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Glacial history and stratigraphy of the Alberta portion of the Kananaskis Lakes map area
L. E. Jackson
Glacial history and stratigraphy of the Alberta portion of the Kananaskis Lakes map area
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre (April 1980) 17 (4): 459-477
Glacial history and stratigraphy of the Alberta portion of the Kananaskis Lakes map area
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre (April 1980) 17 (4): 459-477
Index Terms/Descriptors
- absolute age
- age
- Alberta
- C-14
- Canada
- carbon
- Cenozoic
- chronology
- clastic sediments
- dates
- extent
- glacial geology
- glaciation
- heavy minerals
- ice movement
- interpretation
- isotopes
- Laurentide ice sheet
- lithostratigraphy
- nomenclature
- petrology
- Pleistocene
- Quaternary
- radioactive isotopes
- sediments
- stratigraphic units
- stratigraphy
- till
- type sections
- Western Canada
- Kananaskis
Latitude & Longitude
ISSN: 0008-4077
EISSN: 1480-3313
Serial Title: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre
Serial Volume: 17
Serial Issue: 4
Title: Glacial history and stratigraphy of the Alberta portion of the Kananaskis Lakes map area
Author(s): Jackson, L. E., Jr.
Affiliation: Geol. Surv. Can., Terrain Sci. Div.,
Calgary, Alberta,
Pages: 459-477
Published: 198004
Text Language: English
Summary Language: French
Publisher: National Research Council of Canada,
Ottawa, ON,
References: 39
Accession Number: 1980-043158
Categories: Quaternary geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. tables, sketch maps
N50°00'00" - N51°00'00", W115°40'00" - W114°00'00"
Country of Publication: Canada
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2017, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1980