuk Limestone (2)
Tournaisian (1)
Madison Group (1)
Middle Mississippian
Visean (1)
Upper Mississippian
Chesterian (2)
Fayetteville Formation (2)
Meramecian (3)
Devonian (1)
Ordovician (2)
Guadalupian (2)
Lower Permian
Leonardian (1)
Woodford Shale (2)
natural gas (15)
Corallinaceae (1)
pollution (1)
remote sensing (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (3)
grainstone (2)
limestone (16)
wackestone (2)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (5)
salt (2)
clastic rocks
conglomerate (1)
diatomite (2)
mudstone (9)
sandstone (9)
shale (2)
siltstone (5)
gas sands (1)
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities (1)
planar bedding structures
sand bodies (1)
sediments (2)
spectroscopy (1)
tectonics (2)
United States
Anadarko Basin (11)
Ardmore Basin (1)
Benton County Arkansas (2)
Boone County Arkansas (2)
Arkoma Basin (2)
Book Cliffs (1)
Cherokee Basin (5)
Garfield County Colorado
Rifle Colorado (1)
Mesa County Colorado (1)
Piceance Basin (5)
Colorado Plateau (1)
Illinois (1)
Iowa (1)
Cherokee County Kansas (1)
Comanche County Kansas (1)
Harper County Kansas (1)
Osage County Kansas (1)
Reno County Kansas (1)
Midcontinent (6)
Mississippi Valley (1)
Jasper County Missouri (1)
McDonald County Missouri (2)
Stone County Missouri (3)
New Mexico
Lea County New Mexico
Vacuum Field (2)
Alfalfa County Oklahoma (1)
Blaine County Oklahoma (1)
Canadian County Oklahoma (1)
Delaware County Oklahoma (2)
Garfield County Oklahoma (1)
Grant County Oklahoma (1)
Kay County Oklahoma (2)
Kingfisher County Oklahoma (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (2)
Mayes County Oklahoma (3)
Noble County Oklahoma (1)
Oklahoma County Oklahoma (1)
Pawnee County Oklahoma (1)
Payne County Oklahoma (3)
Wagoner County Oklahoma (1)
Woods County Oklahoma (2)
Ozark Mountains (8)
Sevier orogenic belt (1)
Uinta Basin (1)
Utah (1)
Big Horn County Wyoming (1)
Hot Springs County Wyoming (1)
waste disposal (1)
well-logging (5)
rock formations
San Andres Formation (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (3)
grainstone (2)
limestone (16)
wackestone (2)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (5)
salt (2)
clastic rocks
conglomerate (1)
diatomite (2)
mudstone (9)
sandstone (9)
shale (2)
siltstone (5)
gas sands (1)
siliciclastics (6)
sedimentary structures
channels (2)
mounds (1)
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities (1)
planar bedding structures
sand bodies (1)
sediments (2)
siliciclastics (6)
Spatial variability of petrofacies using supervised machine learning and geostatistical modeling: Sycamore Formation, Sho-Vel-Tum Field, Oklahoma, USA
Quantifying the sensitivity of seismic facies classification to seismic attribute selection: An explainable machine-learning study
Regional stratigraphy and proximal-to-distal variation of lithology and porosity within a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system, Mississippian strata of northern and central Oklahoma
Stratigraphic variability of Mississippian Meramec chemofacies and petrophysical properties using machine learning and geostatistical modeling, STACK trend, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Lithofacies, depositional, and diagenetic controls on the reservoir quality of the Mississippian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate system, eastern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, USA
Mechanical stratigraphy of Mississippian strata using machine learning and seismic-based reservoir characterization and modeling, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Exhaustive probabilistic neural network for attribute selection and supervised seismic facies classification
Mississippian Meramec lithologies and petrophysical property variability, stack trend, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Fluvial architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Burro Canyon Formation, southwestern Piceance Basin, Colorado
Characterization of Arbuckle-basement wastewater disposal system, Payne County, Northern Oklahoma
Convolutional neural networks as aid in core lithofacies classification
ABSTRACT Multiple orders of depositional cyclicity in the Mayes Group of northeastern Oklahoma are delineated by refined depositional facies associations and stratigraphic surfaces. Facies associations include deep subtidal facies, shallow subtidal facies (including distal and proximal subfacies), carbonate shoal facies, and shoal crest facies. The Mayes Group records a primary transgressive–regressive depositional cycle bounded below by a major unconformity (sub-Mayes unconformity) and above by an important provincial conodont biostratigraphic boundary and widespread flooding surface at the base of the Fayetteville Shale. Within the Mayes Group, two secondary transgressive–regressive depositional cycles are separated by an interpreted unconformity. The lower Mayes cycle comprises the Bayou Manard and Lindsey Bridge members of the Pryor Creek Formation, whereas the Ordnance Plant Member is grouped with the Hindsville Formation in the upper Mayes cycle. Present in both the lower and upper Mayes cycles are high-frequency shallowing-upward cycles bounded by flooding surfaces. Evaluating the distribution of facies and stratigraphic surfaces within a framework of multiple orders of depositional cyclicity is essential to interpreting the geologic evolution of the southern mid-continent during the Meramecian and Chesterian, and impacts oil and gas production by improving our understanding of reservoir compartmentalization.
ABSTRACT Exploration for hydrocarbons in Mississippian strata in Kansas and Oklahoma began in the 1900s. Early production came from open-hole completions in vertical wellbores at the apex of structural and stratigraphic traps. In the mid-20th century, cased-hole completions and hydraulic fracture stimulation allowed development of lower permeability zones. Recently operators began to explore and develop transition zones and low-permeability facies with horizontal drilling. The petroleum system that includes these accumulations consists of two hydrocarbon kitchens in the Arkoma and Anadarko basins, which have been generating oil and gas from the Woodford Shale since the beginning of the Pennsylvanian. Hydrocarbons charged out of the basins and along the fractured terrain of the Cherokee platform into reservoirs from Kinderhookian to Chesterian age across the carbonate facies belt. The distribution of these reservoirs, including limestones, dolomites, and cherts, along with structural configuration, governs the relative abundance and location of oil, gas, and water in each trap. The past decade saw over four thousand laterals targeting Mississippian reservoirs, including shales in unconventional traps, and the greatest rise in oil production in the region since the 1920s. High associated water volumes have created escalating operational costs and are correlative with earthquake activity.
Tournaisian (Mississippian) Carbonate Mounds in the Ozark Region, North America and Ireland: A Comparison
ABSTRACT Mississippian (Tournaisian–Viséan) carbonate mounds in the Compton and Pierson limestones, Ozark region, North America, have been called Waulsortian. However, European Waulsortian mounds contain features such as geopetals with multigenerations of carbonate mud (polymuds) and stromatactis cavity systems that are rare to absent in Ozark mounds. To determine similarities and differences, examine their origins, and clarify nomenclature, mounds in the Compton and Pierson limestones are compared with Waulsortian mounds in the Feltrim Limestone, Ireland. Features considered included mound size, geometry, style of aggradation, composition, depositional setting, and diagenetic history. Mounds in the Compton and Pierson limestones are <10 m (33 ft) thick and form singular knoll-form or aggregates with a strong lateral growth component. In contrast, individual Waulsortian mounds in the Feltrim Limestone range from 5 to > 30 m ( 16 – 100 ft ) thick, but coalesce and vertically aggrade to form complexes that exceed 500 m ( 1600 ft ) . Pierson mounds are crinoidal and grain-rich, whereas Compton and Feltrim mounds are bryozoan-rich and mud-dominated. All mounds have similar cement stratigraphy and diagenetic histories. Mud-rich Compton mounds and Feltrim mounds are interpreted as deeper water than skeletal-rich Pierson mounds. Limited accommodation constrained Compton and Pierson mound size and forced lateral aggradation. Subsidence-driven accommodation in the Dublin Basin allowed Feltrim mounds to grow larger, coalesce, and aggrade vertically. Three types of mounds are recognized: true Waulsortian in the Feltrim Limestone, mud-cored Waulsortian-type Compton and Pierson mounds, and Pierson transported bioaccumulation mounds. Small dimensions of Waulsortian-type Pierson and Compton mounds limit their potential as oil and gas reservoirs, whereas Pierson crinoidal sediment piles are known to form reservoir-size accumulations.
ABSTRACT Production-scale variability in Mississippian reservoirs of the U.S. midcontinent is poorly understood, largely due to distant spacing of subsurface wells and the lack of outcrops that provide a 3-D distribution of potential reservoir facies. This study utilizes exposures of Upper Mississippian (Meramecian to Chesterian in age) lithofacies in a quarry to develop a 1st-order 3-D facies model at a production or enhanced-production scale (<40 ac [<16.2 ha]). By utilizing photogrammetry to stitch and georeference high-resolution aerial photos, 3-D representations of outcropping walls and pavement were created at a submeter resolution and serve as valuable tools for the visualization of bed and facies relationships in 3-D space. Drone-based aerial and orthogonal photography was used to capture images and create 3-D models of inaccessible outcrop areas. These models were then imported as base surfaces to geostatistical reservoir modeling software (Petrel), in which they were integrated with petrographic and sequence-stratigraphic data to model facies and porosity relationships. Various algorithms and variogram lengths were tested and compared to high-resolution outcrop data to determine the most appropriate workflow for future subsurface modeling. The Petrel-based facies and porosity models illustrate the lateral and vertical variability that exists in outcrop while providing detailed approximations of subsurface reservoir heterogeneity.
Controls on Diagenetic Pathways in Mississippian Carbonates of the Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma
ABSTRACT Few detailed diagenetic studies have been carried out on the Mississippian limestone of north-central Oklahoma, U.S.A. Facies analysis, petrographic observations, and stable isotope data are integrated to investigate diagenetic history. This progradational succession of heterozoan–biosiliceous carbonates accumulated on the southern margin of the Burlington–Anadarko shelf. Diagenetic products related to mesogenesis are pervasive, whereas those related to eogenesis and hydrothermal alteration are localized. A pervasive burial diagenetic overprint is consistent with patterns in stable isotopic data, the bulk of which define a trend of large decreases in δ 18 O ( − 1.5 ‰ to − 7.5 ‰ ) accompanied by relatively small decreases in δ 13 C ( + 3.5 ‰ to + 1.5 ‰ ) values. Microbioclastic skeletal wackestone–packstones are prominent. Due to low diagenetic potential, these facies entered the burial realm essentially unlithified. They are characterized by features that point to chemical compaction as the primary driver for lithification. Spicule-rich facies experienced a different diagenetic pathway, with silicification leading to lithification prior to physical compaction. Late-stage fracturing and hydrothermal alteration, significant elsewhere in the basin, is only locally developed. Porosity is associated largely with late-stage fractures and solution seams resulting from chemical compaction.
ABSTRACT Natural fractures are common in several unconventional reservoirs in the U.S. and around the world and, even when sealed with cements, can facilitate the propagation of induced fractures during hydraulic fracturing. This study is focused on correlating fracture types and intensity to distinct petrophysically significant facies and to an established sequence stratigraphic framework in the unconventional carbonate reservoirs of the “Mississippian limestone” of the U.S. midcontinent region. Four fracture types are observed: ptygmatic, vertical extension, shear, and mixed types of fractures. Most of the fractures have been completely sealed with predominantly calcite cement. Fractured zones are vertically heterogeneous at various scales, indicating the variability in rock mechanical properties. At the millimeter scale, fractures are commonly discontinuous and exhibit variable kinematic aperture. At the centimeter scale, ptygmatic fractures exhibit variable termination modes in relation to bedding planes, suggesting a mineralogical control on rock mechanical properties. At the meter scale, the highest fracture abundance corresponds to facies with the highest calcite content. The mineralogical control of fracture distribution is also represented by the higher fracture intensity within the regressive phases of “third-order” sequences, indicating the value of sequence stratigraphic approach in characterizing and predicting fracture distribution in these unconventional reservoirs.
ABSTRACT Four conodont biozones, including three subzones, are interpreted within a revised lithostratigraphic framework for the upper Boone Group and Mayes Group in northeastern Oklahoma and adjacent parts of Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas. Although revised lithostratigraphy is principally based on observed lithologic characteristics and stratigraphic relationships, conodont biostratigraphic data played an important role in correlation and final organization of units. Within the upper Boone Group, Biozone 1 (lower Meramecian) includes the Ritchey Formation and the Tahlequah limestone and Biozone 2 (middle Meramecian) includes the Moccasin Bend Formation and Quapaw Limestone. The Mayes Group spans Biozone 3 and Biozone 4. Biozone 3 (upper Meramecian) is represented by the Bayou Manard Member of the Pryor Creek Formation (new name). Biozone 4 marks the appearance of definitive Chesterian conodont fauna. The lower two subzones within Biozone 4 correspond to the Lindsey Bridge (Biozone 4L) and Ordnance Plant (Biozone 4M) members of the Pryor Creek Formation, whereas the upper subzone consists of the Hindsville Formation (Biozone 4U). Documentation of conodont taxa and recognition of the proposed biozones provides relative time constraints for genetically meaningful interpretations of regional geology and subsequent evaluation of the Mayes Group and upper Boone Group within a broader interregional context.
ABSTRACT Lithologies, depositional environments, stratigraphic architecture, and conodont biostratigraphy of Lower to Middle Mississippian rocks in the western Ozarks comprise five depositional sequences in ramps on the southern Burlington shelf. Aggradational ramps in the Kinderhookian to early Osagean St. Joe group were relatively strongly overprinted by Ouachita-related tectonism involving inferred recurrent passage of fore-bulge highs and associated basins across central and southern parts of the outcrop area. Significant effects of tectonism are southward facies shallowing onto the broad Kanoka ridge paleotopographic high associated with locally extensive marine and lesser subaerial erosion, sediment thickening and deposition of generally northward down-lapping, resedimented wedges with dislodged reef blocks and conglomerates into relatively rapidly subsiding basins, and formation of a regionally extensive paleosol at the top of the group. Back-stepping subsidence due to middle Osagean foundering of the Kanoka ridge was followed by rapid, long-distance progradation of middle- and outer-ramp facies in the Bentonville and Reeds Spring limestones. Tectonism at this time resulted variously in local folding, uplift, marine and subaerial erosion, and reversal of shelf bathymetry. Southward erosion of the Reeds Spring and Bentonville occurred at least in Oklahoma on rejuvenated segments of the Kanoka ridge. Overlying lower Meramecian limestones are shallow-water deposits truncated by a major unconformity.
ABSTRACT Petrographic, geochemical, and fluid inclusion analysis of dolomite and calcite cements has been conducted on Mississippian carbonates collected from the surface and subsurface of the southern midcontinent of the United States (Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas). Fracture and vug, intergrain, and intragrain porosity are filled with calcite, authigenic quartz, and dolomite cements. Primary limestone porosity is filled partially by early marine and meteoric calcite cements. Equant (blocky) calcite cements were precipitated under seawater or mixed meteoric-seawater conditions in the phreatic zone and in the deep phreatic zone under late (burial) diagenetic conditions. Fracture- and breccia-filling saddle dolomite cements that were observed are late diagenetic and are likely related to the nearby Tri-State Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) mineral district. Carbon and oxygen isotope values of dolomite cements range from δ 18 O (VPDB) = −9.5 to −2.7‰ and from δ 13 C (VPDB) = −4.0 to −0.4‰. Values for calcite cements range from δ 18 O (VPDB) = −11.6 to −1.9‰ and from δ 13 C (VPDB) = −12.2 to +4.6‰. These values are consistent with three types of diagenetic fluids: seawater, seawater modified by meteoric water, and evolved basinal water. Analysis of fluid inclusions in late calcite, dolomite, and quartz cements indicates the presence of both dilute and high salinity end-member fluids. Homogenization temperatures (T h ) of fluid inclusions range from 57°C to 175°C and salinities range from 0 to 25 equivalent weight % NaCl. Fluid inclusion T h values and salinities are consistent with a saline basinal fluid variably diluted by fluids of meteoric or mixed seawater and meteoric origin. Petroleum inclusions were observed in late diagenetic calcite and dolomite cements.The late diagenetic cements filled porosity retained after early diagenetic cementation indicating that some original porosity in the Mississippian carbonate rocks remained open during petroleum migration. Elevated fluid inclusion T h values over a broad region, not just in the Tri-State Mineral District, imply that the regional thermal maturity of rocks may be higher than believed previously. This study indicates that the Mississippian carbonate resource play on the southern midcontinent has a very complex diagenetic history, continuing long after early diagenetic cementation. Possibly the most important diagenetic events affecting these rocks occurred during burial and basinal fluid migration through these strata.