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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
Colorado River (1)
Laguna Madre (1)
North America
Gulf Coastal Plain (2)
Rio Grande (1)
United States
Louisiana (1)
Brazos River (1)
East Texas (1)
Galveston County Texas
Galveston Island (2)
elements, isotopes
C-14 (3)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (3)
geologic age
upper Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene (1)
Primary terms
absolute age (2)
Atlantic Ocean
North Atlantic
Gulf of Mexico (2)
C-14 (3)
upper Holocene (2)
upper Pleistocene (1)
climate change (2)
geophysical methods (1)
radioactive isotopes
C-14 (3)
land use (1)
North America
Gulf Coastal Plain (2)
paleoclimatology (1)
remote sensing (1)
sea-level changes (2)
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures
bioturbation (1)
sedimentation (1)
marine sediments (2)
shorelines (1)
United States
Louisiana (1)
Brazos River (1)
East Texas (1)
Galveston County Texas
Galveston Island (2)
sedimentary structures
sedimentary structures
biogenic structures
bioturbation (1)
marine sediments (2)
Holocene Evolution of the Western Louisiana–Texas Coast, USA: Response to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change
ABSTRACT An extensive grid of high-resolution seismic data, hundreds of sediment cores, and a robust radiocarbon-age data set acquired over nearly four decades allows detailed analysis of Holocene coastal evolution of western Louisiana and Texas, USA. Results from this study provide a framework for assessing the response of a myriad of coastal environments to climate change and variable sea-level rise. Climate varies across the region today, spanning four climate zones from humid to semi-arid, and has fluctuated during the Holocene. The most notable changes were alterations between cool/wet and warm/dry conditions. Sea-level records for the northwestern Gulf of Mexico indicate an average rate of rise during the early Holocene of 4.2 mm/yr, punctuated by rates exceeding 10.0 mm/yr. After ca. 7.0 ka, the rate of rise slowed, and by ca. 4.0 ka, the average rate decreased from 0.6 mm/yr to 0.3 mm/yr. The current rate of sea-level rise in the region is 3.0 mm/yr, marking a return to early Holocene conditions. Despite its incomplete stratigraphic record of coastal evolution during the middle and early Holocene, it is still the most complete record for the Gulf Coast. Bay evolution, as recorded within the offshore Trinity and Sabine incised valleys, was characterized by periods of bayhead delta and tidal delta expansion, followed by episodes of dramatic landward shifts in these environments. The ancestral Brazos, Colorado, and Rio Grande river deltas and coastal barriers also experienced landward stepping during the early Holocene. The widespread nature of these flooding events and their impact on multiple coastal environments suggests that they were caused by episodes of rapid sea-level rise. Similar methods were used to study modern bays, including the acquisition of seismic lines and drill cores along the axes of the bays to examine the magnitudes and timing of transgressive events. Results from Lake Calcasieu, Sabine Lake, Galveston Bay, Matagorda Bay, Copano Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and Baffin Bay reveal that landward shifts in bayhead deltas, on the order of kilometers per century, occurred between 9.8 ka and 9.5 ka, 8.9–8.5 ka, 8.4–8.0 ka, and 7.9–7.5 ka. These results are consistent with those from offshore studies and indicate that punctuated sea-level rise dominated coastal evolution during the early Holocene. By ca. 7.0 ka, the average rate of sea-level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico decreased to 1.4 mm/yr, and there was considerable sinuosity of the coastline and variability in the timing of bay and coastal barrier evolution. The diachronous nature of coastal environment migration across the region indicates that sea-level rise played a secondary role to climate-controlled oscillations in river sediment discharge to the coast. At ca. 4.0 ka, the average rate of sea-level rise decreased to 0.5 mm/yr. During this period of slow sea-level rise, coastal bays began to take on their current form, with the exception of changes in the sizes and locations of bayhead deltas caused by changes in sediment supply from rivers. There were also significant changes in the size and configuration of tidal inlets and deltas as a result of barrier growth. The late Holocene was also a time when coastal barriers experienced progradation and transgression on the order of several kilometers. The timing of these changes varied across the region, which is another indication that sea-level rise played a minor role in coastal change during the late Holocene. Instead, barrier evolution during this time was controlled by fluctuations in sand supply to the coast from rivers and offshore sources. Historical records indicate a dramatic reversal in coastal evolution marked by increased landward shoreline migration of chenier plains and coastal barriers across the region. The main cause of this change is accelerated sea-level rise during this century and diminished sediment supply to the coast. Wetlands are also experiencing rapid change due to their inability to keep pace with sea-level rise, especially in areas where subsidence rates are high. Although direct human influence is a factor in these changes, these impacts are more localized. Coastal change is expected to increase over the next several decades as the rate of sea-level rise increases, the climate in Texas becomes more arid, and more severe storms impact the coast.
Front Matter
Global sea-level rise increased during the twentieth century from 1.5 to 3.0 mm/yr and is expected to at least double over the next few decades. The Western Louisiana and Texas coast is especially vulnerable to sea-level rise due to low gradients, high subsidence, and depleted sediment supply. This Memoir describes the regional response of coastal environments to variable rates of sea-level rise and sediment supply during Holocene to modern time. It is based on results from more than six decades of research focused on coastal and nearshore stratigraphic records. The results are a wake-up call for those who underestimate the potential magnitude of coastal change over decadal to centennial time scales, with dramatic changes caused by accelerated sea-level rise and diminished sediment supply.
Abstract Hurricanes annually threaten the Atlantic Ocean margins. Historical hurricane records are relatively short and palaeohurricane sedimentary archives provide a geological and climatic context that sheds light on future hurricane activity. Here we review palaeo-trends in hurricane activity elucidated from sedimentary archives. We discuss dating methods, site selection and statistics associated with previously published records. These archives have been useful for understanding the long-term evolution of coastal systems and the response of intense hurricane activity to climatic changes. Regional shifts in hurricane overwash on centennial to millennial timescales have been linked to various climatic modes of variability, including El Niño/Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation, but could also reflect regional-scale controls on hurricane activity.
Unprecedented erosion of the upper Texas coast: Response to accelerated sea-level rise and hurricane impacts
Evidence of similar probablility of intense hurricane strikes for the Gulf of Mexico over the late Holocene
Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula have experienced a well-documented history of shoreline and bay shoreline change ranging from +3.63 m/yr to −1.95 m/yr. By integrating core, Light detection and ranging (LIDAR), and coastal change data, we develop a sand budget that attempts to quantify long-term sand sources (e.g., fluvial sand cannibalization through transgression) and sinks (washover fans, offshore sand bodies, and flood-tidal deltas). These results are then considered in light of anthropogenic influences (e.g., beach-nourishment projects, coastal engineering structures, and dredging operations) in an attempt to relate natural versus human influence on coastal change. Our findings suggest that hurricane washover (Galveston Island = 0.4 m/100 yr; Bolivar Peninsula varies from 0.154 m/100 yr to 0.095 m/100 yr) and offshore sand deposits are minimal long-term sand sinks. Flood-tidal deltas, however, appear to be major locations for natural sand sequestration. We also conclude that damming of rivers has had minimal impact on the upper Texas coast, although hard structures, such as the Galveston seawall and its groins, have exacerbated erosion along a shoreline that is currently sand starved. The impact of hard structures has mainly been one of trapping sand in locations where that sand would not have naturally accreted. Sand supply is minimal, so understanding and developing a better sand budget for the Texas coast are vital to sustainability.