Coronadite; modes of occurrence and origin
Coronadite; modes of occurrence and origin
Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists (February 1971) 66 (1): 164-177
The lead manganate, "coronadite," was first recognized at the Coronado mine in the Morenci district, Arizona, by Lindgren in 1903. Several years later, the identity of the mineral was questioned and it was not until 1932 that Orcel recognized it in material from Morocco. Since 1955, the mineral has been recognized at numerous places; in the USSR, east of the Ural Mountains, in several districts in Morocco, England, Australia, and India. In recent years, coronadite had been identified at numerous localities in New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California by the writer and others. At this time, it has been identified at 22 localities, and in the opinion of this writer, it will be found at many more places if it is sought for carefully.Author's review of the known occurrences of coronadite and interpretation of the modes of geologic environment show that the mineral is found in veins and hot spring aprons, where it seems to have been deposited by hydrothermal waters from depth and that it is one of the manganese oxide minerals deposited as sediments. Probably it is more widely found in assemblages of minerals of supergene origin.