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all geography including DSDP/ODP Sites and Legs
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United States
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Mackay Idaho (1)
Lost River Range (1)
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Pequop Mountains (1)
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North America
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Basin and Range Province
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Western Overthrust Belt (2)
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orogeny (4)
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Lower Mississippian
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Antrim Shale (2)
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stratigraphy (11)
structural analysis (2)
structural geology (2)
tectonics (5)
United States
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Custer County Idaho
Mackay Idaho (1)
Lost River Range (1)
Kentland impact structure (1)
Newton County Indiana (1)
Michigan (2)
Beaverhead County Montana (1)
Elko County Nevada
Pequop Mountains (1)
Lander County Nevada (1)
Lincoln County Nevada (1)
Nye County Nevada (1)
Roberts Mountains Allochthon (1)
Shoshone Mountains (1)
New York (1)
Ohio (1)
Utah (4)
Wisconsin (1)
Wyoming (1)
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sedimentary structures
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soft sediment deformation
olistoliths (1)
olistostromes (1)
Pulsed Mesozoic Deformation in the Cordilleran Hinterland and Evolution of the Nevadaplano: Insights from the Pequop Mountains, NE Nevada
Olistostrome shed eastward from the Antler orogenic forebulge, Bisoni-McKay area, Fish Creek Range, central Nevada
The Bisoni-McKay area, a structurally isolated, fault-bounded horst, offset eastward at the south end of the Fish Creek Range, displays a geologic terrane that is previously unrecorded in Nevada, and perhaps elsewhere in North America. This unique terrane is an olistostrome that was shed eastward by listric faulting from the east side of the migrating Antler orogenic forebulge in Late Devonian (early Famennian, ca. 373 Ma) time. Stratigraphic identification of Devonian olistoliths and enclosing matrix that constitute the olistostrome, as well as overlying postemplacement units, is supported by correlation to formations in the main part of the Fish Creek Range and to the northwest in the northern Antelope Range. Precise zonal dating of map units and revised dating of Antler orogenic events are provided by 38 conodont collections recorded in the Devonian/Carboniferous (D/C) Conodont Database and by small collections of conodonts embedded in siltstone and mudstone. Our revision of regional geologic history uses Devonian conodont zones to measure “deep time” to circa millions of years before present. The upper Upper Devonian (Famennian) tongue of the Woodruff Formation was deposited directly on the olistostrome and is overlain by clastic Mississippian synorogenic deposits. These deposits were shed eastward from the evolving Antler highland and related Roberts Mountains allochthon into the Antler foredeep. We propose the following revised dates for important Devonian tectonic events in Nevada: initiation of Antler orogeny, ca. 385 Ma; downwarping of Pilot backbulge basin, ca. 382 Ma; initial uplift of the Antler highland, ca. 373 Ma; third, major pulse of highland uplift, ca. 364 Ma. A summation of regional geologic history indicates that the elapsed time from start of Antler orogeny to start of Roberts Mountains thrusting was ~30 m.y.
Alamo impact olistoliths in Antler orogenic foreland, Warm Springs–Milk Spring area, Hot Creek Range, central Nevada
The 45 km 2 map area is situated at the south end of the Hot Creek Range in central Nevada, ~16 km east of the buried leading edge of the Mississippian Roberts Mountains thrust. Three eastward-trending left-slip faults divide the area into four structural blocks. The southernmost block is occupied solely by upper Oligocene volcanic rocks. The narrow northernmost block, now occupied surficially by valley fill and volcanic rocks, represents the south end of the main part of the Hot Creek Range, from which the study area is offset. The middle two blocks display different aspects of the eastward-traveled outer crater rim created by the ca. 382 Ma (early Late Devonian, middle Frasnian) Alamo impact. The Alamo impact was produced by a 5-km-diameter bolide, most likely a comet, which excavated a transient submarine crater 44–65 km in diameter. Comparison of thin (8–12 m) Alamo Breccia deposits in the northern of the middle two blocks with a more easterly, thick (35–42 m) Alamo deposit in the main Hot Creek Range, 4 km north of the map area, suggests that these blocks traveled many kilometers eastward. The northern of the middle two blocks contains a large olistolith capped by the thin breccia, whereas the southern block contains a larger olistolith lacking an Alamo Breccia cap. Three Devonian pulses of the Antler orogeny are better documented in the chapter on the Bisoni-McKay area. Here, the first Antler pulse in latest Middle Devonian time is obscured within an ~9 m.y. hiatus enlarged by excavation of the Alamo impact crater. The second Antler pulse is recorded by the ~4 m.y. hiatus produced by the regional unconformity between the lower and upper members of the Woodruff Formation. The third Antler pulse is documented by an ~8 m.y. regional hiatus between the Mississippian Webb Formation and Upper Devonian Woodruff Formation. In previous papers, we had interpreted this pulse to initiate the Antler orogeny.
Unusual Central Nevada Geologic Terranes Produced by Late Devonian Antler Orogeny and Alamo Impact
Devonian brachiopods of southwesternmost Laurentia: Biogeographic affinities and tectonic significance
Three brachiopod faunas discussed herein record different depositional and tectonic settings along the southwestern margin of Laurentia (North America) during Devonian time. Depositional settings include inner continental shelf (Cerros de Los Murciélagos), medial continental shelf (Rancho Placeritos), and offshelf continental rise (Rancho Los Chinos). Ages of Devonian brachiopod faunas include middle Early (Pragian) at Rancho Placeritos in west-central Sonora, late Middle (Givetian) at Cerros de Los Murciélagos in northwestern Sonora, and late Late (Famennian) at Rancho Los Chinos in central Sonora. The brachiopods of these three faunas, as well as the gastropod Orecopia , are easily recognized in outcrop and thus are useful for local and regional correlations. Pragian brachiopods dominated by Acrospirifer and Meristella in the “San Miguel Formation” at Rancho Placeritos represent the widespread Appohimchi Subprovince of eastern and southern Laurentia. Conodonts of the early to middle Pragian sulcatus to kindlei Zones associated with the brachiopods confirm the ages indicated by the brachiopod fauna and provide additional information on the depositional setting of the Devonian strata. Biostratigraphic distribution of the Appohimchi brachiopod fauna indicates continuous Early Devonian shelf deposition along the entire southern margin of Laurentia. The largely emergent southwest-trending Transcontinental arch apparently formed a barrier preventing migration and mixing of many genera and species of brachiopods from the southern shelf of Laurentia in northern Mexico to the western shelf (Cordilleran miogeocline) in the western United States. Middle Devonian Stringocephalus brachiopods and Late Devonian Orecopia gastropods in the “Los Murciélagos Formation” in northwest Sonora represent the southwesternmost occurrence of these genera in North America and date the host rocks as Givetian and Frasnian, respectively. Rhynchonelloid brachiopods ( Dzieduszyckia sonora ) and associated worm tubes in the Los Pozos Formation of the Sonora allochthon in central Sonora are also found in strati-form-barite facies in the upper Upper Devonian (Famennian) part of the Slaven Chert in the Roberts Mountains allochthon (upper plate) of central and western Nevada. Although these brachiopods and worm tubes occur in similar depositional settings along the margin of Laurentia in Mexico, they occur in allochthons that exhibit different tectonic styles and times of emplacement. Thus, the allochthons containing the brachiopods and worm tubes in Sonora and Nevada are parts of separate orogenic belts and have different geographic settings and tectonic histories. Devonian facies belts and faunas in northern Mexico indicate a continuous continental shelf along the entire southern margin of Laurentia. These data, in addition to the continuity of the late Paleozoic Ouachita-Marathon-Sonora orogen across northern Mexico, contradict the early Late Jurassic Mojave-Sonora megashear as a viable hypothesis for large-magnitude offset (600–1100 km) of Proterozoic through Middle Jurassic rocks from California to Sonora.
Evolution of Devonian carbonate-shelf margin, Nevada
Abstract Devonian limestone and dolostone formations are superbly exposed in numerous mountain ranges of southeastern Nevada. The Devonian is as thick as 1500 m there and reveals continuous exposures of a classic, long-lived, shallow-water carbonate platform. This field guide provides excursions to Devonian outcrops easily reached from the settlement of Alamo, Nevada, ~100 mi (~160 km) north of Las Vegas. Emphasis is on carbonate-platform lithostratigraphy, but includes overviews of the conodont biochronology that is crucial for regional and global correlations. Field stops include traverses in several local ranges to study these formations and some of their equivalents, in ascending order: Lower Devonian Sevy Dolostone and cherty argillaceous unit, Lower and Middle Devonian Oxyoke Canyon Sandstone, Middle Devonian Simonson Dolostone and Fox Mountain Formation, Middle and Upper Devonian Guilmette Formation, and Upper Devonian West Range Limestone. Together, these formations are mainly composed of hundreds of partial to complete shallowing-upward Milankovitch-scale cycles and are grouped into sequences bounded by regionally significant surfaces. Dolomitization in the Sevy and Simonson appears to be linked to exposure surfaces and related underlying karst intervals. The less-altered Guilmette exhibits characteristic shallowing-upward limestone-to-dolostone cycles that contain typical carbonate-platform fossil- and ichnofossil-assemblages, displays stacked biostromes and bioherms of flourishing stromatoporoids and sparse corals, and is punctuated by channeled quartzose sandstones. The Guilmette also contains a completely exposed ~50-m-thick buildup that is constructed mainly of stromatoporoids, with an exposed and karstified crest. This buildup exemplifies such Devonian structures known from surface and hydrocarbon-bearing subsurface locations worldwide. Of special interest is the stratigraphically anomalous Alamo Breccia that represents the middle member of the Guilmette. This spectacular cataclysmic megabreccia, produced by the Alamo Impact Event, is as thick as 100 m and may be the best exposed proven bolide impact breccia on Earth. It contains widespread intervals generated by the seismic shock, ejecta curtain, tsunami surge, and runoff generated by a major marine impact. Newly interpreted crater-rim impact stratigraphy at Tempiute Mountain contains an even thicker stack of impact breccias that are interpreted as parautochthonous, injected, fallback, partial melt, resurge, and possibly post-Event crater fill.
Late Devonian Alamo Impact, southern Nevada, USA: Evidence of size, marine site, and widespread effects
The early Late Devonian (early Frasnian) Alamo Impact targeted an oceanic, off-platform site in southern Nevada, excavating a crater with a final diameter of 44–65 km. The original crater is now dismembered and buried beneath younger rocks. Consequently, its size and site must be deduced through multiple converging lines of geological and paleontological evidence. Previous and new evidence includes the catastrophically emplaced Alamo Breccia, tsunamites, shock-metamorphosed quartz grains, carbonate accretionary lapilli, an iridium anomaly, sub-Breccia clastic injection, deep-water Breccia channels, and ejecta material. We now demonstrate, on the basis of conodont microfossils in carbonate ejecta clasts within lapillistone blocks and widely distributed shocked-quartz and lithic-clast ejecta within the upper part of the Breccia, that the Alamo Impact excavated down at least into Upper Cambrian strata, at a depth of 1.7 km, and possibly into the underlying Proterozoic–Lower Cambrian Prospect Mountain Quartzite, ∼2.5 km beneath the Late Devonian seafloor. Distal tsunamites and probable ejecta are now documented as far north as Devils Gate, northern Nevada, and as far northeast as the Confusion Range, western Utah. A charcoal-bearing, early Frasnian estuarine deposit in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming, may provide the first evidence of an Alamo Impact fallout-generated forest fire. Our new data further document the widespread effects and size of the Alamo Impact, and constrain the likely present position of the tectonically transported crater to an area between the Timpahute and Hot Creek Ranges, southern Nevada.
A late Frasnian (Late Devonian) radiolarian, sponge spicule, and conodont fauna from the Slaven Chert, northern Shoshone Range, Roberts Mountains Allochthon, Nevada
Abstract Nearly continuous successions of late Proterozoic through Upper Devonian rocks are widespread in the western United States between the structural fronts of the Sevier and Sonoma orogens (Plates 2-1 to 2-6, 3-1 to 3-4). West of the Sonoma orogenic front in Washington, Oregon, northe Rn and southe Rn California, western Idaho, and western Nevada, rocks of this age are limited to many small areas of exposures, most of which are shown on Plate 3-5. East of the Sevier orogenic front, some large areas on the cratonic platform contain only partial stratigraphic records because of eithe R nondeposition or erosion. The western limit of mapped carbonate-shelf rocks can be obtained from only a few tectonic windows because those rocks disappear beneath thrust plates of western facies rocks of the same age or of younger and older rocks that moved eastward as much as 200 km or more during the Antler and later orogenies. Figure 1 shows Devonian and older paleotectonic features, major post-Devonian faults, and locations of the 12 generalized stratigraphic columns shown in Figure 2.
Comment and Reply on "Delle Phosphatic Member: An anomalous phosphatic interval in the Mississippian (Osagean-Meramecian) shelf sequence of central Utah"
Upper Devonian biostratigraphy of Michigan Basin
The Late Devonian Michigan Basin was floored by the Middle and Upper Devonian Squaw Bay Limestone, which was deposited during the downwarping that produced the basin within a former Middle Devonian carbonate platform. The Squaw Bay comprises three beds, each having a different conodont fauna. The two upper beds, deposited during the transitans Zone, have different conodont biofacies that reflect this deepening. The basin was largely filled by the deep-water, anaerobic to dysaerobic, organic-rich, black Antrim Shale, which has a facies relationship with the prodeltaic, greenish gray Ellsworth Shale that prograded into the basin from the west. The Upper Devonian (Frasnian to Famennian) Antrim Shale is divided into four members, from base to top: the Norwood, Paxton, Lachine, and upper members. These members are more or less precisely dated by conodonts. The Norwood was deposited during the transitans Zone to Ancyrognathus triangularis Zone, and the Paxton was deposited from that zone probably through the linguiformis Zone at the end of the Frasnian. The overlying Lachine was deposited during the early Famennian and has yielded faunas of the Upper crepida and Lower rhomboidea Zones. Only the lower part of the upper member is exposed, and near Norwood, Michigan, it yielded conodonts of the Lower marginifera Zone. The widespread Famennian floating plant Protosalvinia (Foerstia) has not yet been found in outcrops of the Antrim, and should not be expected to occur except in the upper member or highest part of the Lachine Member. Its range in terms of conodont zones is from the Upper trachytera Zone through the Lower expansa Zone and possibly into the Middle expansa Zone. One known subsurface occurrence might be datable as rhomboidea or Lower marginifera Zone, depending on gamma ray correlations to outcrops. Black shale deposition ended when the Late Devonian mud delta of the Bedford Shale prograded across the Michigan Basin from the east and then retreated as the regressive Berea Sandstone was being deposited during the major eustatic sea-level fall that ended the Devonian. The Bedford was deposited during the Upper expansa to Lower praesulcata Zones, and the Berea was deposited during the Middle to Upper praesulcata Zones. Both formations contain the spore Retispora lepidophyta, which is a global indicator of latest Devonian age.
Late Devonian history of Michigan Basin
The Upper Devonian sequence in the Michigan Basin is a westward extension of coeval cyclical facies of the Catskill deltaic complex in the Appalachian basin. Both basins and the intervening Findlay arch express the tectonic and sedimentational effects of foreland compression and isostatic compensation produced by the Acadian orogeny. The Late Devonian Michigan Basin formed as one of several local deeps within the long Eastern Interior seaway that separated the North American craton, backboned by the Transcontinental arch, on the west from the Old Red continent, Avalon terrane (microplate), and possibly northwest Africa on the east. Basin development began in the late Middle Devonian (late Givetian varcus Zone) with subsidence of a shallow-water carbonate platform formed by rocks of the Traverse Group. Subsidence was contemporaneous with Taghanic onlap of the North American craton. During subsidence, a thin transitional sequence of increasingly deeper water limestones separated by hardgrounds was deposited in the incipient Michigan Basin during the latest Givetian to earliest Frasnian disparilis to falsiovalis Zones. Deposition of this sequence culminated during the early Frasnian transitans Zone with a calcareous mudstone bed at the top of the Squaw Bay Limestone. Subsidence was followed by a 12-m.y.-long Late Devonian episode of slow, hemipelagic, basinal sedimentation of organic black muds that formed the Antrim Shale, interrupted basinwide only by deposition of its prodeltaic Paxton Member. Westward, the basinal Antrim black muds intertongued with greenish gray, deltaic and prodeltaic muds of an eastward-prograding delta platform formed by the Ellsworth Shale. Basinal black shale deposition ceased in latest Devonian (late Famennian Lower praesulcata Zone) time, when the Bedford deltaic complex prograded westward, completely filling the Antrim Basin and even covering part of the older Ellsworth deltaic complex on the west. As sea level was lowered eustatically near the end of the Devonian, the regressive Berea Sandstone terminated deltaic deposition. After an Early Mississippian erosional episode, widespread deposition of the unconformably overlying Lower Mississippian Sunbury Shale began during the next transgression, associated with a major eustatic rise in the Lower crenulata Zone.