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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
Far East
Cambodia (2)
Akita Japan (1)
Indian Peninsula
Bengal (1)
West Bengal India (4)
Tasmania Australia (1)
New Zealand
Waikato River (1)
Wairakei (1)
Southern Europe
Greek Macedonia (1)
Iberian Peninsula
Portugal (2)
Greek Macedonia (1)
Rhodope Mountains (1)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
England (1)
Scotland (1)
Wales (1)
Indian Ocean
Bengal Fan (1)
North Island (1)
metal ores
base metals (3)
copper ores (2)
gold ores (1)
manganese ores (1)
silver ores (2)
tin ores (1)
tungsten ores (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (4)
mineral exploration (1)
mineral resources (3)
elements, isotopes
deuterium (1)
isotope ratios (1)
stable isotopes
deuterium (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
arsenic (9)
ferric iron (1)
lead (1)
zinc (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
Geobacter (1)
geologic age
Cambrian (1)
upper Paleozoic (1)
metamorphic rocks
metamorphic rocks
marbles (1)
metaigneous rocks
metagranite (1)
metavolcanic rocks (1)
slates (1)
oxides (1)
framework silicates
silica minerals
quartz (1)
sheet silicates
clay minerals
smectite (1)
sulfides (1)
Primary terms
Far East
Cambodia (2)
Akita Japan (1)
Indian Peninsula
Bengal (1)
West Bengal India (4)
Tasmania Australia (1)
New Zealand
Waikato River (1)
Wairakei (1)
Geobacter (1)
data processing (1)
economic geology (2)
Southern Europe
Greek Macedonia (1)
Iberian Peninsula
Portugal (2)
Greek Macedonia (1)
Rhodope Mountains (1)
Western Europe
United Kingdom
Great Britain
England (1)
Scotland (1)
Wales (1)
geochemistry (4)
ground water (5)
deuterium (1)
Indian Ocean
Bengal Fan (1)
stable isotopes
deuterium (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
mantle (1)
metal ores
base metals (3)
copper ores (2)
gold ores (1)
manganese ores (1)
silver ores (2)
tin ores (1)
tungsten ores (1)
arsenic (9)
ferric iron (1)
lead (1)
zinc (1)
metamorphic rocks
marbles (1)
metaigneous rocks
metagranite (1)
metavolcanic rocks (1)
slates (1)
metamorphism (1)
metasomatism (1)
mineral deposits, genesis (4)
mineral exploration (1)
mineral resources (3)
mineralogy (1)
O-18/O-16 (1)
Cambrian (1)
upper Paleozoic (1)
paragenesis (2)
phase equilibria (1)
plate tectonics (1)
pollution (8)
sea-level changes (1)
sediments (3)
soils (1)
spectroscopy (1)
S-34/S-32 (1)
symposia (1)
thermal waters (1)
sediments (3)
soils (1)
A logistic regression method for mapping the As hazard risk in shallow, reducing groundwaters in Cambodia
The geochemical and isotopic composition of ground waters in West Bengal: tracing ground-surface water interaction and its role in arsenic release
Multiple regression analysis of As ground-water hazard and assessment of As-attributable human health risks in Chakdha Block, West Bengal
Environmental mineralogy, geochemistry and human health
Arsenic hazard in shallow Cambodian groundwaters
Preservation and XANES determination of the oxidation state of solid-phase arsenic in shallow sedimentary aquifers in Bengal and Cambodia
Microcosm depth profiles of arsenic release in a shallow aquifer, West Bengal
Potential role of the Fe(III)-reducing bacteria Geobacter and Geothrix in controlling arsenic solubility in Bengal delta sediments
Arsenic-bearing smectite from the geothermal environment
Front Matter
Economic natural resource deposits at terrestrial impact structures
Abstract Economic deposits associated with terrestrial impact structures range from world-class to relatively localized occurrences. The more significant deposits are introduced under the classification: progenetic, syngenetic or epigenetic, with respect to the impact event. However, there is increasing evidence that post-impact hydrothermal systems at large impact structures have remobilized some progenetic deposits, such as some of the Witwatersrand gold deposits at the Vredefort impact structure. Impact-related hydrothermal activity may also have had a significant role in the formation of ores at such syngenetic ‘magmatic’ deposits as the Cu-Ni-platinum-group elements ores associated with the Sudbury impact structure. Although Vredefort and Sudbury contain world-class mineral deposits, in economic terms hydrocarbon production dominates natural resource deposits found at impact structures. The total value of impact-related resources in North America is estimated at US$18 billion per year. Many impact structures remain to be discovered and, as targets for resource exploration, their relatively invariant, but scale-dependent properties, may provide an aid to exploration strategies.
Abstract The chemical composition of gold within the Archaean metasedimentary rocks of the Witwatersrand Supergroup displays significant heterogeneity at the micro-, meso-and regional scales. A detailed electron microbeam analytical and petrological study of the main auriferous horizons in the Central Rand Group throughout the Witwatersrand Basin indicates that gold has been remobilized late in the paragenetic sequence over distances of less than centimetres. Contemporaneous chlorite formation was strongly rock-buffered. Gold mobilization occurred under fluid-poor conditions at temperatures that did not exceed 350 °C. Widespread circulation of mineralizing fluids within the Central Rand Group is not supported by the gold and chlorite chemical data. Brittle deformation that affects most of the paragenetic sequence of the Central Rand Group late in its post-depositional history is followed by sequences of mineral growth and dissolution that appear throughout the Central Rand Group and have consistent textural relationships with gold. The consistent location within the paragenetic sequence, the wide regional and stratigraphic extent of the brittle deformation, together with mineral chemical and petrological data suggest that the Vredefort Impact Event (2.02 Ga) was the cause of this late deformation, and that post-impact fluid-poor metamorphism resulted in crystallization of a significant proportion of the gold on and within mineral grains that were deformed during this event.
Metallogenic fingerprints of Archaean cratons
Abstract Archaean cratons are fragments of old continents that are more richly endowed with mineral deposits than younger terrains. The mineral deposits of different cratons are also diversely enriched with useful (to humankind) chemical elements. Cratons are therefore mineral-diversity hotspots that represent regional geochemical heterogeneities in the early Earth, evidence for which remains encoded on each craton as unique metallogenic ‘fingerprints’. Some of the younger cratons (<3.0 Ga, e.g. Superior Province, Yilgarn and Zimbabwe) have strong Au, Cu, Pb and Zn imprints. Older (>3.0 Ga) cratons, however, are remarkably enriched in siderophile elements such as Ni, Cr, PGE, in both their crustal and mantle sections (e.g. Pilbara and Kaapvaal Cratons). Still other Archaean cratons are relatively enriched in Sn, W, U and Th (e.g. Amazonian, Leo-Man, Ntem and South China Cratons). How most of these fragments of old continents inherited their rich and diverse metallogenic characteristics is unresolved. Their dominant metallogenic inventories were formed near the time of their separation from the mantle; thereafter the inherited metals were frequently remobilized and redistributed during subsequent tectono-metamorphic, magmatic and erosion-deposition processes (e.g. tin in South America; platinum and gold in Southern Africa). Because different cratons are likely to represent only small remnants of once much larger and probably varied Archaean continents, part of the total metal inventories of Archaean continents must have been recycled back into the mantle. Using six selected element groups from our extensive in-house GIS database of Gondwana mineral deposits, we derive the metallogenic fingerprints of 11 Archaean cratons of the southern hemisphere, and compare these against metallogenic fingerprints of the same elements in younger crust of three continents (Africa, Australia and South America). We confirm that the mineral deposit density and diversity of Earth's continental lithosphere has decreased with time. We conclude that metallogenic elements were transferred more efficiently from the mantle to the continental lithosphere in the Archaean and/or that subsequently (<2.5 Ga) recycling of these elements (mineral deposits) back into the mantle became more effective.
Abstract Mineral deposits exhibit heterogeneous distributions, with each major deposit type showing distinctive, commonly unique, temporal patterns. These reflect a complex interplay between formational and preservational forces that, in turn, largely reflect changes in tectonic processes and environmental conditions in an evolving Earth. The major drivers were the supercontinent cycle and evolution from plume-dominated to modern-style plate tectonics in a cooling Earth. Consequent decrease in the growth rate of continental crust, and change from thick, buoyant sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Precambrian to thinner, negatively buoyant SCLM in the Phanerozoic, led to progressive decoupling of formational and preservational processes through time. This affected the temporal patterns of deposit types including orogenic gold, porphyry and epithermal deposits, volcanic hosted massive sulphide (VHMS), palaeoplacer Au, iron oxide, copper gold (IOCG), platinum group elements (PGE), diamond and probably massive sulphide SEDEX deposits. Sedimentary mineral deposits mined for redox-sensitive metals show highly anomalous temporal patterns in which specific deposit types are restricted to particular times in Earth history. In particular, palaeoplacer uranium, banded iron formation (BIF) and BIF-associated manganese carbonates that formed in the early Precambrian do not reappear in younger basins. The most obvious driver is progressive oxidation of the atmosphere, with consequent long-term changes in the hydrosphere and biosphere, the latter influencing the temporal distribution and peak development of deposits such as Mississippi Valley types (MVT), hosted in biogenic sedimentary rocks.
Pre-mineralization thermal evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic gold-rich Ashanti belt, Ghana
Abstract The region of the gold-rich Ashanti belt in southern Ghana was chosen as the subject for a detailed regional thermal modelling study. Geological studies, in addition to laboratory measurements of thermal properties and heat-production rates, allow us to constrain a finite-element thermal modelling. Scenarios intergrating variations of the structure of the crust and various chronological settings were examined. We calculated the thermal regime before and after the thrust tectonism that affected the region during the Eburnean orogeny (2130–2095 Ma), just before ore deposit formation. This gives a new insight into the regional thermal state of the crust before the mineralizing events. To satisfy the thermobarometric observations, the most probable mantle heat flow must be 60 mW m −2 , which is at least three times greater than the present-day value. At shallow depths, our results also indicate anomalies of lateral heat flow reaching 25 mW m −2 , focused on the margins of each lithological unit, including the Ashanti belt. These anomalies are related to the distortion of the isotherms in the first few kilometres that can be explained mostly by lateral contrasts in thermal conductivity. Such anomalies could be of importance for the mineralizing events, as they would favour fluid circulation locally.
Abstract This paper address the question of why giant gold deposits are so unevenly spread over the continents, what processes control their distribution, and how more might be found? Using the source-migration-trap paradigm, it is proposed that the regional distribution of gold deposits is controlled by fluid access to gold sources on a regional scale, and by large-scale migration mechanisms. Local distribution is controlled by migration and trap processes, not discussed in this paper. Our current levels of understanding of gold suggest a strong geodynamic control in the generation of enriched source rocks and the fluids that may carry gold, particularly the influence of subduction and accretion during orogeny. A new six-fold geodynamic classification system that emphasizes subduction and accretion processes has been used here qualitatively to assess the potential for gold-bearing source areas. The resulting classification is compared to the distribution of 181 known giant gold deposits (those with more than 100 t contained gold). The results confirm the proposition that the distribution of giant gold deposits is ultimately a function of the amount of oceanic crust consumed during the orogenic episode that built that part of the crust. Of the six geodynamic classes described, large ocean closure orogens were found to contain the most gold, with nearly half of the world's gold held in known giant deposits. Implications for understanding ore genesis, exploration for other giant deposits, and for other empirical explanations of the distribution of gold are discussed further.
Terrane and basement discrimination in northern Britain using sulphur isotopes and mineralogy of ore deposits
Abstract This study of four well characterized and adjacent terranes in Northern Britain outlines the sulphur isotope variations, assesses the overall importance of crustal and mantle sulphur, and presents a model that can be applied to terrane distinction throughout the North Atlantic Caledonides. The characteristics of metal components within the mineralization provide additional information that can be related to the nature of underlying basement and events from the onset of sedimentation to the cessation of mineralization within stratigraphically linked packages of rock. The δ 34 S data show that the dominant crustal units in each terrane, whether upper crustal sediments or cratonic basement, provide the main alternative sulphur source to the mantle and act also as the main contaminant of subcrustal melts. The δ 34 S values of granitoid-related mineralization are either within the subcrustal melt-range of −3‰ to +3‰ or deviate toward the values of major crustal units in the terrane, i.e. toward 34 S depletion in the Southern Uplands and toward 34 S enrichment in the Lakesman and Grampian terranes. More complex mineralization in the Northern Highland terrane is linked to the presence of thick North Atlantic craton beneath upper crustal metasediments. Across the region the vein systems beyond the influence of magmatic components represent homogenized sulphur, metals and fluids from local upper crustal units. The sulphur isotope data and style of mineralization for the British terranes are compared with terranes of similar age along strike in Eastern Canada revealing notable correlations.
Abstract A review of the structural zonation of the ‘oceanic’ Urals shows that only its westernmost Sakamara, Tagil and Magnitogorsk zones reveal the presence of thrust structures, whereas in the East Uralian megazone and Trans-Uralian zone, the classic zonation rather reflects late- or post-collisional granitic welding and strike-slip displacement of the orogen for 100–300 km. This sinistral strike-slip displacement is responsible for the lens-shapes structure of the individual zones in the Urals. Metallogenically, these orogen-parallel faults and the eastern boundary of the East European craton control the distribution of the orogenic Au deposits. Restoration of the individual zones into their pre-strike-slip fault positions suggests that the Urals contains only two magmatic arcs, one in the west and one in the east. The western Tagil-Magnitogorsk immature arc hosts a variety of chromite, Alaska-type PGE and major VMS deposits. The eastern Valerianovka arc effectively stitches together the Kazakh-Tien Shan structures and is host to important copper-gold and giant iron(-copper) skarn deposits. The geodynamic evolution of the Urals can be observed with the generation of the immature Tagil-Magnitogorsk magmatic arc in the Late Ordovician. Metallogenic zoning of the VMS deposits supports the petrological data that the arc developed due to eastward subduction inside the oceanic back-arc basin that existed in the rear of the Kazakhstan-Tien Shan arcs. In the late Palaeozoic, these arcs collided with each other and were together thrust onto the East European craton. Syncollisional granitoid intrusions welded the magmatic arcs, which were soon displaced into presently observed fragments along the post-collisional orogen-parallel strike-slip faults.
Abstract The observation of anomalous (non mass-dependent) sulphur isotope compositions in Archaean and early Proterozoic rocks but not in rocks younger than approximately 2 Ga has been interpreted to reflect fundamental change in the terrestrial sulphur cycle, in atmospheric chemistry, and in atmospheric oxygen content. Similar non mass-dependent sulphur isotope compositions in present-day samples (atmospheric aerosols and ice-core horizons containing remnants of stratosphere-piercing volcanic eruptions) are interpreted to carry information about modern atmospheric chemistry and transport. The interpretation of these observations hinges on our understanding of the processes that produce non mass-dependent sulphur isotope compositions, the processes that transport and transfer the isotopic signals throughout the sulphur cycle, and the processes that act to preserve or erase these isotopic signals once they are established. The growing dataset and hypotheses related to non mass-dependent sulphur are evaluated, emphasizing that which remains to be learned about the evolution of the record, the compositions of key reservoirs, and the transfer of the signal from the atmosphere to the surface and ultimately to the deep Earth.
Abstract Modern and ancient euxinic sediments are often enriched in iron that is highly reactive towards dissolved sulphide, compared to continental margin and deep-sea sediments. It is proposed that iron enrichment results from the mobilization of dissolved iron from anoxic porewaters into overlying seawater, followed by transport into deep-basin environments, precipitation as iron sulphides, and deposition into sediments. A diagenetic model shows that diffusive iron fluxes are controlled mainly by porewater dissolved iron concentrations, the thickness of the surface oxygenated layer of sediment and to a lesser extent by pH and temperature. Under typical diagenetic conditions (pH < 8, porewater Fe 2+ = 10 −6 g cm −3 ) iron can diffuse from the porewaters in continental margin sediments to the oxygenated overlying seawater at fluxes of 100–1000 μg cm −2 a −1 . The addition of reactive iron to deep-basin sediments is determined by the magnitude of this diffusive flux, the export efficiency (ɛ) of recycled iron from the shelf, the ratio of source area ( S ) to basin sink area ( B ) and the trapping of reactive iron in the deep basin. Values of ɛ are poorly constrained but modern enclosed or semi-enclosed sedimentary basins show a wide variation in S/B ratios (0.25–13) where the shelf source area is defined as sediments at less than 200 m water depth. Diffusive fluxes in the range 100–1000 μg cm −2 a −1 are able to produce the observed reactive iron enrichments in the Black Sea, the Cariaco Basin and the Gotland Deep for values of ɛ × S/B from 0.1–5. Transported reactive iron can be trapped physically and/or chemically in deep basins. Physical trapping is controlled by basin geometry and chemical capture by the presence of euxinic bottom water. The S/B ratios in modern basins may not be representative of those in ancient euxinic/semi-euxinic sediments but preliminary data suggest that ɛ × S/B in ancient euxinic sediments has a similar range as in modern euxinic sediments.