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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Andros Island (3)
Arabian Peninsula
Oman (2)
Saudi Arabia (2)
Far East
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Guizhou China (1)
Sichuan Basin (1)
Xisha Islands (1)
Java (2)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Sumatra (1)
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Southeast Asia (1)
Sri Lanka (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Great Bahama Bank (2)
Gulf of Mexico
Yucatan Shelf (2)
Little Bahama Bank (4)
Straits of Florida (1)
Browse Basin (1)
Campos Basin (1)
Western Canada
Alberta (1)
Caribbean region
West Indies
Greater Antilles
Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic (1)
Bahamas (14)
Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Balearic Islands
Majorca (1)
Central Apennines (1)
Western Europe
Paris Basin (1)
Indian Ocean
Timor Sea (1)
Indian Ocean Islands
Maldive Islands (2)
Malay Archipelago
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Mediterranean region
Balearic Islands
Majorca (1)
North America
Michigan Basin (1)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains (1)
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (2)
North West Shelf (1)
Kiribati (2)
Micronesia (2)
Cook Islands (2)
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Society Islands (1)
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Equatorial Pacific (1)
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Northwest Pacific
Celebes Sea (1)
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South Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Coral Sea
Marion Plateau (1)
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West Pacific
Indonesian Seas
Celebes Sea (1)
Northwest Pacific
Celebes Sea (1)
South China Sea (14)
Southwest Pacific
Coral Sea
Marion Plateau (1)
Queensland Plateau (1)
San Salvador (1)
South America
Neuquen Basin (1)
Araripe Basin (1)
United States
Anadarko Basin (1)
Arkansas (1)
Idaho (1)
Haskell County Kansas (1)
Seward County Kansas (1)
Stevens County Kansas (1)
Midcontinent (3)
New Mexico (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (2)
Payne County Oklahoma (2)
U. S. Rocky Mountains (1)
Utah (1)
Western U.S. (2)
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C-14 (2)
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C-13/C-12 (3)
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S-34/S-32 (1)
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Sr/Ca (1)
Mg/Ca (1)
Sr/Ca (1)
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Glossifungites (1)
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Rhizocorallium (1)
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Bryozoa (1)
Acropora cervicornis (1)
Acropora palmata (1)
Porites (1)
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Rudistae (1)
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Orbitolina (1)
microfossils (2)
nannofossils (1)
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geologic age
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upper Miocene
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middle Pliocene (1)
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upper Oligocene (2)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (1)
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Natih Formation (1)
Middle Jurassic
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Upper Jurassic
Hanifa Formation (2)
Kimmeridgian (1)
Oxfordian (2)
Middle Triassic
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Vaca Muerta Formation (1)
Mississippian (4)
Upper Pennsylvanian
Missourian (1)
Virgilian (1)
Upper Devonian
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Laborcita Formation (1)
Cutler Formation (1)
Wordian (1)
Lower Permian
Kungurian (1)
Wolfcampian (2)
Phosphoria Formation (1)
upper Paleozoic
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metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
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calcite (3)
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framework silicates
silica minerals
quartz (1)
anhydrite (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
Arabian Peninsula
Oman (2)
Saudi Arabia (2)
Far East
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Guizhou China (1)
Sichuan Basin (1)
Xisha Islands (1)
Java (2)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Sumatra (1)
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Southeast Asia (1)
Sri Lanka (1)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Great Bahama Bank (2)
Gulf of Mexico
Yucatan Shelf (2)
Little Bahama Bank (4)
Straits of Florida (1)
bitumens (1)
brines (2)
Western Canada
Alberta (1)
C-13/C-12 (3)
C-14 (2)
Caribbean region
West Indies
Greater Antilles
Dominican Republic
Santo Domingo Dominican Republic (1)
Bahamas (14)
Holocene (16)
Pleistocene (3)
lower Miocene
Burdigalian (1)
middle Miocene
Langhian (1)
upper Miocene
Messinian (1)
middle Pliocene (1)
Eocene (1)
upper Oligocene (2)
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continental shelf (1)
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data processing (4)
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Southern Europe
Iberian Peninsula
Balearic Islands
Majorca (1)
Central Apennines (1)
Western Europe
Paris Basin (1)
faults (1)
folds (2)
fractures (3)
geomorphology (3)
geophysical methods (12)
ground water (2)
Glossifungites (1)
Ophiomorpha (1)
Rhizocorallium (1)
Skolithos (1)
Thalassinoides (1)
Indian Ocean
Timor Sea (1)
Indian Ocean Islands
Maldive Islands (2)
Brachiopoda (1)
Bryozoa (1)
Acropora cervicornis (1)
Acropora palmata (1)
Porites (1)
Crinoidea (1)
Rudistae (1)
Demospongea (1)
Orbitolina (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (2)
stable isotopes
C-13/C-12 (3)
O-18/O-16 (5)
S-34/S-32 (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
Malay Archipelago
East Malaysia
Sabah Malaysia (2)
Sarawak Malaysia (12)
Kalimantan Indonesia (1)
Mediterranean region
Balearic Islands
Majorca (1)
Lower Cretaceous
Albian (1)
Shuaiba Formation (1)
Barremian (1)
Natih Formation (1)
Middle Jurassic
Bathonian (1)
Upper Jurassic
Hanifa Formation (2)
Kimmeridgian (1)
Oxfordian (2)
Middle Triassic
Anisian (1)
Vaca Muerta Formation (1)
alkaline earth metals
Mg/Ca (1)
Sr/Ca (1)
Mg/Ca (1)
Sr/Ca (1)
Sr-87/Sr-86 (1)
metamorphic rocks
cataclasites (1)
metasomatism (1)
noble gases
xenon (1)
North America
Michigan Basin (1)
Rocky Mountains
U. S. Rocky Mountains (1)
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (2)
ocean floors (1)
ocean waves (2)
Kiribati (2)
Micronesia (2)
Cook Islands (2)
French Polynesia
Society Islands (1)
oil and gas fields (12)
O-18/O-16 (5)
Pacific Ocean
Equatorial Pacific (1)
North Pacific
Northwest Pacific
Celebes Sea (1)
South China Sea (14)
South Pacific
Southwest Pacific
Coral Sea
Marion Plateau (1)
Queensland Plateau (1)
West Pacific
Indonesian Seas
Celebes Sea (1)
Northwest Pacific
Celebes Sea (1)
South China Sea (14)
Southwest Pacific
Coral Sea
Marion Plateau (1)
Queensland Plateau (1)
paleoclimatology (6)
paleoecology (1)
paleogeography (2)
Mississippian (4)
Upper Pennsylvanian
Missourian (1)
Virgilian (1)
Upper Devonian
Frasnian (1)
Laborcita Formation (1)
Cutler Formation (1)
Wordian (1)
Lower Permian
Kungurian (1)
Wolfcampian (2)
Phosphoria Formation (1)
upper Paleozoic
Admire Group (1)
paragenesis (1)
natural gas
shale gas (1)
nannofossils (1)
plate tectonics (6)
reefs (5)
remote sensing (7)
rock mechanics (1)
sea water (2)
sea-level changes (8)
sedimentary petrology (1)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (1)
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micrite (1)
microbialite (1)
oolitic limestone (2)
packstone (1)
rudstone (2)
wackestone (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (2)
evaporites (1)
phosphate rocks (1)
clastic rocks
mudstone (6)
sandstone (1)
siltstone (1)
sedimentary structures
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ripple marks (1)
sand ridges (1)
biogenic structures
algal structures
algal mats (1)
bioturbation (3)
lebensspuren (1)
microbial mats (1)
oncolites (1)
stromatolites (2)
thrombolites (1)
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bedding (1)
cyclothems (2)
laminations (1)
primary structures (1)
secondary structures
concretions (1)
sedimentation (4)
carbonate sediments (8)
clastic sediments
sand (7)
marine sediments (3)
shorelines (1)
South America
Neuquen Basin (1)
Araripe Basin (1)
spectroscopy (1)
stratigraphy (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
tectonics (2)
United States
Anadarko Basin (1)
Arkansas (1)
Idaho (1)
Haskell County Kansas (1)
Seward County Kansas (1)
Stevens County Kansas (1)
Midcontinent (3)
New Mexico (1)
Logan County Oklahoma (2)
Payne County Oklahoma (2)
U. S. Rocky Mountains (1)
Utah (1)
Western U.S. (2)
West Pacific Ocean Islands
Spratly Islands (1)
sedimentary rocks
laminite (2)
oolite (5)
sedimentary rocks
carbonate rocks
dolostone (1)
grainstone (4)
calcarenite (1)
micrite (1)
microbialite (1)
oolitic limestone (2)
packstone (1)
rudstone (2)
wackestone (1)
chemically precipitated rocks
chert (2)
evaporites (1)
phosphate rocks (1)
clastic rocks
mudstone (6)
sandstone (1)
siltstone (1)
siliciclastics (3)
sedimentary structures
borings (1)
burrows (1)
laminite (2)
sedimentary structures
bedding plane irregularities
ripple marks (1)
sand ridges (1)
biogenic structures
algal structures
algal mats (1)
bioturbation (3)
lebensspuren (1)
microbial mats (1)
oncolites (1)
stromatolites (2)
thrombolites (1)
planar bedding structures
bedding (1)
cyclothems (2)
laminations (1)
primary structures (1)
secondary structures
concretions (1)
oolite (5)
carbonate sediments (8)
clastic sediments
sand (7)
marine sediments (3)
siliciclastics (3)
paleosols (1)
Controls on bioturbation and sediment distribution in carbonate shoreface deposits: insights from heterogeneity in Pleistocene and Recent strata
Passageways for permeability: Geostatistical simulation of controls on the connectivity of vug-to-vug pore networks
Front Matter
Dedication to Mohammad Yamin Ali
Deep‐Time Perspectives on Miocene Isolated Carbonate Platforms of Southeast Asia
Although the biota, facies, stacking patterns, sequence stratigraphy, and diagenesis of numerous isolated carbonate platforms have been described and interpreted, trends in the genesis, evolution, and sizes among Phanerozoic examples remain poorly quantified. To provide broad perspectives on Miocene isolated platforms of Central Luconia and Southeast Asia (the focus of this volume), this study summarizes the results of qualitative review of the literature and a quantitative analysis of a relational database of attributes in initiation, growth, character, and demise of more than 850 Phanerozoic isolated platforms. The data and comparisons among parameters reveal numerous trends, including observations that (1) syndepositional tectonics has been interpreted to play an important role in initiation, growth, or demise of more than 44% of isolated platforms; (2) tectonically active platforms are more likely to have higher aspect ratios (more elongate in plan-view and more squat in cross section); (3) stratal geometries are not distributed randomly in time (by era, p = 0.00, and by system, p = 0.04), although aggradational isolated platforms are most common within and among all eras (63% of all platforms); (4) sizes (area, long axis length), thicknesses, and aspect ratios (long axis:short axis; long axis:thickness) of isolated platforms are distinct among Phanerozoic platforms of different eras and systems; (5) although individual platforms steepen as they grow taller, syndepositional relief is not correlated ( R 2 = 0.04) with depositional gradient among isolated platforms across the Phanerozoic; (6) causes of isolated platform termination vary nonrandomly through the Phanerozoic (by era, p = 0.00, and by system, p = 0.00). Of all eras, Cenozoic platforms are most likely to drown (68%), in some instances through an association with clastic influx (19%). Subaerial exposure more commonly contributed to the demise of Mesozoic (45%) and Paleozoic (37%) platforms than to that of Cenozoic (13%) platforms. These results, supplemented by more granular comparison of numerous individual platforms, compliment earlier syntheses that focus on the nature of secular changes. The insights suggest that although each platform is unique in many ways, Phanerozoic isolated carbonate platforms include numerous themes that are persistent across ages, sizes, settings, and component biota.
The Miocene World: A Brief Summary
This paper presents a brief synopsis of the Miocene Epoch, an important transitory chapter in the history of the Earth. It was during the Miocene that the major continents and oceans attained a “modern” configuration in terms of paleogeography and tectonics, oceanic ventilation and circulation, ocean chemistry, and faunal and floral assemblages. It also was during the Miocene that global climate fully transitioned into its current icehouse state, including marked growth of the Antarctic ice sheet and initiation of the Arctic ice cap. Long-term global cooling was controlled by a number of factors including tectonics, the large-scale changes in the distribution of flora, particularly the expansion of grasslands, and by fluctuating orbital parameters of the Earth. This global cooling trend was briefly interrupted by a short period of warming in the middle Miocene. Miocene sea-level changes consisted of a number of glacio-eustatic third-order (1–5 million year [m.y.] duration) cycles superposed upon three longer-term, second-order (5–20 m.y. duration) supercycles. Development of large-scale tropical carbonate systems in the Miocene was relegated to three main geographic regions: the circum-Caribbean, Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific. In addition, a pronounced cool-water platform system developed along the southern margin of Australia. Miocene reefal buildups were dominated by tropical to subtropical framework assemblages consisting primarily of large scleractinian corals, encrusting red algae, and rhodoliths (free-living coralline red algae) that grew on platform margins and interiors or on isolated atolls. Miocene carbonates were deposited in a variety of oceanic and structural settings and constitute important petroleum reservoirs, particularly in Southeast Asia. Deep-water terrigenous clastic sediments of Miocene age are also important petroleum reservoirs in some regions. In addition, the Miocene interval contains numerous prolific petroleum source rocks, most composed of Type III (gas-prone) kerogen.
This paper describes the deposition of Miocene carbonates around Sarawak in a tectono-stratigraphic framework. The onset, termination, and location of the two main carbonate units, the Subis or Lower Cycle II limestones and the Luconia limestone, were controlled by tectonic processes, each beginning with a subsidence event, and terminated by influxes of siliciclastic sediments due to hinterland uplift. New data are presented on the intra–late Miocene decline of Luconia Limestone platforms that is correlated to the uplift of onshore Sarawak (Tinjar Province) and renewed siliciclastic sedimentation, which is dated as being at the same time as major uplift in northern Borneo. Miocene sedimentation around Sarawak was controlled mostly by extensional tectonics with several rapid subsidence events, which produced transgressive unconformities with mappable focal areas. Away from these focal areas, the contrast in facies, before and after the event, gradually diminishes in a predictable manner. This property of the unconformity is governed by Walther’s Law in that one well or field section cannot be exempt from the mappable trends in facies contrast observed in surrounding wells. This relationship constrains the interpretation of seismic, mapping, and analytical data, as illustrated by an example of a misdated unconformity that previously violated this balance of facies change in space and time. The tectono-stratigraphic model is a refinement of an existing empirical scheme devised in the area, with units called “Cycles” (Cycles I to VIII). This evidence-based framework is argued to be a genetic description of depositional units that developed in a dynamically evolving depocenter, subject to geographic rotation and relative variations in sea level that were dependent on location. This shifting basin configuration precludes use of a passive margin sequence stratigraphic approach, which assumes and requires a constant proximal to distal sedimentary direction and steady basement subsidence.
Biological Evolution of Southeast Asian Carbonates, Based on Their Microfossil Content
A new compilation of data suggests aragonitic coral reefs were already common in Southeast Asia by the mid-Oligocene. A gradual change from calcite to aragonite seas through the Oligocene and early Miocene appears to be related to a gradual expansion of the importance of scleractinia, along with green algae and mollusks, and an associated decline in the abundance of calcitic larger foraminifera. The larger foraminifera had been important rock-forming bioclasts in the early part of the early Miocene, but were a minor component of carbonate faunas by the end of the middle Miocene. This gradual decline in abundance included a few extinction events that reduced diversity, and these extinctions appear to correlate with periods of tectonic change. The K-selection evolutionary pressure impacted carbonate facies, but foraminifera maintained their taxonomic diversity until the abrupt faunal extinctions. Changes in sea-surface temperature, or the regional change from seasonal to ever-wet climate, do not appear to have impacted larger foraminiferal diversity or caused extinctions, only modified their latitudinal range. Some extinction events can be recognized across the whole Tethys Ocean, as can some of the times of tectonic activity and possible climate change. These correlations tentatively point to a link between large-scale changes in plate motion, oceanography, and foraminiferal extinctions. In contrast, the change from seasonal to ever-wet conditions around the Oligo–Miocene boundary around the South China Sea does not appear to have been caused by a wider tectonic event, and this event does not impact larger foraminifera diversity. A combined tectonic unconformity and mass extinction of larger foraminifera in middle middle Miocene times might have been due to the plate tectonic constriction of a throughflow between the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
In Southeast Asia, Cenozoic carbonates commonly were initiated or terminated at times of tectonic change, and they are bound by unconformities. A review of the timing of several of the largest unconformities shows they correlate over wide areas. These unconformities divide the stratigraphic record of Sundaland into episodes, with times of rapid basinal re-adjustment separated by periods of relative stasis. These generalizations are true not only in the successions deposited during the dominantly extensional later Eocene to early Miocene, but also in the often-compressional middle Miocene and younger deposits, in which at least three phases of rapid tectonic and stratigraphic change can be correlated over multiple depocenters. A detailed review of many areas of Southeast Asia using quantitative biostratigraphic methods indicates that tectonism resulted in relative changes in sea level, with no indication that eustasy was an important driving force. The boundaries between these sedimentary episodes vary in their effect and distribution, depending upon the tectonic cause. As a consequence, there is no uniform subdivision of the stratigraphic record across the region, which precludes a simple Sundaland-wide classification of primary sedimentary sequences. This review concentrates on both event timing and rates of change within and between basins, especially those changes that initiated or terminated carbonate deposition. In addition, some short-lived carbonate buildups that developed during transitional periods are described. This review provides the beginnings of a new stratigraphic framework for the Cenozoic carbonates and related deposits of Southeast Asia. It requires an inductive analytical methodology, in contrast to the model-driven and deductive approaches that have been applied in recent years. This episodic stratigraphy approach includes integration of large amounts of analytical data, for which the Cenozoic tropical sediments of Southeast Asian basins are particularly well suited.
Isolated carbonate platforms are abundant and widespread in Cenozoic strata and in the present-day oceans of Southeast Asia. The purposes of this article are (1) to describe the basic oceanographic setting of present-day Southeast Asia oceans; (2) to synthesize, compare, and contrast observations of the character of extant platforms in the context of fundamental oceanographic controls; and (3) to leverage these insights to develop a more complete understanding of older isolated platforms, especially the Miocene systems of Central Luconia. The data, presented to mimic an offshore-to-nearshore transect, illustrate Holocene platforms with a spectrum of sizes, depositional relief, facies abundances, and water depths. Although the first-order patterns of relief, size, and orientation are controlled by the geologic setting and Pleistocene history, the results demonstrate the influences of physical processes (waves, tides, currents), siliciclastic sediment, and chemical oceanography (nutrients, salinity, temperature) on the sedimentologic and geomorphic character of these platforms. Careful and critical application of these concepts to Central Luconia reservoirs in isolated carbonate platforms provides actualistic examples and process-response analogs. Although these perspectives offer understanding into controls on horizontal and vertical reservoir heterogeneities, they also emphasize that any one modern system can only be a partial analog for an ancient reservoir in an isolated carbonate platform.
Remote-sensing analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery of modern carbonate platforms in the Celebes Sea, east of Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia, was used to map geomorphology and sediment. Unsupervised classification of satellite images was interpreted in the context of environmental facies of seven isolated carbonate platforms and calibrated using analyses of surface sediments. In total, 140 sediment samples were collected and analyzed for grain-size and sorting. The grain-size analysis showed that sediment varied among the geomorphic elements, which included island, island/volcano, reef complex, carbonate sand shoal, grass-covered sand shoal, shallow lagoon, and deep lagoon. To generate carbonate sediment texture maps, the proportion of mud and the grain-size attributes (mean grain size and sorting) of each sediment sample provided a basis to classify samples into rock-equivalent textures. Integration of remote-sensing, field, and sedimentological data provided a means to characterize texture distribution maps and depositional facies maps. These maps suggest that mudstone to wackestone occurs mainly in the deep lagoon; wackestone to packstone is dominant in the shallow lagoon; the carbonate sand shoal is characterized by packstone to grainstone; and the reef complex is made up of boundstone to rudstone. These results facilitate estimates of the proportions of potential reservoirs on these platforms and the heterogeneity in facies distribution, based on the size of various recent carbonate platforms. Diagenesis notwithstanding, ancient analogs indicate the Selakan and Maiga platforms could be potential reservoirs, whereas the Selakan and Gaya platforms display more facies classes and represent poor potential reservoirs.
The Evolution of Carbonate Systems During the Oligocene–Miocene Transition: An Example of Subis Limestone, Malaysia
The Subis Platform is considered one of the very few outcrops in Malaysia which records remarkable changes in the growth history of a carbonate system. The Subis Platform is located near Batu Niah, Sarawak. Stratigraphically, the Subis Platform is named the Subis Limestone, a member of the Tangap Formation. This article discusses the older succession of the Subis Limestone at the Subis-2 well and the Hollystone Quarry. Both well and outcrop indicate a slightly older succession based on the occurrence of larger benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. The age of the Subis Limestone ranges from Oligocene to Miocene, based on the occurrence of the larger benthic foraminifera Miogypsinoides sp. (late Oligocene, Te4) and Miogypsina sp. (early Miocene, Te5), as well as on the calcareous nannofossils Sphenolithus capricornutus and Sphenolithus conicus (Te4). The boundary between the late Oligocene and the early Miocene coincides with a sharp change from foraminifera-dominated facies to coral-dominated facies, shown at the Hollystone Quarry. The Subis Limestone records a transgression event from mixed siliciclastic–carbonate (Subis-2 well) to clean biohermal carbonates as shown in the outcrops of the Subis quarries. Our findings on the Oligo–Miocene boundary were then compared with those from other carbonates around Southeast Asia. It is clear that coral reefs existed in Southeast Asia earlier than was first thought, by Oligocene times. The role of localized tectonic events, siliciclastic influx, oceanic mineralization, and Indonesian Throughflow are the main controls to determine the biota changes from foraminifera to coral-dominated facies.
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Ecology of the Subis Limestone and the Late Oligocene/Early Miocene Carbonates in the Sarawak Basin (Borneo, Malaysia)
Shallow marine mixed siliciclastic–carbonate shoals, a carbonate platform, and the subsequent development of a reefal buildup occur in sequence from the late Chattian to the Aquitanian in the Niah area of Sarawak. They document the transition from larger foraminifera-dominated, calcitic environments to scleractinian coral–dominated, aragonitic environments in SE Asia, which correspond to a significant increase in biodiversity. A late Chattian to early Aquitanian phase of carbonate sedimentation was initiated by larger foraminifera on shallow marine argillaceous shoals raising from the seabed at about 60 m in water depth occasionally up to near sea level. Carbonate production is almost entirely the result of the accumulation of larger foraminiferal shells dominated by Eulepidina dilatata , a species that could thrive thanks to its photosymbiosis with microalgae. Such mixed carbonate–clastic shoals formed repeatedly on a muddy shelf during a period stretching from about 23.5 Ma to 22.3 Ma. Following a period of siliciclastic deposition, a roughly circular carbonate platform with an area of some 25 km 2 was formed at around 21.2 Ma in stratigraphic continuity with the underlying shallow marine sandstones of the Nyalau Formation. Known as the Subis Limestone, it consists at first of bedded carbonates characterized by the presence of red algae, a high diversity of free benthic and sessile endosymbiotic sessile foraminifera, and a variety of organisms typical for reefal environments, including colonial corals. A reefal buildup started forming on the carbonate platform as early as 21.1 Ma. This phase of growth was likely initiated by low-relief patch reefs, 150 to 200 m in diameter and 60 to 80 m in height, such as those exposed in a southern quarry. Analogous with same-age reefal development models from the Java Sea, it is proposed that the patch reefs coalesced through time to form a larger isolated carbonate buildup that grew up at least until the end of the Aquitanian at 20.4 Ma. This Subis buildup reached an area of 16 km 2 ; it has a preserved thickness of 260 to 280 m and had a paleo-relief of about 100 m above the surrounding sea floor. It is asymmetrical, with a reef wall forming high, west-facing cliffs and another reef wall likely extending on the NE edge of the buildup, beyond the Niah Great Cave. A further increase in faunal and floral diversity occurred during this phase, concomitant with the diversification of ecological niches within the buildup. Reefal and peri-reefal environments are dominated by red algae; solitary and colonial corals (domal, branching, and platy), with subordinate foraminifera (large and small benthic); and associations of foraminifera and algae forming laminar foralgal binding tissues, sponges, hydrozoans, bryozoan, bivalves, echinoderms, and serpulids. The reef rim consists of coral framestone and algal-foraminiferal bindstone. The backreef facies is characterized by rudstones and floatstone with coral debris, and the lagoon facies includes microbial crusts, green algae, articulated and nonarticulated red algae, benthic foraminifera ( Miliolids ), ostracods, gastropods, and up to 4-m-high platy corals pillars. Forereef deposits include grain- and mud-supported reef debris; a debris apron present some 2.5 km away from the western edge of the buildup consists of debris flows and calciturbidites embedded in outer neritic shales. The upper part of the buildup is missing as a result of recent subaerial erosion. Three successive steps in the development of carbonate ecosystems are identified, which are linked to a series of innovative symbiotic relationships established during the late Chattian and the Aquitanian. During an early phase (23.5–22.3 Ma), monospecific populations of endosymbiotic larger benthic foraminifera thrived on shallow marine muddy shoals. At around 21.2 to 21.1 Ma, new species of endosymbiotic larger benthic foraminifera, sessile-encrusting foraminifera, and coralline algae colonized shallow marine grounds and created a carbonate platform. From about 21.1 to at least 20.4 Ma endosymbiotic scleractinian corals, red algae, and a diverse association of organisms created patch reefs and a buildup.
Central Luconia is a geological province on the Sarawak Shelf characterized by a widespread occurrence of carbonates of (largely) middle to late Miocene age. These carbonates have been a target of petroleum exploration since the late 1960s, leading to the discovery and development of a world-class gas resource mainly supplying the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. Carbonate growth in Central Luconia was initiated during a major regional transgression related to accelerated subsidence from crustal stretching associated with the formation of the South China Sea. Similar carbonate developments are seen elsewhere along the margins of the South China Sea, but the scale of Central Luconia, in terms of the large number of carbonate edifices, is unique. After a short “learning” phase, exploration in Central Luconia readily became extremely successful in the early 1970s, although the hoped-for “big oil” did not materialize; instead, large quantities of, almost exclusively nonassociated, gas were found. Being an export gas play, exploration in Central Luconia has been dictated strongly by market demand and therefore has been discontinuous over time, with fairly long periods of only piecemeal activity or even complete inactivity. In recent years, through growing LNG demand and improved commercial incentives, the play has seen a remarkable revival in terms of both activity and success. Despite its maturity with over 100 exploration wells drilled, the play still has important gaps in understanding, notably with respect to prospect specific charge and retention issues, and as a result, some very significant late-stage discoveries were possible. The carbonates proper have been the least of the concern in the total exploration effort to date; virtually without exception, wells drilled found carbonate reservoir rock of adequate quality for production of gas.
Situated at tropical latitudes with a humid paleoclimate, the area of the present-day Indonesian archipelago was very suitable for production and accumulation of carbonate sediment during much of the Cenozoic. Following early Paleogene rifting that resulted in development of horst and graben structures, the peak of carbonate production occurred from the late Oligocene to Mio–Pliocene. This paper summarizes several Indonesian isolated carbonate platforms that formed on marine horsts. Of these examples, Banyu Urip in Java, Kerendan in Kalimantan, and Arun Field in Sumatra have provided important contributions to Indonesian oil and gas production for the last few decades, whereas Natuna D-Alpha in the Natuna Sea will become a giant gas field in the future. To achieve the objective of characterizing Cenozoic carbonate platform reservoirs of Indonesia, this study reviews the Cenozoic carbonates in the East Java Basin, Kutei Basin, North Sumatra Basin, and Natuna area and places them in the context of the regional geology of Sundaland. Insights from previously published work are supplemented by new descriptions of cores, well-log analyses, and interpretations of two- and three-dimensional seismic facies analysis, well-log correlation, and sequence stratigraphy. These geological and geophysical data have been integrated with dynamic reservoir data to validate the geological and geophysical interpretations. The results reveal that the Indonesian carbonates of Banyu Urip, Kerendan, Arun, and Natuna D-Alpha are classic isolated carbonate platforms and can serve as examples to recognize reservoir character. Those platforms developed in the same general regional geologic setting relative to the Sundaland continent and share certain similarities, but local geologic variations and distinct processes gave each platform particular characteristics. Reservoir quality of the carbonate platforms is influenced by relative changes in sea level, the position relative to the shoreline or fully open-marine settings, and the influences of both regional and local tectonic events. The fields thus illustrate several conceptual models of carbonate reservoirs in isolated platforms. Understanding the character and variety of Indonesian reservoirs as related to their depositional processes and regional position provides insights for exploration and reservoir management of analogs elsewhere.
Facies, Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis of a Miocene Buildup, Central Luconia Province, Malaysia
Middle to late Miocene carbonates from Central Luconia, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, contain significant hydrocarbon reserves. However, the complex pore system of the carbonate reservoir poses drilling and production challenges, such as water coning. Moreover, capturing and storing CO 2 in depleted carbonate buildups requires the pore type architecture to be well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate pore types in a stratigraphic context and to propose a 3D conceptual model of the pore type distribution. The case study discussed here is the E11 Field. E11 is considered the type location for Central Luconia carbonates because of its unique, almost complete core coverage. The data used for this study included a 3D seismic volume, core descriptions, together with petrographic and petrophysical data. The workflow used involved partitioning the buildup into specific lithofacies, pore, and cement types within stratigraphic sequences and depositional environments. Results show that the E11 Field represents a coral and foraminifera-dominated isolated carbonate platform. Fifteen lithofacies and ten microfacies were identified. Paragenetic alterations include five stages of calcite cement, three stages of dolomite cement, one stage of dedolomite, and a minor stage of pyrite mineralization. Diagenetic changes took place in various environments ranging from early marine phreatic, to mixed meteoric-marine, to meteoric realms. Minor burial diagenesis led to the formation of late-stage cements. Early diagenetic alterations closely resemble the primary facies arrangement in distinct environments of deposition and stratigraphic sequences. Interestingly, these sequences mimic in places distinct changes of the seismic geomorphology of buildups. In particular, the middle to upper Miocene boundary (TF2/TF3) coincides approximately with a major reduction in buildup diameter. This backstep corresponds to a meter-thick, low-porosity flooding interval observed in the core of the E11 buildup. Tight (low-porous) layers in the E11 buildup mark the upper and lower boundaries of stratigraphic sequences and are partially traceable on seismic reflection data across the buildup. A lithological correlation across the E11 field showed that wells located near the inner, lagoonal part of the buildup are more prone to dolomitization and attract higher thicknesses of low-porosity flooding interval. The combination of depositional sequences, diagenetic phases, and seismic geomorphology allowed the buildup to be divided into six stratigraphic sequences, each approximately 50–70 m thick. These sequences can be compared to neighboring buildups and to regional stratigraphic sections using biostratigraphic and chemo-stratigraphic data. Larger benthic foraminifera; i.e., Miogypsina and Austrotrillina , are restricted to the middle Miocene stage “TF1” and “TF2” (where TF is a stage of the Tertiary Period), (19–11.1 Ma), whereas Amphistegina and Cycloclypeus are more indicative of the late Miocene stage TF3 (11.1–7.1 Ma). The biostratigraphic boundary TF2/TF3 was correlated with its strontium isotope signature. This allowed the age of the middle to late Miocene boundary to be estimated. These observations from the E11 buildup were synthesized in a conceptual depositional and diagenetic model. The description of E11 may serve as an analog for carbonate buildups elsewhere in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Indonesia, and Philippines) and aid in the proposed CO 2 storage project.
The Central Luconia Miocene carbonate platform represents one of the largest regions of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) production in the world. Although several studies have been conducted, the reservoir diagenesis of this gas-producing region remains poorly understood. To address this issue, a comprehensive and systematic diagenetic study has now been undertaken. Methodologies used included petrography, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), backscattered electron microscopy (BSEM), and cathodoluminescent microscopy (CL). Other technologies included elemental analysis using electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), fluid inclusion microthermometry (FIM), and stable C, O, S, and Sr isotope analyses. The resulting datasets have been integrated so that the paleodiagenetic fluid flow, cementation history, and potential late-stage high-temperature hydrothermal corrosive fluids can be assessed with respect to the effect on reservoir potential. The results show that the reservoirs have undergone a complex diagenetic evolution over time. Six stages of calcite cementation (Cal-1 to Cal-6), four stages of dolomitization (Dol-1 to Dol-4), and one stage of dedolomitization (Ded-1) have occurred. Three phases of major dissolution and several minor late burial diagenetic events, such as fluorite and anhydrite replacement, pyritization, and kaolinite bridging have also been recognized. Each stage is characterized by different crystal habits, cathodoluminescent characteristics, elemental compositions, and isotopic signatures, indicating their precipitation took place at different temperatures and diagenetic environments. The early surface to shallow burial calcites (Cal-1 to Cal-4) and dolomites (Dol-1 to Dol-2) were mainly precipitated in marine, phreatic, and possible mixing water environments at relatively low temperatures (<50° C). The late calcites (Cal-5 and Cal-6), dolomites (Dol-3 and Dol-4), and dedolomite (Ded-1) were precipitated at higher temperatures (85–130° C). The late stages of dolomite (Dol-3 and Dol-4) have narrow distribution of δ 18 O[−5.29 to −6.03‰ Peedee Belemnite (PDB) scale], and δ 13 C (0.64 to −3.65‰ PDB) isotope values have been interpreted as precipitating from dolomitizing fluid that may be associated with deep burial and hydrothermal conditions. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th) range from 125° to 130° C, and the melting temperatures of ice (Tm) range from −2.60° to −3.30° C, corresponding to a salinity of 4.34 to 5.41% weight NaCl equivalent. This interpretation also is consistent with the presence of large saddlelike dolomite and high-temperature minerals in the deeper part of the reservoirs. Three main phases of dissolution that enhanced the porosity occurred during the subaerial exposure of the platforms. The reservoir properties were enhanced further by early dolomitization, followed by hydrothermal-related corrosive fluids at high temperatures (>130° C) that possibly migrated upward from deep-seated areas underneath the reservoir via faults prior to hydrocarbon migration. This late diagenetic fluid flow was constrained by porous and nonporous layers formed during deposition and early diagenesis. These fluids created high porosity (up to 40%) and permeability (exceeding 1000 mD) within the hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Karst in Miocene Carbonate Buildups of Central Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia
Karst is a common phenomenon in carbonate buildups worldwide. It has significant economic effects on exploration, drilling, field development, and secondary recovery mechanisms. In Malaysia, over 250 Miocene carbonate buildups were mapped offshore in the Central Luconia province of Sarawak, and roughly 65 carbonate buildups have been drilled. Almost every field has encountered indications for high permeability zones likely associated with karst, such as mud losses and drill bit drop during drilling activities; some fields were left abandoned due to mud losses that could not be controlled. Hence, it is important to predict and avoid karst features while drilling, during field operations, and for future carbon dioxide storage, to reduce development costs. The geometry, distribution, and dimension of karst structures in Central Luconia fields remain poorly known, as there have been very few systematic studies conducted. This paper provides a comprehensive characterization of karst features typical of Miocene carbonate buildups. The analysis was based on core and thin-section description, well-log characterization, and seismic spectral decomposition attribute interpretation. Importantly, the subsurface description is supplemented with the analysis of drilling parameters of some 68 wells from 36 carbonate buildups located across the Central Luconia province. A total of 51 wells encountered mud losses of varying intensities, which have been classified and plotted on maps. Loss circulation depths were recorded and compared to core samples that showed characteristics indicative of dissolution and exposure, such as chalkified texture, and were marked on well logs, which often showed unusually high porosity readings in the karstified intervals. All possible karst intervals were documented for further detailed seismic interpretation. Seismic spectral decomposition attributes techniques were applied to seismic data of Jintan and F6 platforms in order to map karst features, which were observed to be dendritic, round, and elongated patterns of several hundred meters in diameter and tens of meters deep. These features are particularly well-developed below backstepping external buildup geomorphology. The analysis showed that particularly strong losses occurred in stratigraphic intervals located toward the center of buildups. These were predicted using seismic spectral decomposition attribute signatures of karst features. The most extensive buildups with the strongest karstification were observed in the central part of the Central Luconia province.
Estimating the geometry and sedimentary heterogeneities of carbonate platforms is a very challenging task. In recent decades, numerical stratigraphic forward models have been developed to provide a quantitative view of sedimentary processes with the resulting stratigraphic architecture. Although used in many academic and industrial studies, this numerical approach is rarely used in everyday exploration and appraisal workflows. The calibration of these models on available seismic and well data is indeed a challenging and time-consuming process. Here we use the DionisosFlow model to simulate a carbonate platform typical of the Miocene formations observed in Central Luconia, South China Sea. We build a reference simulation or virtual ground truth from literature data, using for instance the Haq et al. (1988) , Laskar et al. (2011) , and Bosscher and Schlager (1992) curves, which prove indications on sea-level variations, orbital parameters, and carbonate production as a function of water depth, respectively. We analyze the sensitivity of the simulation results to the parameters controlling the physical processes: accommodation space creation, carbonate production, and sediment transport. Results show that stratigraphic modeling makes it possible to test the concepts of sequence stratigraphy in a virtual digital world, thus opening the possibility of testing the sensitivity of the different characteristics of a sedimentary system to physical parameters. We also propose an innovative approach to using this stratigraphic modeling in operational cases. The first step is to identify a diachronous geological body such as the carbonate platform sensu stricto, which is easily identifiable using seismic data. A comparison of the geometry of this geological body with the thickness maps derived from the seismic interpretation provides a first regional metric controlling the shape of the studied sedimentary systems. The second step is to validate the simulation results with well data, and, in particular, facies from the log interpretation. The computation of vertical proportion curves (VPC) in the vicinity of wells facilitates understanding the local variability of facies in the digital world as well as in the real world. This second metric, based on a comparison of VPCs, makes it possible to assess sequences and sedimentary heterogeneities and to define much smoother cost functions, thus facilitating the use of automatic optimization algorithms. In conclusion, this work shows that numerical stratigraphic forward modeling is a tool that reproduces stratigraphic concepts using simple physical laws. Through the use of well and seismic metrics adapted to the resolution of the model, use of this numerical approach in daily exploration work to complement the interpretation of seismic and well data provides a quantitative stratigraphic view of the studied area to better access uncertainties and risk in exploration.