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Clastic metasediments of the Khamar-Daban Group (Central Asian orogenic belt); chemical composition and isotope systematics

S. I. Shkol'nik and V. A. Makrygina
Clastic metasediments of the Khamar-Daban Group (Central Asian orogenic belt); chemical composition and isotope systematics
Russian Geology and Geophysics (October 2017) 58 (10): 1188-1198


New data have been obtained on major- and trace-element compositions and Sm-Nd isotope systematics of clastic metasediments that belong to the Kornilova and Shubutui Formations in the Khamar-Daban terrane. The Kornilova Formation flysch derived from felsic mature crust, while the Shubutui Formation, with 4.5-7.5 wt.% MgO and higher Cr and Ni contents, had a mafic-ultramafic protolith of an island-arc setting. Isotope data indicate significant inputs of Precambrian crustal material (epsilon Nd(T) = -10 to -6.2) to the protolith of the Kornilova rocks and of high amounts of synsedimentary juvenile material to the protolith of the Shubutui Formation (epsilon Nd(T) = -2.9 to -1.5). Different model ages (1.7-2.0 and 1.3-1.4 Ga, respectively), compositions, and provenances of the Kornilova and Shubutui rocks, as well as a prolonged deposition gap (>100 Myr), evidence that the two formations were deposited in different basins and tectonic settings. The rock compositions and Nd isotope signatures suggest an island arc setting for the Shubutui deposition in the Dzhida terrane and a continental-margin setting for the deposition of the Kornilova Formation, which is the uppermost stratum of the Khamar-Daban terrane.

ISSN: 1068-7971
Serial Title: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Serial Volume: 58
Serial Issue: 10
Title: Clastic metasediments of the Khamar-Daban Group (Central Asian orogenic belt); chemical composition and isotope systematics
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of the Earth's Crust, Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Pages: 1188-1198
Published: 201710
Text Language: English
Publisher: Allerton Press, New York, NY, United States
References: 31
Accession Number: 2021-075228
Categories: Igneous and metamorphic petrologyGeochronology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 3 tables, sketch maps
N50°49'60" - N51°19'60", E103°40'00" - E105°19'60"
Secondary Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences, Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, RUS, Russian Federation
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2021, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 202152
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