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An isotopic paleotemperature record for late Wisconsinan time in Northeast Iowa
R. S. Harmon, H. P. Schwarcz, D. C. Ford and D. L. Koch
An isotopic paleotemperature record for late Wisconsinan time in Northeast Iowa
Geology (Boulder) (September 1979) 7 (9): 430-433
An isotopic paleotemperature record for late Wisconsinan time in Northeast Iowa
Geology (Boulder) (September 1979) 7 (9): 430-433
Index Terms/Descriptors
- absolute age
- calcite
- carbonates
- caves
- Cenozoic
- D/H
- dates
- deglaciation
- deuterium
- geochronology
- geomorphology
- glacial environment
- glaciation
- hydrogen
- Iowa
- isotopes
- O-18/O-16
- oxygen
- paleoclimatology
- Pleistocene
- Quaternary
- ratios
- solution features
- speleothems
- stable isotopes
- stalagmites
- temperature
- Th/U
- United States
- upper Pleistocene
- water
- Winneshiek County Iowa
- Wisconsinan
- Burr Oak
- Cold Water Cave
Latitude & Longitude
ISSN: 0091-7613
EISSN: 1943-2682
Serial Title: Geology (Boulder)
Serial Volume: 7
Serial Issue: 9
Title: An isotopic paleotemperature record for late Wisconsinan time in Northeast Iowa
Affiliation: McMaster Univ., Dep. Geol.,
Hamilton, Ont.,
Pages: 430-433
Published: 197909
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA),
Boulder, CO,
United States
References: 25
Accession Number: 1979-036205
Categories: Quaternary geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Annotation: McMaster Univ., Isot. and Nucl. Geochem. Stud. Group; Contrib. No. 86
Illustration Description: illus. incl. table, sketch map
N43°19'60" - N43°30'00", W92°00'00" - W91°45'00"
Secondary Affiliation: Iowa Geol. Surv.,
United States
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 1979