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A local magnitude scale from borehole recordings with site correction of the surface to downhole

Tz-Shin Lai, Wei-An Chao and Yih-Min Wu
A local magnitude scale from borehole recordings with site correction of the surface to downhole
Seismological Research Letters (March 2022) 93 (3): 1524-1531


The Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan deployed 62 borehole seismic stations equipped with accelerometers and broadband seismometers by the end of 2018. Currently, a large number of earthquake records has been accumulated because of the high seismicity rate of Taiwan. These records can be used to detect microseismicity because the background seismic noise level is lower at downhole stations than surface stations. However, the magnitudes of the waveforms recorded by the downhole stations are lower than those of surface stations because of near-surface site effects. In Taiwan, local magnitude (ML) determinations use an attenuation function derived from surface stations, and ML will be underestimated if this attenuation function is used for downhole stations. Records of 14,653 earthquakes were used to determine site amplifications corresponding to site corrections of the surface to downhole. For all available earthquake-station pairs, a total of 5470 amplification factors satisfied condition of the incident angle less than 35 degrees , which are used for further discussion in this work. The results reveal that amplification factors ranging from 1.11 to 6.07 can be used to describe site effects. These amplification factors are strongly correlated with VS30 (average shear-wave velocity for the top 30 m of strata). The amplification factor was used to revise station ML for downhole accelerometer (denoted MLB), and revised MLB (MLBNEW) was compared with ML from the surface accelerometer (denoted MLS). Results show that MLBNEW and MLS are similar. Using the derived site corrections of surface to downhole, the downhole seismograms can be used to directly determine ML, especially for the borehole broadband waveforms, enhancing detection capabilities for microearthquakes and improving the Taiwanese earthquake catalog.

ISSN: 0895-0695
EISSN: 1938-2057
Serial Title: Seismological Research Letters
Serial Volume: 93
Serial Issue: 3
Title: A local magnitude scale from borehole recordings with site correction of the surface to downhole
Affiliation: National Taiwan University, Department of Geosciences, Taipei, Taiwan
Pages: 1524-1531
Published: 20220302
Text Language: English
Publisher: Seismological Society of America, El Cerrito, CA, United States
References: 24
Accession Number: 2022-019515
Categories: Seismology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. geol. sketch map
N21°49'60" - N25°49'60", E120°00'00" - E122°00'00"
Secondary Affiliation: National Chiao Tung University, TWN, Taiwan
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2022, American Geosciences Institute. Abstract, Copyright, Seismological Society of America. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 202216
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