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Catalytic reduction of Congo red to low-toxicity forms using a low-cost catalyst based on modified bentonite material

Mehdi Zahraoui, Adel Mokhtar, Zohra Aouali Kebir Medjhouda, Soumia Abdelkrim, Bouhadjar Boukoussa, Amal Djelad, Mohammed Abdelkrim Hasnaoui, Mohamed Sassi and Mohamed Abboud
Catalytic reduction of Congo red to low-toxicity forms using a low-cost catalyst based on modified bentonite material
Clays and Clay Minerals (February 2023) 71 (1): 74-90


The reduction of azo dyes to less toxic and more easily biodegradable amine derivatives is an effective strategy for the treatment of industrial wastewater. The present work aimed to study the reduction reaction of azo dye Congo red (CR) catalyzed by nanoparticles (NPs) of chromium oxides (Cr (sub 2) O (sub 3) NPs) immobilized on bentonite in the presence of NaBH (sub 4) . Cr(III) ions were intercalated using ion exchange reactions to obtain Cr-bentonite, and then the immobilized chromium cations were treated using NaBH (sub 4) leading to the formation of Cr (sub 2) O (sub 3) NPs-bentonite. The physicochemical properties of the samples were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), UV-Visible diffuse reflectance (UV-Vis DR), and Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques. The results showed the formation of various chromium species, in which the most dominant were chromium oxide nanoparticles, on the bentonite surface with an average particle size between 20 and 35 nm. Line-scan analysis showed a reactive catalytic surface due to the excellent distribution of Cr on the bentonite surfaces. The best-performing catalyst, Cr (sub 2) O (sub 3) NPs-bentonite, displayed significant catalytic activity compared to the bentonite and Cr-bentonite materials, with a full reduction time of 630 s and a rate constant, k (sub app) , equal to 0.034 s (super -1) . The resulting products (benzidine and sodium 3, 4-diaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonate) from the catalytic reduction exhibited low toxicity compared to the CR dye; these products are easy to use in chemical synthesis. All results collected from this work indicated that this low-cost catalyst can be exploited to eliminate other dyes from the environment.

ISSN: 0009-8604
EISSN: 1552-8367
Serial Title: Clays and Clay Minerals
Serial Volume: 71
Serial Issue: 1
Title: Catalytic reduction of Congo red to low-toxicity forms using a low-cost catalyst based on modified bentonite material
Affiliation: Universite de Relizane, Departement Genie Des Procedes, Faculte Des Sciences Et Technologies, Relizane, Algeria
Pages: 74-90
Published: 202302
Text Language: English
Publisher: Clay Minerals Society, Chantilly, VA, United States
References: 55
Accession Number: 2024-000879
Categories: Economic geology, geology of nonmetal deposits
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus.
Secondary Affiliation: Universite Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Laboratoire de Chimie Des Materiaux L.C.M., DZA, AlgeriaUniversite des Sciences et de la Technologie Mohamed Boudiaf, Departement de Genie Des Materiaux, Faculte de Chimie, DZA, AlgeriaKing Khalid University, Catalysis Research Group (CRG), Department of Chemistry, College of Science, SAU, Saudi Arabia
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2024, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data supplied by Springer Verlag, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Update Code: 202401
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