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Geomorphologic observations and physical hypothesis on Martian gullies
Adriano Nardi and Antonio Piersanti
Geomorphologic observations and physical hypothesis on Martian gullies
Italian Journal of Geosciences (June 2022) 141 (2): 245-258
Geomorphologic observations and physical hypothesis on Martian gullies
Italian Journal of Geosciences (June 2022) 141 (2): 245-258
Index Terms/Descriptors
- chaotic terrains
- diurnal variations
- erosion features
- geomorphology
- gullies
- imagery
- landform evolution
- liquefaction
- Mars
- Mars Global Surveyor Program
- Mars Orbiter Camera
- Mars Pathfinder Program
- morphostructures
- phase equilibria
- planets
- remote sensing
- space weathering
- terrestrial planets
- water
- weathering
- Nirgal Vallis
- Newton Crater
- Elysium Crater
- Polar Pit Crater
- Viking Mission
- Gorgonum
We propose a hypothesis to explain the erosive phenomenon of Martian gullies under current climatic conditions. This model is consistent with the morphology and finds support in the characteristic geographic diffusion of the gullies, which seem to avoid exposure to the sun and the hottest latitudes. We hypothesize a transient flow of spring water fed by melting permafrost which can occur only in certain latitudes and altitudes, with seasonal variability and for a very short time. Furthermore, this phenomenon can only occur in certain ranges of temperature and pressure, therefore when particular and sporadic weather conditions allow it. For this reason, we propose to call it weather-springing water (WSW).
ISSN: 2038-1719
EISSN: 2038-1727
Serial Title: Italian Journal of Geosciences
Serial Volume: 141
Serial Issue: 2
Title: Geomorphologic observations and physical hypothesis on Martian gullies
Affiliation: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia,
Pages: 245-258
Published: 202206
Text Language: English
Publisher: Societa Geologica Italiana,
References: 64
Accession Number: 2022-048189
Categories: Extraterrestrial geology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 2 tables, sect.
Country of Publication: Italy
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2023, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, Societa Geologica Italiana. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 202236