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West Africa
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United States
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Shelby County Alabama (1)
Talladega County Alabama (1)
Brooks Range (2)
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Wiseman Quadrangle (1)
Arkoma Basin (1)
Black Warrior Basin (1)
Douglas County Colorado (1)
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El Paso County Texas (1)
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Lower Cambrian
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West Africa
Guinea (2)
Mauritania (1)
Mauritanides (1)
Senegal (1)
Taoudenni Basin (1)
Transantarctic Mountains (1)
Victoria Land (1)
Arctic Ocean (1)
Arctic region (1)
Far East
South Korea (1)
Siberia (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic (1)
Queensland Australia (1)
biogeography (2)
Eastern Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland (1)
electron microscopy (1)
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North America
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orogeny (1)
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Lower Cambrian
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Knox Group (1)
lower Paleozoic
Conococheague Formation (1)
Lower Ordovician
El Paso Group (1)
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Manitou Formation (1)
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Deicke Bentonite Bed (1)
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Cincinnatian (1)
Mohawkian (1)
Talladega Group (1)
algae (1)
plate tectonics (1)
upper Precambrian
Neoproterozoic (1)
problematic fossils
problematic microfossils (1)
sea water (1)
sea-level changes (2)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (2)
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chert (1)
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olistoliths (2)
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stratigraphy (4)
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tectonics (4)
United States
Chilton County Alabama (1)
Clay County Alabama (1)
Coosa County Alabama (1)
Shelby County Alabama (1)
Talladega County Alabama (1)
Brooks Range (2)
Seward Peninsula (1)
Wiseman Quadrangle (1)
Arkoma Basin (1)
Black Warrior Basin (1)
Douglas County Colorado (1)
Kentucky (1)
Maryland (1)
Midcontinent (1)
Minnesota (2)
Mississippi Embayment (1)
Missouri (1)
Ozark Mountains (1)
Dauphin County Pennsylvania (1)
Southern U.S. (1)
Talladega Front (1)
El Paso County Texas (1)
Western U.S. (1)
sedimentary rocks
sedimentary rocks
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sedimentary structures
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Ordovician geology of Alaska
Abstract Ordovician rocks, found in northern, east-central, interior and southern Alaska, formed in a variety of depositional and palaeogeographic settings. Shallow- and deep-water strata deposited along the northwestern Laurentian margin occur in east-central Alaska (Yukon River area) and probably correlative rocks crop out to the north in the Porcupine River area. Ordovician strata elsewhere in Alaska are parts of continental or island arc fragments that, as indicated by faunal and detrital zircon data, have been variously displaced. In northern Alaska, Ordovician rocks are included in the Arctic Alaska–Chukotka Microplate (AACM), a composite tectonic entity with a complex history. Some Ordovician strata in the AACM (parts of the North Slope subterrane) represent displaced fragments of the northern Laurentian margin. Coeval strata in southwestern parts of the AACM (York and Seward terranes, Hammond subterrane) share distinctive lithologic and biotic features with Ordovician rocks in interior Alaska (Farewell and related terranes). Ordovician strata in southeastern Alaska (Alexander terrane) also likely compose a composite crustal fragment that accumulated in a complex arc system. Shared features between many of these units suggest similar origins as part of one or more crustal fragments situated in the palaeo-Arctic between Laurentia, Baltica and Siberia during early Paleozoic time.
Abstract This trip seeks to illustrate the succession of Cambrian and Ordovician facies deposited within the Pennsylvania and Maryland portion of the Great American Carbonate Bank. From the Early Cambrian (Dyeran) through Late Ordovician (Turinan), the Laurentian paleocontinent was rimmed by an extensive carbonate platform. During this protracted period of time, a succession of carbonate rock, more than two miles thick, was deposited in Maryland and Pennsylvania. These strata are now exposed in the Nittany arch of central Pennsylvania; the Great Valley of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia; and the Conestoga and Frederick Valleys of eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland. This field trip will visit key outcrops that illustrate the varied depositional styles and environmental settings that prevailed at different times within the Pennsylvania reentrant portion of the Great American Carbonate Bank. In particular, we will contrast the timing and pattern of sedimentation in off-shelf (Frederick Valley), outer-shelf (Great Valley), and inner-shelf (Nittany arch) deposits. The deposition was controlled primarily by eustasy through the Cambrian and Early Ordovician (within the Sauk megasequence), but was strongly influenced later by the onset of Taconic orogenesis during deposition of the Tippecanoe megasequence.
Calibration of a conodont apatite-based Ordovician 87 Sr/ 86 Sr curve to biostratigraphy and geochronology: Implications for stratigraphic resolution
Carbonate rocks of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Their correlation and paleogeographic significance
Paleozoic carbonate strata deposited in shallow platform to off-platform settings occur across the Seward Peninsula and range from unmetamorphosed Ordovician–Devonian(?) rocks of the York succession in the west to highly deformed and metamorphosed Cambrian–Devonian units of the Nome Complex in the east. Faunal and lithologic correlations indicate that early Paleozoic strata in the two areas formed as part of a single carbonate platform. The York succession makes up part of the York terrane and consists of Ordovician, lesser Silurian, and limited, possibly Devonian rocks. Shallow-water facies predominate, but subordinate graptolitic shale and calcareous turbidites accumulated in deeper water, intraplatform basin environments, chiefly during the Middle Ordovician. Lower Ordovician strata are mainly lime mudstone and peloid-intraclast grainstone deposited in a deepening upward regime; noncarbonate detritus is abundant in lower parts of the section. Upper Ordovician and Silurian rocks include carbonate mudstone, skeletal wackestone, and coral-stromatoporoid biostromes that are commonly dolomitic and accumulated in warm, shallow to very shallow settings with locally restricted circulation. The rest of the York terrane is mainly Ordovician and older, variously deformed and metamorphosed carbonate and siliciclastic rocks intruded by early Cambrian (and younger?) metagabbros. Older (Neoproterozoic–Cambrian) parts of these units are chiefly turbidites and may have been basement for the carbonate platform facies of the York succession; younger, shallow- and deep-water strata likely represent previously unrecognized parts of the York succession and its offshore equivalents. Intensely deformed and altered Mississippian carbonate strata crop out in a small area at the western edge of the terrane. Metacarbonate rocks form all or part of several units within the blueschistand greenschist-facies Nome Complex. The Layered sequence includes mafic metaigneous rocks and associated calcareous metaturbidites of Ordovician age as well as shallow-water Silurian dolostones. Scattered metacarbonate rocks are chiefly Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian dolostones that formed in shallow, warmwater settings with locally restricted circulation and marbles of less constrained Paleozoic age. Carbonate metaturbidites occur on the northeast and southeast coasts and yield mainly Silurian and lesser Ordovician and Devonian conodonts; the northern succession also includes debris flows with meter-scale clasts and an argillite interval with Late Ordovician graptolites and lenses of radiolarian chert. Mafic igneous rocks at least partly of Early Devonian age are common in the southern succession. Carbonate rocks on Seward Peninsula experienced a range of deformational and thermal histories equivalent to those documented in the Brooks Range. Conodont color alteration indices (CAIs) from Seward Peninsula, like those from the Brooks Range, define distinct thermal provinces that likely reflect structural burial. Penetratively deformed high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Nome Complex (CAIs ≥5) correspond to rocks of the Schist belt in the southern Brooks Range; both record subduction during early stages of the Jurassic–Cretaceous Brooks Range orogeny. Weakly metamorphosed to unmetamorphosed strata of the York terrane (CAIs mainly 2–5), like Brooks Range rocks in the Central belt and structural allochthons to the north, experienced moderate to shallow burial during the main phase of the Brooks Range orogeny. The nature of the contact between the York terrane and the Nome Complex is uncertain; it may be a thrust fault, an extensional surface, or a thrust fault later reactivated as an extensional fault. Lithofacies and biofacies data indicate that, in spite of their divergent Mesozoic histories, rocks of the York terrane and protoliths of the Nome Complex formed as part of the same lower Paleozoic carbonate platform. Stratigraphies in both areas feature Lower Ordovician and mid-Silurian shallow-water deposits with some deeper water facies of late Early to Middle Ordovician age. Most significantly, Ordovician conodont faunas in both successions contain a characteristic, distinctive mixture of Laurentian and Siberian-Alaskan endemic forms. Lithologic and faunal resemblances also link Seward Peninsula platform strata with coeval successions in the Brooks Range and in interior Alaska (Farewell and White Mountains terranes) and imply that all of these rocks were once part of a single carbonate platform situated between Laurentia, Siberia, and Baltica. Little is known about the basement on which Alaskan platform strata formed, and correlations between Cambrian and older rocks in these areas remain tentative. Similarities between strata and fossils in northern and interior Alaska are strongest during the Ordovician, and diminish by Middle Devonian; correlations between Seward Peninsula and Brooks Range rocks, however, extend into the Carboniferous. Ordovician mafic volcanism in the Nome Complex and the White Mountains terrane could reflect a rifting episode that began to separate platform rocks of the interior from those of Arctic Alaska. Lower Paleozoic off-platform successions on Seward Peninsula also correlate well with equivalent sections in northern and interior Alaska, and have some similarities with strata in southeast Alaska (Alexander terrane). Silurian (mainly Wenlock–Ludlow) mass flow deposits derived at least in part from a carbonate source overlie condensed graptolitic shales in most of these successions; this coeval influx of calcareous detritus suggests a common tectonic cause.
Laurentian origin for the North Slope of Alaska: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Arctic
Biostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy of the Cambrian–Ordovician Great American Carbonate Bank
Abstract The carbonate strata of the great American carbonate bank (GACB) have been subdivided and correlated with ever-increasing precision and accuracy during the past half century through use of the dominant organisms that evolved on the Laurentian platform through the Cambrian and the Ordovician. Trilobites and conodonts remain the primary groups used for this purpose, although brachiopods, both calcareous and phosphatic, and graptolites are very important in certain facies and intervals. A series of charts show the chronostratigraphic units (series and stages) currently in use for deposits of the GACB and the biostratigraphic units (zones, subzones, and biomeres) whose boundaries delineate them. Older and, in some cases obsolete, stages and faunal units are included in the figures to allow users to relate information from previous publications and/or industry databases to modern units. This chapter also provides a brief discussion on the use of biostratigraphy in the recognition and interregional correlation of supersequence boundaries within the Sauk and Tippecanoe megasequences, and the varied perspectives on the nature of biostratigraphic units and their defining taxa during the past half century. Also included are a concise update on the biomere concept, and an explanation of the biostratigraphic consequences of a profound change in the dynamics of extinction and replacement that occurred on the GACB in the Early Ordovician when the factors responsible for platformwide biomere-type extinctions faded and ultimately disappeared. A final section addresses recent and pending refinements in the genus and species taxonomy of biostrat-igraphically significant fossil groups, the potential they hold for greatly improved correlation, and the obstacles to be overcome for that potential to be realized.
Abstract Exposures of Ordovician rocks of the Sauk megasequence in Missouri and northern Arkansas comprise Ibexian and lower Whiterockian carbonates with interspersed sandstones. Subjacent Cambrian strata are exposed in Missouri but confined to the subsurface in Arkansas. The Sauk-Tippecanoe boundary in this region is at the base of the St. Peter Sandstone. Ulrich and associates divided the Arkansas section into formations early in the 20th century, principally based on sparse collections of fossil invertebrates. In contrast, the distribution of invertebrate faunas and modern studies of conodonts will be emphasized throughout this chapter. Early workers considered many of the stratigraphic units to be separated by unconformities, but modern analysis calls into question the unconformable nature of some of their boundaries. The physical similarity of the several dolomites and sandstones, complex facies relations, and lack of continuous exposures make identification of individual formations difficult in isolated outcrops. The oldest formation that crops out in the region is the Jefferson City Dolomite, which may be present in outcrops along incised river valleys near the Missouri-Arkansas border. Rare fossil gastropods, bivalves, brachiopods, conodonts, and trilobites permit correlation of the Cotter through Powell Dolomites with Ibexian strata elsewhere in Laurentia. Conodonts in the Black Rock Limestone Member of the Smithville Formation and the upper part of the Powell Dolomite confirm regional relationships that have been suggested for these units; those of the Black Rock Limestone Member are consistent with deposition under more open marine conditions than existed when older and younger units were forming. Brachiopods and conodonts from the overlying Everton Formation assist in interpreting complex facies within that formation and its correlation to equivalent rocks elsewhere. The youngest cono-donts in the Everton Formation provide an age limit for the Sauk-Tippecanoe unconformity near the southern extremity of the great American carbonate bank. The correlation to coeval strata in the Ouachita Mountains of central Arkansas and in the Arbuckle Mountains of Oklahoma and to rocks penetrated in wells drilled in the Reelfoot rift basin has been improved greatly in recent years by integration of biostratigraphic data with lithologic information.
Abstract Analysis of well core and cuttings from the Black Warrior Basin in Mississippi reveals the presence of a Middle Ordovician (Whiterockian) erosional unconformity interpreted to be equivalent to the well-known Knox-Beekmantown unconformity in eastern North America. The unconformity occurs at the top of a peritidal dolostone unit known informally as the upper dolostone, whose stratigraphic placement has been the subject of a long-standing controversy. The unconformity, which represents the Sauk-Tippecanoe megasequence boundary on the North American craton, was previously thought to be short-lived or altogether absent in the Black Warrior Basin. The unconformity is characterized by subunconformity solution pipes, solution-collapse breccias, internal sedimentation, and erosional truncation of the underlying dolostone unit. This erosional surface is veneered with sand- to pebble-size, rounded and angular lithoclasts of the underlying dolostone, and rounded and angular quartz sand and silt. Extensive secondary porosity developed in the upper dolostone below the unconformity. Although much of this porosity was later occluded by internal sedimentation and pore-filling dolomite and calcite cement, porous zones remain in the upper dolostone. Based on conodont biostratigraphy from four cores and from a previous study on cuttings from a nearby well, the unconformity is middle Whiterockian in age and likely spans most or all of the Histiodella holodentata Biozone.
Abstract The southern Appalachian part of the Cambrian–Ordovician passive margin succession of the great American carbonate bank extends from the Lower Cambrian to the lower Middle Ordovician, is as much as 3.5 km (2.2 mi) thick, and has long-term subsidence rates exceeding 5 cm (2 in.)/k.y. Subsiding depocenters separated by arches controlled sediment thickness. The succession consists of five supersequences, each of which contains several third-order sequences, and numerous meter-scale parasequences. Siliciclastic-prone supersequence 1 (Lower Cambrian Chilhowee Group fluvial rift clastics grading up into shelf siliciclastics) underlies the passive margin carbonates. Supersequence 2 consists of the Lower Cambrian Shady Dolomite–Rome-Waynesboro Formations. This is a shallowing-upward ramp succession of thinly bedded to nodular lime mudstones up into carbonate mud-mound facies, overlain by lowstand quartzose carbonates, and then a rimmed shelf succession capped by highly cyclic regressive carbonates and red beds (Rome-Waynesboro Formations). Foreslope facies include megabreccias, grainstone, and thin-bedded carbonate turbidites and deep-water rhythmites. Supersequence 3 rests on a major unconformity and consists of a Middle Cambrian differentiated rimmed shelf carbonate with highly cyclic facies (Elbrook Formation) extending in from the rim and passing via an oolitic ramp into a large structurally controlled intrashelf basin (Conasauga Shale). Filling of the intrashelf basin caused widespread deposition of thin quartz sandstones at the base of supersequence 4, overlain by widespread cyclic carbonates (Upper Cambrian lower Knox Group Copper Ridge Dolomite in the south; Conococheague Formation in the north). Supersequence 5 (Lower Ordovician upper Knox in the south; Lower to Middle Ordovician Beekmantown Group in the north) has a basal quartz sandstone-prone unit, over-lainbycyclic ramp carbonates, that grade downdip into thrombolite grainstone and then storm-deposited deep-ramp carbonates. Passive margin deposition was terminated by arc-continent collision when the shelf was uplifted over a peripheral bulge while global sea levels were falling, resulting in the major 0- to 10-m.y. Knox–Beekmantown unconformity. The supersequences and sequences appear to relate to regionally traceable eustatic sea level cycles on which were superimposed high-frequency Milankovitch sea level cycles that formed the parasequences under global greenhouse conditions.
Abstract In the central Appalachians, carbonate deposition of the great American carbonate bank began during the Early Cambrian with the creation of initial ramp facies of the Vintage Formation and lower members of the Tomstown Formation. Vertical stacking of bioturbated subtidal ramp deposits (Bolivar Heights Member) and dolomitized microbial boundstone (Fort Duncan Member) preceded the initiation of platform sedimentation and creation of a sand shoal facies (Benevola Member) that was followed by the development of peritidal cyclicity (Dargan Member). Initiation of peritidal deposition coincided with the development of a rimmed platform that would persist throughout much of the Cambrian and Early Ordovician. At the end of deposition of the Waynesboro Formation, the platform became subaerially exposed because of the Hawke Bay regression, bringing the Sauk I supersequence to an end. In the Conestoga Valley of eastern Pennsylvania, Early Cambrian ramp deposition was succeeded by deposition of platform-margin and periplatform facies of the Kinzers Formation. The basal Sauk II transgression during the early Middle Cambrian submerged the platform and reinitiated the peritidal cyclicity that had characterized the pre-Hawke Bay deposition. This thick stack of meter-scale cycles is preserved as the Pleasant Hill and Warrior Formations of the Nittany arch, the Elbrook Formation of the Great Valley, and the Zooks Corner Formation of the Conestoga Valley. Deposition of peritidal cycles was interrupted during deposition of the Glossopleura and Bathyriscus-Elrathina Biozones by third-order deepening episodes that submerged the platform with subtidal facies. Regressive facies of the Sauk II supersequence produced platform-wide restrictions and the deposition of the lower sandy member of the Gatesburg Formation, the Big Spring Station Member of the Conococheague Formation, and the Snitz Creek Formation. Resubmergence of the platform was initiated during the late Steptoean ( Elvinia Zone) with the expansion of extensive subtidal thrombolitic boundstone facies. Vertical stacking of no fewer than four of these thrombolite-dominated intervalsrecords third-order deepening episodesseparatedbyintervening shallowing episodes that produced peritidal ribbony and laminated mudcracked dolostone. The maximum deepening of the Sauk III transgression produced the Stonehenge Formation in two separate and distinct third-order submergences. Circulation restriction during the Sauk III regression produced a thick stack of meter-scale cycles of the Rockdale Run Formation (northern Virginia to southern Pennsylvania), the upper Nittany Dolomite, the Epler Formation, and the lower Bellefonte Dolomite of the Nittany arch (central Pennsylvania). This regressive phase was interrupted by a third-order deepening event that produced the oolitic member of the lower Rockdale Run and the Woodsboro Member of the Grove Formation in the Frederick Valley. Restricted circulation continued into the Whiterockian, with deposition of the upper Rockdale Run and the Pinesburg Station Dolomite in the Great Valley and the middle and upper parts of the Bellefonte Dolomite in the Nittany Arch region. This deposition was continuous from the Ibexian into the Whiterockian; the succession lacks significant unconformities and there are no missing biozones through this interval, the top of which marks the end of the Sauk megasequence. During deposition of the Tippecanoe megasequence, the peritidal shelf cycles were reestablished during deposition of the St. Paul Group. The vertical stacking of lithologies in the Row Park and New Market Limestones represents transgressive and regressive facies of a third-order deepening event. This submergence reached its maximum deepening within the lower Row Park Limestone and extended into the Nittany arch region with deposition of the equivalent Loysburg Formation. Shallow tidal-flat deposits were bordered to the south and east by deep-water ramp deposits of the Lincolnshire Formation. The St. Paul Group is succeeded upsection by ramp facies of the Chambersburg and the Edinburg Formations in the Great Valley, whereas shallow-shelf sedimentation continued in the Nittany arch area with the deposition of the Hatter Limestone and the Snyder and Linden Hall Formations. Carbonate deposition on the great American carbonate bank was brought to an end when it was buried beneath clastic flysch deposits of the Martinsburg Formation. Foundering of the bank was diachronous, as the flysch sediments prograded from east to west.
Abstract Cambrian and Ordovician shelf, platform, and basin rocks are present in Sonora, México, and southern Arizona and were deposited on the southwestern continental margin of North America (Laurentia). Cambrian and Ordovician rocks in Sonora, México, are mostly exposed in scattered outcrops in the northern half of the state. Their discontinuous nature results from extensive Quaternary and Tertiary surficial cover, from Tertiary and Mesozoic granitic batholiths in western Sonora, and from widespread Tertiary volcanic deposits in the Sierra Madre Occidental in eastern Sonora. Cambrian and Ordovician shelf rocks were deposited as part of the southern Laurentian miogeocline on the southwestern continental margin of North America. Lower Cambrian shelf units in Sonora consist mainly of quartzite, siltstone, and silty limestone; limestone increases upward in the sequence. Middle Cambrian shelf rocks consist mostly of limestone, dolostone, and siltstone. Upper Cambrian shelf rocks are sparse in Sonora; where present, they consist chiefly of siltstone and minor limestone. Cambrian shelf rocks display subtle facies changes from west to east across Sonora. In northwestern Sonora, these rocks attain their maximum thickness and may represent the Early Cambrian shelf margin. At the Sierra Agua Verde section, 110 km (68 mi) east of Hermosillo, these rocks thin, have greater proportions of clastic material, and were probably deposited in an inner-shelf setting. A major unconformity is present near the base of the Cambrian in Sonora and is similar to the Sauk I unconformity in the Wood Canyon Formation in Nevada and California. The top of the Cambrian is transitional with overlying Ordovician strata. Cambrian cratonic platform rocks are exposed in northern Sonora and southern Arizona and include the Middle Cambrian Bolsa Quartzite and Middle and Upper Cambrian Abrigo Limestone. The most complete sections of Ordovician shelf rocks in Sonora are 50 km (31 mi) northwest of Hermosillo. In these sections, the Lower Ordovician is characterized by intraclastic limestone, siltstone, shale, and chert. The Middle Ordovician is mostly silty limestone and quartzite, and the Upper Ordovician is cherty limestone and some argillaceous limestone. A major disconformity separates the Middle Ordovician quartzite from the overlying Upper Ordovician carbonate rocks and is similar to the disconformity between the Middle and Upper Ordovician Eureka Quartzite and Upper Ordovician Ely Springs Dolomite in Nevada and California. In parts of northwestern Sonora, Ordovician rocks are disconformably overlain by Upper Silurian rocks. Northeastward in Sonora and Arizona, toward the craton, Ordovician rocks are progressively truncated by a major onlap unconformity and are overlain by Devonian rocks. Except in local areas, Ordovician rocks are generally absent in cratonic platform sequences in northern Sonora and southern Arizona.
Did intense volcanism trigger the first Late Ordovician icehouse? REPLY
Did intense volcanism trigger the first Late Ordovician icehouse?
Abstract This field trip examines the geology and geohydrology of a dissected part of the Salem Plateau in the Ozark Plateaus province of south-central Missouri. Rocks exposed in this area include karstified, flat-lying, lower Paleozoic carbonate platform rocks deposited on Mesoproterozoic basement. The latter is exposed as an uplift located about 40 mi southwest of the St. Francois Mountains and form the core of the Ozark dome. On day 1, participants will examine and explore major karst features developed in Paleozoic carbonate strata on the Current River; this will include Devil’s Well and Round Spring Cavern as well as Montauk, Round, Alley, and Big Springs. The average discharge of the latter is 276 × 10 6 gpd and is rated in the top 20 springs in the world. Another, Alley Spring, is equally spectacular with an average discharge of 81 × 10 6 gpd. Both are major contributors to the Current and Eleven Point River drainage system which includes about 50 Mesoproterozoic volcanic knobs and two granite outcrops. These knobs are mainly caldera-erupted ignimbrites with a total thickness of 7–8 km. They are overlain by post-collapse lavas and intruded by domes dated at 1470 Ma. Volcaniclastic sediment and air-fall lapilli tuff are widely distributed along this synvolcanic unconformity. On day 2, the group will examine the most important volcanic features and the southernmost granite exposure in Missouri. The trip concludes with a discussion of the Missouri Gravity Low, the Eminence caldera, and the volcanic history of southern Missouri as well as a discussion of geologic controls on regional groundwater flow through this part of the Ozark aquifer.
New biostratigraphic information from the western part of the Hamburg klippe, Pennsylvania, and its significance for interpreting the depositional and tectonic history of the klippe
Early and Middle(?) Cambrian metazoan and protistan fossils from West Africa
An exceptionally preserved parasitic arthropod, Heymonsicambria taylori n.sp. (Arthropoda incertae sedis: Pentastomida), from Cambrian – Ordovician boundary beds of Newfoundland, Canada
Chapter 9: Cambrian conodonts from the Springer Peak and Minaret Formations, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica
Cambrian rocks of the Springer Peak and Minaret formations of the upper Heritage Group contain conodont faunas. The upper Middle Cambrian Springer Peak Formation has yielded a conodont cluster referable to Phakelodus , and the Upper Cambrian Minaret Formation has yielded conodonts of the genera Furnishina , Proacodus, Phakelodus , and Westergaardodina . Three species each of Furnishina and Westergaardodina are known worldwide; other specimens of Westergaardodina may represent new species, but low numbers and generally poor preservation preclude reliable diagnosis. All of the identified paraconodont and protoconodont taxa are long ranging, but they are consistent with the Cambrian age of the host rocks as determined by the other contained fossils.