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Genesis of the Schwartzwalder uranium deposit, Jefferson County, Colorado
E. J. Young
Genesis of the Schwartzwalder uranium deposit, Jefferson County, Colorado (in Wyoming uranium issue II, D. W. Boyd (editor) and J. A. Lillegraven (editor))
Contributions to Geology (1979) 17 (2): 179-186
Genesis of the Schwartzwalder uranium deposit, Jefferson County, Colorado (in Wyoming uranium issue II, D. W. Boyd (editor) and J. A. Lillegraven (editor))
Contributions to Geology (1979) 17 (2): 179-186
Index Terms/Descriptors
- Colorado
- dikes
- economic geology
- faults
- Fountain Formation
- granites
- hydrothermal alteration
- hydrothermal processes
- Idaho Springs Formation
- igneous rocks
- intrusions
- Jefferson County Colorado
- Laramide Orogeny
- Mesozoic
- metal ores
- metasomatism
- mineral deposits, genesis
- mineralization
- ore deposits
- Paleozoic
- pegmatite
- plutonic rocks
- Precambrian
- processes
- structure
- tectonics
- United States
- upper Paleozoic
- uranium ores
- Golden fault zone
- Rogers Fault
- Fountain Conglomerate
- Illinois Fault
- Schwartzwalder uranium deposit
Latitude & Longitude
ISSN: 0010-7980
Serial Title: Contributions to Geology
Serial Volume: 17
Serial Issue: 2
Title: Genesis of the Schwartzwalder uranium deposit, Jefferson County, Colorado
Title: Wyoming uranium issue II
Affiliation: U. S. Geol. Surv.,
Denver, Colo.,
United States
Pages: 179-186
Published: 1979
Text Language: English
Publisher: University of Wyoming,
Laramie, WY,
United States
References: 17
Accession Number: 1980-046453
Categories: Economic geology of ore deposits
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: table, sects., geol. sketch maps
N39°45'00" - N39°55'00", W105°30'00" - W105°00'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1980