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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
North Africa
Morocco (1)
Far East
Taiwan (1)
Atlantic Ocean
Equatorial Atlantic (1)
North Atlantic
Bay of Biscay (2)
Flemish Cap (1)
Northeast Atlantic
Galicia Bank (1)
South Atlantic
Angola Basin (1)
Southeast Atlantic (1)
Walvis Ridge (1)
Atlantic region (1)
Eastern Canada
Maritime Provinces
Nova Scotia (1)
Pyrenees (1)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Galicia Spain (1)
Western Europe
Gironde France
Bordeaux France (1)
Pacific Ocean
North Pacific
Northwest Pacific
East China Sea (1)
Okinawa Trough (1)
South China Sea (1)
West Pacific
Northwest Pacific
East China Sea (1)
Okinawa Trough (1)
South China Sea (1)
elements, isotopes
organic carbon (1)
geochronology methods
paleomagnetism (1)
geologic age
Pleistocene (1)
Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
Upper Cretaceous (2)
Middle Jurassic
Bajocian (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
Primary terms
North Africa
Morocco (1)
Far East
Taiwan (1)
Atlantic Ocean
Equatorial Atlantic (1)
North Atlantic
Bay of Biscay (2)
Flemish Cap (1)
Northeast Atlantic
Galicia Bank (1)
South Atlantic
Angola Basin (1)
Southeast Atlantic (1)
Walvis Ridge (1)
Atlantic region (1)
Eastern Canada
Maritime Provinces
Nova Scotia (1)
organic carbon (1)
Pleistocene (1)
Miocene (1)
Pliocene (1)
continental drift (1)
crust (2)
data processing (1)
Deep Sea Drilling Project
Leg 75
DSDP Site 530 (1)
DSDP Site 531 (1)
DSDP Site 532 (1)
Pyrenees (1)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Galicia Spain (1)
Western Europe
Gironde France
Bordeaux France (1)
faults (3)
geochemistry (1)
geophysical methods (6)
magmas (1)
maps (1)
Upper Cretaceous (2)
Middle Jurassic
Bajocian (1)
Upper Triassic (1)
Mohorovicic discontinuity (1)
Ocean Drilling Program
Leg 184
ODP Site 1146 (1)
ODP Site 1148 (1)
ocean floors (3)
oceanography (1)
Pacific Ocean
North Pacific
Northwest Pacific
East China Sea (1)
Okinawa Trough (1)
South China Sea (1)
West Pacific
Northwest Pacific
East China Sea (1)
Okinawa Trough (1)
South China Sea (1)
paleoclimatology (1)
paleogeography (2)
paleomagnetism (1)
plate tectonics (5)
sea-floor spreading (2)
sedimentary rocks (1)
sedimentation (1)
marine sediments (1)
tectonics (1)
tectonophysics (2)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks (1)
marine sediments (1)
Introduction to special section: South China Sea deep structures and tectonics
Post-rift magmatism on the northern South China Sea margin
The geodynamic province of transitional lithosphere adjacent to magma-poor continental margins
Abstract Two different types of ‘transitional lithosphere’ have been documented along magma-poor rifted margins. One consists of apparently subcontinental mantle that has been exhumed, brittlely deformed, and serpentinized during late stages of rifting. A second is thinned (<10 km) continental crust, which in some cases is known to have been supported near sea level at least early in the rift history and thus is interpreted to reflect depth-dependent extension. In both cases, it is typically assumed that oceanic crust forms at the time that the brittle continental crust is breached or soon thereafter, and thus that transitional lithosphere has relatively limited width. Here three representative cases of transitional lithosphere are examined: one in the Newfoundland–Iberia rift and one at Goban Spur (both exhumed mantle), and one off the Angola–Congo margin (thin continental crust flanked seaward by apparently exhumed lower continental crust±exhumed mantle). Considering the geological and geophysical evidence, it appears that depth-dependent extension (riftward flow of weak lower continental crust and/or upper mantle) may be a common phenomenon on magma-poor margins and that this can result in a much broader zone of transitional lithosphere than has hitherto been assumed. Transitional lithosphere in this wide zone may consist of subcontinental mantle, lower continental crust or some combination thereof, depending on the strength profile of the pre-rift continental lithosphere. Transitional lithosphere ceases to be emplaced (i.e. ‘final break-up’ occurs) only when emplacement of heat and melt from the rising asthenosphere becomes dominant over lateral flow of the weak lower lithosphere. This model implies a two-stage break-up: first, the rupture of the brittle continental crust; and, second, the eventual separation of the ductile subcontinental lithosphere which is coincident with emplacement of normal oceanic crust. Well defined magnetic anomalies can form in transitional lithosphere that consists of highly serpentinized, exhumed mantle, and such anomalies therefore are not diagnostic of oceanic crust. Where present, the anomalies can be helpful in interpreting and dating the rifting history.
Plate tectonic reconstructions and paleogeographic maps of the central and North Atlantic oceans 1 This article is one of a series of papers published in this CJES Special Issue on the theme of Mesozoic–Cenozoic geology of the Scotian Basin . 2 Earth Sciences Sector Contribution 20120172.
Sismicité et volcanisme dans le Sud-Ouest du bassin arrière-arc d’Okinawa (Nord-Est Taiwan)
Abstract The Orphan Basin formed during the Mesozoic intra-continental extension, continental breakup, and North Atlantic Ocean opening. New seismic data collected in the Orphan Basin, and regional potential field data, show a wide non-volcanic rift area with two successive rift zones characterized by greatly stretched continental crust. From both tectono-structural and petroleum potential points of views, the Orphan rifted area can be subdivided into an older East Orphan Basin situated in deep water (1,500-3,000m) and a younger West Orphan Basin situated in shallower water (1000–1,500m). Seismic stratigraphic relationships indicate that the first episode of rifting could be as old as the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic in the East Orphan Basin. A petroleum system including Kimmeridgian, marine source rocks is postulated for this basin. A second rifting stage, from latest Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, created the eastern part of the West Orphan Basin and re-mobilized basement blocks and older sedimentary features in the east Orphan Basin. A third extensional stage during mid-Cretaceous, probably coupled with Labrador Sea extension and opening, mostly affected the westernmost parts of the West Orphan Basin. A later extensional stage is postulated to have occurred in the early Tertiary, related to the initiation of a new rift between Greenland and northern Canada. The West Orphan Basin petroleum system should be anchored by Cretaceous or early Tertiary source rocks. The two main rift basins, east and West Orphan, are separated by a major crustal fault zone, the White Sail fault dipping eastward and affecting the entire upper crust. The N 020° linear, tilted faults blocks identified in the West Orphan Basin are perpendicular to the flow-lines of the herein proposed Flemish Cap motion during the M25-M0 period, giving an independent evidence of the validity of the Flemish Cap/North America reconstruction at chron M25 derived from magnetic and gravity data. On the M0 reconstruction, the east and West Orphan basins are located in front of the Porcupine basin and Rockall trough respectively. The Flemish Cap behaved as a large, monolithic continental block and rotated clockwise 43°, apparently moving more than 200 km to the southeast, while the upper crust of the east Orphan Basin has a = 2.5 average stretching from Late Triassic to early Tertiary. Regional seismic data suggest that trans-tensional movements, although hard to identify on reflection data, played an important role and continued until the Paleocene. Beyond the Orphan Knoll-Flemish Cap “outer ridge” lineament lies a true divergent margin basin showing little deformation within the sedimentary sequence and which overlies a relatively wide continent-ocean transition zone.
Bathymetric map of the NE Atlantic Ocean and Bay of Biscay: kinematic implications
Etude detaillee de la structure d'un bloc bascule de la marge continentale de la Galice (Ouest-Iberie) a l'aide de donnees sismiques acquises pres du fond (systeme Pasisar); consequences sur la structuration de cette marge
High-resolution detection of geologic boundaries from potential-field anomalies; an enhanced analytic signal technique
New constraints on the formation of the non-volcanic continental Galicia–Flemish Cap conjugate margins
Triple junctions of Bay of Biscay and North Atlantic: New constraints on the kinematic evolution
Sedimentation and Accumulation of organic carbon in the Angola Basin and on Walvis Ridge: Preliminary results of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 75
Subsidence and Stretching
Abstract We present a new formulation of McKenzie’s simple uniform stretching model that is based on two reference levels, one near 3.6 km and the other near 7.8 km below sea level. In the absence of lithosphere, the asthenosphere would reach these levels if no oceanic crust were formed. The first level is for hot asthenosphere, the other is for asthenosphere cooled to thermal equilibrium. The instantaneous motion as well as the total vertical motion, produced by uniform stretching of the lithosphere, is expressed simply as a function of the elevation difference between the starting level and respectively the 3.6 and 7.8 km reference levels. In addition, we show that the behavior of the lithosphere under extensional strain is different above and below the 2.5 km-deep asthenosphere geoid. Below this level, oceanic accretion starts rapidly; above it, extensive thinning of the lithosphere produces subsidence until the asthenosphere geoid level is reached, enabling the asthenospheric material to break through to the surface. At low strain rate, pieces of the lower lithosphere may detach and sink in the asthenosphere. This process results in uplift and is taken into account in the formulation proposed.