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Block displacement fields in the Altai-Sayan region and effective rheologic parameters of the Earth's crust

V. Yu. Timofeev, D. G. Ardyukov, A. V. Timofeev, E. V. Boiko and B. V. Lunev
Block displacement fields in the Altai-Sayan region and effective rheologic parameters of the Earth's crust
Russian Geology and Geophysics (March 2014) 55 (3): 376-389


The paper is focused on recent displacement rates in the Altai-Sayan region, obtained by hydroleveling, leveling, and satellite geodesy. Effective elastic moduli and viscosity parameters of the crust are used in the modeling of coseismic and tectonic processes. The elastic moduli are determined from measurements of periodic vertical displacements during seasonal loadings of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydropower plant. We present the results of the modeling of coseismic displacements during the earthquakes of 10 February 2011 (M=6.1) and 27 December 2011 (M=6.7) in Tuva and West Sayan. The results of GPS determinations for postseismic displacements in the Chuya earthquake zone (Gorny Altai, 27 September 2003, M=7.5) are analyzed; models for the geologic medium are selected; and its effective viscosity is estimated. The tectonic component of the recent crustal displacements in the Altai-Sayan region is defined.

ISSN: 1068-7971
Serial Title: Russian Geology and Geophysics
Serial Volume: 55
Serial Issue: 3
Title: Block displacement fields in the Altai-Sayan region and effective rheologic parameters of the Earth's crust
Affiliation: Russian Academy of Sciences, A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Pages: 376-389
Published: 201403
Text Language: English
Publisher: Allerton Press, New York, NY, United States
References: 47
Accession Number: 2021-057029
Categories: Structural geologySeismology
Document Type: Serial
Bibliographic Level: Analytic
Illustration Description: illus. incl. 4 tables, sketch maps
N49°00'00" - N54°00'00", E82°00'00" - E94°00'00"
Country of Publication: United States
Secondary Affiliation: GeoRef, Copyright 2021, American Geosciences Institute. Reference includes data from GeoScienceWorld, Alexandria, VA, United States
Update Code: 2021
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