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Niobium ore genesis in a capsule
A. E. Williams-Jones, O. V. Vasyukova and A. V. Kostyuk
Niobium ore genesis in a capsule
Geology (Boulder) (April 2024) 52 (7): 560-564
Niobium ore genesis in a capsule
Geology (Boulder) (April 2024) 52 (7): 560-564
Index Terms/Descriptors
Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that carbonatite-hosted Nb deposits owe their origin to the metasomatic alteration of K-feldspar-rich fenite by carbonatitic magma. This involved reacting K-feldspar with a synthetic mixture of CaCO (sub 3) , MgCO (sub 3) , Mg(OH) (sub 2) , CaF (sub 2) , and Nb (sub 2) O (sub 5) . At the experimental conditions, a phlogopite-rich calcite-bearing metasomatic rind containing pyrochlore formed on the K-feldspar. This supports the above hypothesis and also explains the origin of fenite-associated glimmerite, the association of glimmerite with calcite carbonatite, and the genesis of the carbonatite-hosted ores that supply the bulk of the world's niobium.
ISSN: 0091-7613
EISSN: 1943-2682
Serial Title: Geology (Boulder)
Serial Volume: 52
Serial Issue: 7
Title: Niobium ore genesis in a capsule
Affiliation: McGill University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Montreal, QC,
Pages: 560-564
Published: 20240425
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of America (GSA),
Boulder, CO,
United States
Number of pages: 5
References: 24
Accession Number: 2024-042008
Categories: Economic geology, geology of ore deposits
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
Secondary Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences,
Russian Federation
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2024, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States. Reference includes data supplied by the Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, United States
Update Code: 202425