Afterslip on conjugate faults of the 2020 M (sub w) 6.3 Nima earthquake in the central Tibetan Plateau; evidence from InSAR measurements
Afterslip on conjugate faults of the 2020 M (sub w) 6.3 Nima earthquake in the central Tibetan Plateau; evidence from InSAR measurements
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (May 2023) 113 (5): 2026-2040
- Asia
- basins
- China
- coseismic processes
- deformation
- displacements
- earthquakes
- Far East
- faults
- Gansu China
- ground motion
- kinematics
- postseismic processes
- pull-apart basins
- Qiangtang Basin
- radar methods
- remote sensing
- rupture
- satellite methods
- seismic moment
- surficial geology
- Tibetan Plateau
- Xizang China
- Nima China
- Sentinel-1
- Nima earthquake 2020
Afterslip could help to reveal seismogenic fault structure. The 2020 M (sub w) 6.3 Nima earthquake happened in a pull-apart basin within the Qiangtang block, central Tibetan plateau. Previous studies have explained the coseismic and early (<6 mo) postseismic deformation by rupture and afterslip on a normal fault bounding the western side of the basin. Here, we resolved the 19-month Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar-measured sequences of postseismic displacements that revealed a second postseismic displacement center approximately 12 km to the east of the main fault. Fitting the postseismic displacement requires afterslip on both the main fault and an antithetic fault that probably forms a y-shaped pair of conjugate faults in a negative flower structure. Stress-driven afterslip models suggest that the required afterslip on the antithetic fault could be triggered by coseismic rupture of the main fault or by a simultaneous rupture on the antithetic fault. The afterslip on both faults occurred mainly up-dip to the coseismic slip and has released moment approximately 15-19% of that by the coseismic rupture. These results provide insights into active extension in the central Tibetan plateau and highlight the complex nature of fault rupture and afterslip.