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Tectonic-hydrothermal processes and their relationship with the petroleum potential of the Bazhenov-Abalak Complex of Western Siberia

M. Yu. Zubkov
Tectonic-hydrothermal processes and their relationship with the petroleum potential of the Bazhenov-Abalak Complex of Western Siberia
Russian Geology and Geophysics (June 2024) 65 (10): 1188-1204


The main types of reservoir rocks have been identified within the Bazhenov-Abalak complex. To assess the geological resources of hydrocarbons, it is proposed to formally divide the entire set of lithological rock types comprising the Bazhenov-Abalak complex into two main varieties: fluid seals and reservoirs. We argue that it is possibile to distinguish between potentially productive and productive rocks, represented by siliceous and carbonate varieties, according to logging data. A possible mechanism for the formation of reservoir rocks within the Bazhenov-Abalak complex as a result of the tectonic-hydrothermal impact on these deposits has been reconstructed. An original methodology for identifying perspective zones of various categories of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Bazhenov-Abalak complex through integrating seismic data and tectonophysical modeling carried out on their basis has been proposed. For example, an assessment of the predicted geological resources of hydrocarbons contained in the Bazhenov-Abalak complex within the limits of 3D seismic exploration of the Yem-Yegovskaya area has been carried out. The necessity of assessing the prospects for oil content and calculating the predicted geological resources of hydrocarbons in the whole Bazhenov-Abalak complex, and not only in the Bazhenov Formation, is substantiated, based on a single mechanism of formation of reservoir rocks of tectonic-hydrothermal origin in them.

ISSN: 1068-7971
EISSN: 1878-030X
Serial Title: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Serial Volume: 65
Serial Issue: 10
Title: Tectonic-hydrothermal processes and their relationship with the petroleum potential of the Bazhenov-Abalak Complex of Western Siberia
Author(s): Zubkov, M. Yu.
Affiliation: West Siberian Geological Center, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Pages: 1188-1204
Published: 20240603
Text Language: English
Publisher: Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
References: 29
Accession Number: 2024-048557
Categories: Economic geology, geology of energy sources
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 1 table, geol. sketch maps
N61°25'00" - N61°45'00", E66°27'00" - E66°37'60"
Country of Publication: Russian Federation
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2024, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 202429
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