Evidence for a Late Cretaceous to Paleogene basement-involved retroarc wedge in the southern U.S. Cordillera; a case study from the northern Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona
Evidence for a Late Cretaceous to Paleogene basement-involved retroarc wedge in the southern U.S. Cordillera; a case study from the northern Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona
Geological Society of America Bulletin (November 2024) Pre-Issue Publication
- Arizona
- basement
- basins
- Cenozoic
- Cretaceous
- deformation
- faults
- fold and thrust belts
- foreland basins
- Laramide Orogeny
- Mesozoic
- North America
- North American Cordillera
- orogenic belts
- Paleogene
- reverse faults
- Rocky Mountains
- tectonics
- Tertiary
- thrust faults
- United States
- Upper Cretaceous
- Chiricahua Mountains
- Apache Pass Fault
- Fort Bowie Fault
Late Cretaceous to Paleogene contractional deformation in the southern U.S. Cordillera is commonly attributed to the Laramide Orogeny, in part because of the prevalence of moderate- to high-angle, basement-involved reverse faults. However, it is unclear if the tectonic models developed for the archetypal Laramide foreland belt in the U.S. Rocky Mountain region are applicable to the southern U.S. Cordillera. New geologic mapping of the northern Chiricahua Mountains in southeast Arizona, USA, indicates the presence of an originally sub-horizontal thrust fault, the Fort Bowie fault, and a thin-skinned ramp-flat thrust system that is offset by a younger thrust fault, the Apache Pass fault, that carries basement rocks. Cross-cutting relationships and new geochronologic data indicate deformation on both faults occurred between 60 Ma and 35 Ma. A biotite (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar plateau age of 48 Ma from the hanging wall of the basement-involved Apache Pass fault is interpreted to record erosion related to reverse fault movement and rock uplift. The presence of thrust faults in southeast Arizona raises the possibility of a latest Cretaceous-Eocene retroarc orogenic wedge that linked the Sevier and Mexican thrust belts to the north and south, respectively. Basement-involved deformation does not rule out the presence of a retroarc wedge, and many Cordilleran orogenic systems include basement-involved thrusting.