Morphology and composition changes in fluid inclusions from quartz under progressive deformation; case study of a vein system in the western Kelyan-Irokinda fold zone (Western Transbaikalia)
Morphology and composition changes in fluid inclusions from quartz under progressive deformation; case study of a vein system in the western Kelyan-Irokinda fold zone (Western Transbaikalia)
Russian Geology and Geophysics (June 2023) 64 (7): 810-823
- Asia
- Buryat Russian Federation
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- crystal dislocations
- crystal form
- crystal structure
- deformation
- dislocation creep
- electron diffraction data
- faults
- fluid inclusions
- foot wall
- framework silicates
- grain boundaries
- hanging wall
- inclusions
- mass transfer
- microstructure
- petrography
- plastic deformation
- point defects
- quartz
- quartz veins
- recrystallization
- reverse faults
- Russian Federation
- silica minerals
- silicates
- stereographic projection
- strain
- temperature
- textures
- thrust faults
- veins
- Western Transbaikalia
- EBSD data
- Kelyan-Irokinda fold zone
- Otvesny Creek
-The behavior of fluids during plastic deformation is studied from the morphology and distribution of fluid inclusions in quartz grains of different microstructure types from a vein system controlled by thrusting and strike-slip faulting in the eastern Sayan-Baikal fold area. The analytical work includes electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) for quartz microstructure and crystallography, as well as Linkam heating-and-freezing analysis and Raman spectroscopy for the composition of fluid inclusions. The studied fluid inclusions are of seven types that differ in morphology and position in the deformed quartz structure. A model is suggested to describe successive structural changes of quartz aggregates during dislocation sliding and subsequent creep-related recrystallization associated with redistribution of fluid. Fluid inclusions undergo qualitative and quantitative changes due to water leakage at all stages of plastic deformation. The changes occur by two main mechanisms: (i) mass transfer during dislocation sliding at medium temperatures and strain rates and (ii) diffusion creep at low strain rates and high temperatures. The contribution of creep increases gradually with temperature, which maintains the interaction of inclusions with migrating grain boundaries.