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Rivers, streams and wetlands; the Chalk and its water dependant ecosystems

A. Wetherell
Rivers, streams and wetlands; the Chalk and its water dependant ecosystems (in The chalk aquifers of northern Europe, R. P. Farrell (editor), N. Massei (editor), A. E. Foley (editor), P. R. Howlett (editor) and L. J. West (editor))
Special Publication - Geological Society of London (January 2023) 517: 275-289


The UK, and England in particular, is the stronghold for chalk rivers, streams and wetlands in Europe. A number of sites are recognized as being important for nature conservation and have been designated as such under UK and European legislation. However, as the chalk is also an important aquifer for southern and eastern England, there have been significant impacts on these groundwater-dependent ecosystems from abstraction. Chalk rivers and streams have been used for centuries for mills and water meadows, so impacts have not just occurred in recent times. Intensification of agriculture in the twentieth century has added to the pressure by increasing levels of pollution, especially nitrates, with significant levels now being recorded. However, moves have been made to resolve some of these issues, with investigations into the effects of abstraction and options for reducing these impacts, research into the nature of the chalk aquifer so that it can be modelled more accurately, and assessment made of pollution pathways and their timescales. Associated projects have characterized the ecosystems associated with the chalk in more detail, enabling the mechanism for impacts to be better understood. While the extent of impacts is increasingly understood, action is also being taken to reduce their effects and restore chalk ecosystems.

ISSN: 0305-8719
EISSN: 2041-4927
Serial Title: Special Publication - Geological Society of London
Serial Volume: 517
Title: Rivers, streams and wetlands; the Chalk and its water dependant ecosystems
Title: The chalk aquifers of northern Europe
Author(s): Wetherell, A.
Author(s): Farrell, R. P.editor
Author(s): Massei, N.editor
Author(s): Foley, A. E.editor
Author(s): Howlett, P. R.editor
Author(s): West, L. J.editor
Affiliation: Sedbergh, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Affiliation: Environment Agency, United Kingdom
Pages: 275-289
Published: 20230127
Text Language: English
Publisher: Geological Society of London, London, United Kingdom
References: 28
Accession Number: 2023-042003
Categories: HydrogeologyEnvironmental geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps
N52°30'00" - N52°30'00", E01°15'00" - E01°15'00"
Country of Publication: United Kingdom
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2024, American Geosciences Institute.
Update Code: 202327
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